Chapter 12: Good Friends

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A week has passed and tonight I go back to work. I don't know if I'm nervous or excited. I liked my staycation the first few days but I got very bored very quick. Thankfully Kairi and Elle had come over again on Sunday to see me. I kicked both their asses in cribbage. Of course, it was their first time ever playing so it was to be expected.

We had a lot of fun and we talked about everything and nothing. Kairi told us how she's taking ASL lessons because she wants to be an interpreter for kids in school. She told us how she was going to have super children because they'd be trilingual; English, ASL, and Japanese. She told us how she'd always dreamed of falling in love and working with her wife. She told us how that very dream is why her parents kicked her out of her house at fourteen years old. She didn't fill in the gaps from then until now, nor did we ask her to.

Elle told us about her overbearing mother who pushed body issues on her and forced her into pageants by the time she could walk. She told us about her father who died in the line of duty when she was nine. She told us about how she started stripping to spite her mother and then fell in love with it. She told us how she dreams of being a voice actress.

I told them how my mom used to try to make smiley faces with the blueberries in her pancakes but they always looked like horror clowns. I told them how my dad used to kiss my mom at least three times every morning before he left the house for work. I told them how I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up.

I had never felt so light or laughed so hard. It was my new favorite memory. We exchanged dad jokes and I felt like me. It was amazing. I had forgotten how fun having friends was. It was also interesting to see their real faces and personalities outside of our strip club personas. We still hadn't exchanged real names. I'm not sure why that is. I usually forget Elle and Kairi are stage names. Hearing them call me Star sounds natural as well.

Either way, I was excited to see them tonight. My ankle hurt to walk on but it no longer throbbed in pain when I was just sitting. I'm sure the heels would make me want to throw myself off the stage, but I had a plan. I spent a lot of time thinking of how I can move and dance while using my left leg the least amount. I'll make sure I do extra floor work and use a lot of arm strength. Whenever I hook one leg on the pole it's typically my right leg anyway so I won't have to change that. I even brought some black platform stilettos with me tonight that laced up to mid calf. With them on I'll still be able to wear the brace for extra support.

Before I knew it I was throwing on sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt before heading out. The usual walk and subway ride went easy enough. I allowed myself to limp to keep as much weight off my ankle for as long as I could. I made it to the club no problem and was halfway done getting ready when Kairi came rushing in wide eyed.

"I think we're about to be on damage patrol," she told me.

"What do you mean dam-" I was interrupted by Elle walking through the doors.

She looked terrible. I don't say that in a mean or malicious way. I mean that she has bags under her puffy eyes. Her hair has a greasy sheen to it, and she's currently stuffing a king size package of Twix into her mouth.

"Shit," was all I said before she was next to us.

I didn't say anything. I simply stood up and pulled Elle into my arms. That might have been the wrong move seeing as how she burst into tears. I looked over her shoulder to give a panicked look at Kairi.

"He asked me out yesterday with a really pretty necklace and we went for a walk in the park and we went back to his apartment and we were just talking and I happened to mention how he should come check me out at work and then he asked me what I did for work and then I told him and then he. Dumped. Me. The same day he asked me out. Then he made me give the necklace back to him," The words spewed out of Elle one after another as she wailed.

"Oh Elle, I'm so sorry. What a dick, a dumb dick," I said in what I hope was a comforting tone.

I can't say I'm surprised. I don't know how she's been stripping for two years without running into this problem before. I knew that wasn't what she needed to hear right now so I just squeezed her tight and rubbed her back. I thought Kairi had ditched me until she came back with a water bottle and tissues.

"Okay, Elle, I need an answer from you. Are you working tonight or do you need a night to rest?" Kairi asked.

"I'm working," Elle said like a stubborn child who's been told they're not allowed to do something.

"Then let's get to work," Kairi said as she peeled Elle off of me.

I watched in awe as Elle pulled herself together and Kairi worked on her makeup. Before Dave could even give us the twenty minute warning Elle looked stunning, confident ......and like Elle; the lawyer not the stripper.

"Want to know something funny?" I asked my two friends as I pinned my wig into place.

They both nodded at me.

"I bet that little shit stain couldn't even get into this club."

Kairi gave me a nod of approval and Elle gave me her first smile of the night.

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