Chapter 6: Grandma Driving

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This car drove smooth as fucking butter. I've never been inside something this nice in my entire fucking life. Jai was giving me directions on where to go while I drove.

"Do you realize you drive like a grandma?" His voice suddenly cut into my tense silence.

"Do you realize I don't have my license on me and this car costs more than I make in a year," I snapped at him.

"Easy, tiger. I'm only teasing. What if I promise you don't have to pay for any potential damages or fines?"

"Really?" I hesitated.

"Yes, if you stop sitting and driving like a grandma, I promise I won't make you pay if we crash." I could hear the humor in his voice.

I took my right hand off the steering wheel. I had to flex it because it was sore from how tightly I was gripping that ten and two. I kept my eyes forward while I extended my right hand out with my pinky up.

"You pinky promise," I questioned him.

"I pinky promise," Jai said with a chuckle.

He connected our pinkies and then I tugged his hand over so I could press a kiss to my thumb. Then, I extended our hands so he could do the same with his.

"Why did you kiss it?" He questioned me.

"To seal it of course. Don't you know how to properly pinky swear?" I couldn't stop my smile as he pressed his thumb to his own lips.

I leaned back into the seat and blew out a breath. Then I looked at the knob that sat on the center console. I twisted it into sports mode before revving the engine with a huge smile.

I didn't drive more than ten over the speed limit for the rest of the ride. That didn't stop me from giggling when I took turns a little too sharply or gunned it from stop signs and red lights. At one point Jai even laughed out loud when I unintentionally made a vroom vroom noise.

Before I realized it we were turning down an unlit back road just outside of the city.

"Umm, if we're taking me to be murdered can I have one more go in the car where I actually speed?" I requested, feeling fairly terrified.

"I'm not taking you to be murdered. With how your dressed I figured it would be better to take you to my doctor friend than a hospital," Jai explained.

I glanced down to realize I was naked from the waist up. Even though I'd pulled the sleeves of the jacket over my lap I wasn't hiding much.

"Right, okay."

"We're here," he said as we pulled up to a mansion.

There were men in dark clothes with bulletproof vests and guns standing by the entrance. I noticed more walking around the mansion. R.I.P to me I guess. I turned off the engine and opened the doors. I used the side of the car to pull myself up on my right foot.

By the time I was standing Jai was in front of me. He reached around me to grab the suit jacket. After draping it over me for the third time tonight he casually swept me off my feet and hoisted me back up into his arms.

One of the armed men held the door open for us and a woman was waiting inside. She was beautiful with caramel skin and black hair. She had beautiful honey colored eyes that traced over my body in assessment. I could tell she had been asleep because she currently had on a set of plaid pajamas.

"Alright, you said it was her ankle so we should take her to get X-rayed first," she said calmly.

She began to walk away and Jai followed with me still in his arms. It's not that I'm super heavy, but at 140 I wasn't exactly light either. Yet, he didn't even look like he was straining.

We walked through gorgeous Victorian styled halls until we came to a section of the mansion that was painted like, and had the feeling of, a hospital. We walked past a room that had a whole ass MRI machine in it. Eventually we came to one that had a little X-ray machine.

Jai set me down on one of the fancy hospital cots while the woman got to work moving around the machinery.

"Starlight, right? I'm Doctor Anne O'Connell," she said to me sweetly.

"It's nice to meet you Doctor O'Connell," I managed to say.

I'm fucking awe struck. I'm inside a huge ass mansion that has its own god damn hospital wing and I am currently not being murdered. I don't even know what emotion I'm feeling or supposed to be feeling right now.

"Call me Anne. Now, sit as still as possible for me please."

I realized she had taken off my left heel and had the machine positioned over my foot. I held as still as possible and watched as she printed papers out before tacking them up on a lit wall.

"Well, the good news is that nothing is broken. The bad news is that it's a nasty sprain. Your ankle is already swollen twice the size of the other," she explained.

"So I just have to ice it and call it a day, right?"

"Essentially. I'll give you a little brace to wear that will keep it from jostling. We'll also send you home with a pair of crutches that I recommend you use for the next four to six weeks."

"Crutches? I can't dance with crutches," I said stupidly.

"Of course not, you won't be dancing for at least six weeks." Anne said like it was simple.

"Haha, no. That's not going to work for me,"

"It will have to. You could seriously injure yourself if you go back to work before then," she told me.

No, no, no. Nope. I owed a payment in a week and another in five weeks. I already had enough for this months payment, but I definitely couldn't swing next months. If I had been working this job for a couple months I would have enough saved for a cushion but I've been living paycheck to paycheck since my last job and don't have anything set aside.

"It's too late to go back home tonight, you'll stay here," Jai informed me.

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