Chapter 24: Tennessee

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"You - I - wh..?" I tried to speak with an absolutely empty brain.

"I want to apologize for leaving you hanging after that kiss and also for sort of kind of stalking you," Jai continued.

"I, um, okay. Thanks for the apologies. I don't really know what to say right now. I also can't decide if I want to smack you or kiss you," I voiced the truth.

A little smile tugged at the corner of Jai's lips, "I'll accept either."


"Why don't you sit? I payed for the rest of the night so you can just rest your ankle and relax."

"Oh, um, thanks. Yeah, I'll sit for a bit," I said as I made my way to the one piece of furniture in the room.

"So, this place is.....classy," Jai attempted to start a conversation.

"Quit while your ahead, big hoss."

"Big hoss, huh? God, you're ridiculous," Jai said as he looked away.

I didn't miss the big smile on his face before he turned.

"Kitty? Marks here," the owner yelled through the hanging curtain that separated the private room from the rest of the bar.

"Be right out," I hollered back.

"Woah, wait. Why do you have to go?" Jai questioned.

"Marks my big spender. I can't miss out on his tips," I explained.

Suddenly the curtain moved and Mark stepped in.

"Hey buddy, I know you booked her for the night but I was hoping I could steal just one song from you," he said to Jai with an easy smile.

"Hey, handsome. He won't mind one bit. I've missed you," I answered for Jai.

"I've missed you, too, pretty Kitty," Mark said as he walked over to loop an arm around my waist and kiss my forehead.

Mark is one of my lessons on why strippers shouldn't date. My favorite of the lessons. Where other guys used it as an excuse to emotionally and sexually abuse me, Mark was just too into it. He's got a weird stripper kink thing. When we first started going out I thought it was sweet that he came to watch me dance as often as possible.

Things between us ended pretty quick when it was clear he liked Kitty more than he liked me. Kitty was my stage name while I worked this club. Anytime we hung out he would be disappointed that I wore real people clothes and had real people interests. He was never malicious or unkind so after I dumped him we stayed as sort of kind of friends and he still visited me at work all the time.

"You're supposed to look, not touch," Jai said with his arms folded across his chest and a mean expression.

"Oh, it's okay. Kitty and I know each other well," Mark threw his arm over my shoulder and tugged me into his side.

Jai's eyes traveled to mine so I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll be back in one song."

Before Jai had time to protest I led Mark to a different room to perform a dance. He hit on me the whole time like usual and I just giggled and played along. Once the song was over I opened up the curtain to find a surly looking Jai standing right outside.

"Thanks, man. Make sure you treat my little Kitty cat well the rest of the night," Mark said to Jai as he walked by.

That caused Jai to announce, "I'm going to throat punch him."

"What? No, you will not. Come on, let's go back to our room."

Once I was situated back into the chair I asked Jai, "Why do you want to throat punch him?"

"The slimy little fucker thinks he's got some connection with you. It's dangerous."

"Yeah, he might just stalk me," I said pointedly.

"Haha, very funny. I'm serious Eve- Kitty."

"It's fine, he's known where I lived for years and never done anything."

"He knows where you live?!" Jai looked panicked.

"It's not that big a deal. We broke up because he's a little weird but he's always been good about boundaries," I tried to explain.

"I'm sorry, did you just say broke up? You dated that sleaze ball?"

"What, like you never dated the wrong person?" I defended.

"God, you shouldn't have told me that. Now I want to punch him in the cock, too."

I couldn't help but throw my head back in a laugh.

"Cool the jets, Jai. Why are you getting your knickers in a knot anyway?"

"I'm not," he argued while crossing his arms and pouting.

"Mmmhhhmm, alright then."

"Fine, I might be a little....jealous," He started. "Not of him! I mean, I know I'm better than him. I laughed a lot at his corny pickup attempts."

I let out an exaggerated gasp. "Oh my, the big bad gangsters jealous. It's okay. Tell me, Jai, are your legs tired?"

"Are my legs -? No," Jai looked very confused.

"Wow, you've got great stamina since you've been running through my mind all day," I said while trying very hard not to laugh.

Jai stared at me with a straight face. "You did not just say that."

"Why? What's wrong with it? Did you know you're a solid 9/10 and I'm the one you need."

"God, that's horrible. Stop it right now," Jai demanded.

His lips were starting to tug up at the corner.

"Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see, Jai."

I finally cracked him. A little chuckle escaped his mouth.

"That is how you do a corny pickup. What I was doing with Mark was meaningless flirting." I explained.

Jai's face suddenly turned more serious. "Is our flirting meaningless?"

"Do you really want to have this conversation in a beer stained strip club while I'm half naked?"

"Maybe not in the strip club, but I wouldn't mind the half naked part."

"Eeeew, don't be that guy."

"Sorry, sorry. It came out before I could stop it," Jai said looking more happy than sorry.

"You say I'm the ridiculous one," I added with an eye roll.

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