Chapter 3: The J Brothers

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"What do you mean I'm going in room one," I questioned Dave.

He'd pulled me into his office after my second dance up on stage to tell me I would be in V.I.P room one for the night.

"I mean, you're going to go in the room and dance your little heart out." He sounded exasperated.

"But, you said I needed special training! I haven't even started doing lap dances and crowd mingling yet."

"Listen, starlight, the special training is to keep your mouth shut. You're going to sign an NDA before you go in and whatever you see and hear never, ever, leaves that room. Do you understand me?" Dave looked slightly terrifying.

"Geez, Dave, you make it sound like I'm about to watch illegal shit go down." I tried to lighten the mood.

"You probably are. You're about to dance for the J brothers."

"The J - is that supposed to mean something to me?"

"Jesus, Starlight, have you heard of the Gladiolus Gang?" Dave was losing his patience.

My whole body stiffened as I nodded. Yes, I knew it. I fucking knew it intimately unfortunately.

"Great, you're about to dance for the three brother who are in charge of it."

"I'm what?!? Dave, why the hell would you tell me that?! You can't expect me to go in there now!"

"Hush! It's exactly what I expect you to do. Now, you're going to sign this form, you're gonna pull up your big girl panties, and then you're going to get your ass in there. If you want to quit tomorrow so be it. Tonight, they requested Starlight, so they're getting Starlight."

I stared open mouthed at Dave. Why the hell did I let myself get hopeful? Why the hell did I think this job shat rainbows. Of fucking course it had a down side. I've dealt with the Gladiolus enough to know you don't piss them off so I wrenched the form from Dave's hand and began to read.

"What are you a fucking lawyer now? Should I go get Elle to read it over for you?" Dave snapped with impatience.

"I'm not signing this shit until I make sure there's not a clause about consenting to my body being dumbed in the fucking Bronx river, Dave." My tone was lethal enough to get him to keep his mouth shut.

Thankfully the document was only two pages so I was able to read through it in a matter of minutes. There was a clause that had me breathing a sigh of relief. It promised that so long as I kept my mouth shut no harm would come to me. While I was on the job I was under the protection of the Gladiolus.

I could do this, after all it wasn't me going in that room. Starlight was about to walk in with her confidence and otherworldly shimmer. I grabbed a pen and signed the paper. Before I could overthink it I pulled up my big girl panties like the ass wipe had recommended, and I made my way towards the V.I.P room.

When I walked in I was blown away. This room was as big as my entire studio apartment. Right in the middle was my pole and on the far end were three couches shaped in a horseshoe around a large coffee table. The room had its very own bar off the left side and to the right was a window looking down onto the stage. They must be one way windows because it just looks like a black glass wall from outside. There was also a high top table in each corner of the room.

Sitting on the three couches were three men. They all wore button down shirts with slacks and had tattoos peaking out here and there. On the middle couch sat a man with short brown hair and hazel eyes who I would describe as lean. He wasn't skinny, but he wasn't muscular either. On the right couch sat a man, or more like a kid, with how lanky he looked. He had shaggy dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. On the left couch was one of the most attractive men I had ever seen. His muscular form could be seen through the shirt and he had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Hot damn. He had black hair cut short and the most vivid green eyes I'd ever seen.

I tried to ignore the room and the men as I headed straight to the pole. The first song of the night I just danced, the second song I removed the pretty shimmery dress, so now I was just in the fancy lingerie. I shut off my mind and began to spin.

My movements were graceful and flowing. Some of the girls went for hard and dirty but I took my ballet background and put it to work. I was almost thankful the three brothers were so far away so that even with them talking I couldn't hear what they said. The music was quieter in this room than on the dance floor, but with our distance they'd have to yell for me to hear them. I couldn't be killed for spilling secrets I didn't overhear in the first place.

"Whore," one of the men suddenly shouted out.

He must be insulting his brothers or something. He wouldn't be calling to me would he?

"Oi, whore, get over here," he yelled again.

I righted myself from my upside down position and made eye contact. Yup, he was staring directly at me. Guess my new name was whore now. I swallowed my pride and walked over to stand in front of the coffee table.

"So, you're new," the man in the middle couch said with a smile that sent unpleasant shivers running down my spine.

"Yes, sir. The names Starlight, not whore. For next time." I let a taunting smile pull at my lips.

Oh god, I'm a dumb ass. I'm a dead, dumb ass.
Suddenly the attractive brother to the left let out a little chuckle. It was deep and rich and made the unpleasant shivers disappear.

"I was calling you by your job title, not your name," the middle brother sneered.

"That would be exotic dancer than, sir. Or stripper, whatever you prefer." I gave a sassy shrug.

Shut your mouth, shut your mouth. God damn it Starlight

"Right, sure. So you've never had sex for money?" The middle brother scoffed.

"Haven't found anyone who could afford me," I switched to a sultry tone to try to get out of this interaction.

From the corner of my right eye I saw a smile on the young ones face. I sent him a wink that instantly had him blushing red. What a little cutie. Why was he in a place like this? No way he was old enough to drink.

"Come over here," the brother in the middle ommanded in a dark tone.


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