Chapter 11: Support

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Jai had gone quiet after I mentioned why nothing would come of going to the police. It was different than the quiet in the car on the way to the club. It was also different to his pissy attitude over me living on the fourth floor with no elevator. I'm not even sure it was anger that he was feeling. I just knew it was something not good. He had made sure I had the TV remote, snacks, and a blanket, then he'd given a quick and quiet goodbye before he left.

Once he was gone I charged my phone up and gave Dave a call. Dave ended up apologizing to me and saying if it had been any other customer he one hundred percent would have taken my side. He also offered to pay any medical expenses. All in all he was still an asswipe, but he seemed like a sincere asswipe. I decided to forgive him this once.

I told him I was assigned a week of rest and would be back the following Tuesday. Yes, yes, I know the Doc said four to six weeks but that just wasn't going to work for me. Plus, Dave didn't have to know that. He didn't even ask about a doctors note or anything. He just said of course, take as much time as you need, call me if you need anything.

So now I have a week long vacation. I don't remember the last time that's happened. Although, since I couldn't move around easily it was more of a staycation than a vacation. Still, a week of binge watching shows and reading Wattpad smut.....yes, please.

* * * * *

It was the next day, Thursday, that an unknown number sent me a text.

*We got your number and address from Dave, we'll be there in twenty*

I stared at the screen confused until another text appeared.

*BTW, it's Elle*

Sure enough, twenty minutes later a knock sounded on my door. I opened it to see Elle and Kairi with arms full of groceries. It was hard not to cry at the site. I don't remember the last time anyone did something so thoughtful for me.

I ushered them inside and they instantly headed to my kitchen corner and began to put away groceries while chattering about an annoying guy at the club the night before.

"What, why?" Kairi asked after turning around to look at me.

Before I could explain why tears were streaming down my face Elle tackled me with a hug. Kairi walked over and joined, too. Before I could stop it I was full on sobbing.

"Oh god, what did he do? We never should have let him leave with you," Kairi said into my hair.

"'s....not...that. This is.....just..... so....thoughtful," I managed to get out between sobs.

"Oh baby, it's okay. It's the least we can do as friends," Elle spoke up.

That only made me cry harder. It took six minutes for me to stop crying so hard I was hyperventilating. My whole body felt exhausted and I now had the hiccups. They finished putting my groceries away before we all moved to sit on the couch. I couldn't help but notice how neither of them had an ounce of judgement on their face for me or my apartment. That meant more than I thought it would. It also meant I kept sniffling.

"So, how was the coffee date?" I asked Elle while breaking the silence that had settled over us.

"It went really well. He was the perfect gentleman the whole time and he does have a sister. She just happens to be fifteen so Kairi is shit out of luck."

I let out a raspy chuckle at that.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kairi offered with a kind smile.

"I think, that might be nice."

So for the first time in what felt like forever, I opened up. I told them about what Jason said and did, I told them about everything Jai did for me. I told them how kind Jax and Jai were. I told them where I had slept and with whom. I even told them about Jai's superb cooking skills. By the end of my talking I felt....better. Exhausted, but better.

Kairi was the first to speak once I finished, "Shit, Star, that's a lot to process in twenty four hours"

"Yeah, no kidding. Thank you guys. Really, I mean it. For coming, for thinking of me, for bringing groceries, for listening, and most importantly for standing in front of one the most powerful gang member for me. Which, was a very stupid move by the way. Please, never ever do that again." I started to choke up while I spoke.

"Enough crying," Elle declared while chucking a pillow at my face.

An oof escaped me as it met its mark. All three of us burst into laughter and it was so, so nice. The last time I had a real, genuine friend was middle school. To suddenly have two was so crazy and amazing. My chest felt like it was going to explode with emotion. I wish there was something more than thank you to say.

"Wait, you're not still wearing his sweatshirt are you?" Kairi suddenly asked.

I looked down and blushed, "It's comfy and it smells nice, sue me."

Elle screeched before launching herself at me. She grabbed a fistful of the sweatshirt and sniffed. I laughed at how ridiculous she looked, but she did agree it smelled amazing.

"Just, be careful please. I don't know how much you know about the Gladiolus, but they're not the kind of people you want to get involved with," Kairi said.

The atmosphere in the room dropped slightly as unwanted memories filtered through my mind. Memories that I wish I could erase.

"Trust me, I know," I finally said.

Kairi reached out with a sympathetic smile and gave my hand a gentle squeeze. Based off her expression, I had a feeling she knew, too.

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