Chapter 43: Crying

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The Nurse came to check on Jason every hour. After her first visit Jai pulled me back into his lap. After her second visit some men showed up with sword tattoos on their necks to bring food and a change of clothes. After her third visit Jason was carted off for blood work but back back in no time. A different nurse came for the fourth visit since they switched shifts. It was right after the fifth visit that a man in scrubs walked over to our dreary band of three.

The doctor informed us that Jax just got out of surgery and they're bringing him into a recovery room now. The surgery seemed to have been a success but they won't know until he wakes up. They're going to keep him asleep on purpose for at least a day so his brain can rest. I thanked the doctor before he walked away.

The second the door closed behind the doctor hiccups sounded from Jason as he began to cry. Jai's whole body slumped forward like he lost control of his muscles. I let them feel their relief for a few minutes before I pulled Jai to his feet and got behind Jason's chair. Jason was so lost in his emotion he didn't even protest as I pushed him to Jax's room. Jai trailed behind us looking like he hadn't slept in days.

Once we entered the room my heart broke a little in my chest. Jax was hooked up to every machine imaginable. He even had an intubation tube down his throat breathing for him. There was no part of his body that didn't look bruised or broken. If I hadn't double checked the number on the door before entering I would've thought we were in the wrong room. Jax was unrecognizable.

Jason cried harder as I parked him beside the bed. Jai's tears started silently falling once again as he sunk into a cushioned chair. I moved to stand behind him and rest a hand on his shoulder. He instantly grabbed a hold of it and squeezed tight.

I know this isn't my fault. Logically I knew that, but staring at Jax's broken body knowing there's a possibility he might never open his eyes again, my emotions didn't agree. If I had stayed away this wouldn't have happened. Jax has a life ahead of him. He's so young. He's supposed to go to class tomorrow, he's supposed to goof off with his friends, he's supposed fall in love and - Cameron.

There was a bag of his stuff set on a little couch in the room. I moved to it to see if it had his phone. It did, but it was smashed to pieces.

"What are you doing? Digging for money at a time like this," Jason snapped at me.

"I was going to try to call Cameron," I admitted.

"Shit," Jai muttered.

"Cameron? Who's Cameron?" Jason asked.

"Jax's new partner," Jai explained.

Jason's eyebrows furrowed, "Jax didn't say anything to me."

"Big surprise," Jai muttered.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Jason said defensively.

"It means you've been so far up your own ass lately," Jai ground out.

"Hey, why don't we calm down," I intervened before Jason could start yelling. "It's late and we're all a little tired and stressed."

"Why the fuck are you even still here," Jason grumbled.

"Say one more shitty thing to her and I'll turn those fucking fractures into breaks," Jai threatened.

"We won't be doing that," I cut in quickly.

Jai started taking a few deep breaths to calm down while Jason pouted and looked away. Once Jai finished breathing he held a hand out to me. I placed mine in his and he used it to tug me onto his lap.

"Haven't I crushed your legs yet?" I asked.

"You're not heavy enough for that. You're more like a weighted blanket that keeps me calm."

I cracked a small smile at that. I looked up into Jai's eyes as he gently tucked some strands of hair behind my ear that had escaped from my messy bun.

"Thank you," He said tenderly. "I don't know how I would've got here or made it through the last hours without you."

"No sweat big guy," I whispered back.

Thankfully, it worked. A small smile tugged at his lips as he continued to gaze into my eyes. My heart fluttered in my chest. My eyes only snapped away when a nurse came into the room. They moved around checking over Jax and Jason. They tried to convince Jason to go back to his own room but he adamantly refused.

It had to have been close to five in the morning when Jai finally fell asleep. He was leaning his head on my shoulder and letting out gentle snores. I continued to play with his hair and try not to fall asleep myself.

"Why?" Jason quietly whispered to me.

"Why what?" I whispered back.

"Why are you still here?"

I let out a sigh, "Whether you believe it or not, I do care about him. I care about him a lot. I couldn't let him go through this alone."

"He wouldn't have been alone. He would've been with his family," Jason's whisper turned scratchy with the effort he was using not to raise his voice.

"His whole family is hurt, Jason."

I guess he didn't have a come back for that because he looked away and pretended I wasn't in the room. It was at that moment that I came to a realization. Every time I saw Jason he was drunk. He was an absolute dick of a human being. When he fucked up and hurt his brother the first thing he did was point a finger elsewhere.

I studied Jason. How many hours has he been without alcohol? His hands were shaking but it could be due to his injuries instead of withdrawal. He seemed agitated, but he always does. I could be looking too far into it. Trying to find an excuse that makes him a better person. 

My gut was telling me I was on to something.

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