Chapter 23: Paying Bills

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"Did you do it?" I snapped into my phone the second Jai picked up on the other end.

"Um, Evelyn?"

"Yes, it's Evelyn. Did you pay my fucking bills?"

"I - well, yes. I meant to mention it earlier today but I got distracted. I talked to Sam over the weekend and I found out he's been bleeding you dry. We don't do interest so I was just getting your money back to you." He tried to explain.

"Right, so instead of actually giving me my money back you went behind my back and paid my bills. That's not weird at all, Jai"

"Right, yeah. I figured it wouldn't seem as weird when I told you. Then you started talking about not wanting anything to do with me and I got distracted and - what the hell is that noise?"

"I'm on the subway. How do you know Sam's my collector?" I questioned.

"The subway? Where are you going this late at night." Jai conveniently left my question unanswered.

"None of your business. How did you know Sam's been bleeding me dry?"

"You answer my question first." He replied stubbornly.

"What are we in grade school, Jai? I asked first!"

"Okay, fine. After I saw your throat I asked around. I had a little chat with Sam about how we do business. Now, where are you going?"

"I'm on my way to work. Go get your money back from my landlord. It's not a very clean slate if I owe you from the get go."

"You don't owe me anything, Evelyn. It's your money I got back." Jai's voice was starting to soften in that way that melted me until it suddenly changed as he said, "Wait, work? Dave said he wouldn't let you dance until you were healed."

"Just forget about it. Clean slate starting now. Thanks for getting my money back," I hung up the phone before I could hear his answer.

The little rat bastard. I'm pissed off because I can't decide if I'm upset with, or grateful to, him. It was a really sweet gesture to get my money back. However, the fact that he went searching for Sam and went to my landlord instead of me seems odd.

Whatever, it doesn't matter. We're starting with a clean slate. I'll just go dance my little heart out tonight. I may not have to worry about rent for the moment but Sam will still be coming by in two and a half weeks for his five thousand. Is it still five thousand? Jai said Sam had been bleeding me dry. I should make sure I have at least that much since I don't know what the actual payment will be now.

Before I knew it the subway pulled up to my station. I limped my way up the stairs and onto the streets. Thankfully the bar was only a block away from the station. Everything is fine. Everything is great. I've just got to get through a couple hours of dancing and I can crawl into bed and sleep this all off.

The night started out fine. My ankle burned but I had dancing without using my left leg down to a science at this point. The tips were good and we were oddly packed for a Wednesday night. I thought it was weird when the owner told me I'd been requested for a private room for the entirety of the night. I wasn't expecting to walk in and find Jai sitting on a rickety old chair.

I let out a frustrated groan. "Oh my christ, Jai. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing. You're not supposed to be dancing," he said as he folded his arms across his chest and leaned back into the chair.

"I don't see how that's any of your business. Wait a minute. Did you fucking stalk me to find out where I worked?"

Jai suddenly looked quite uncomfortable. "I wouldn't call it stalking. I just made a few calls."

"Right, and you don't think that's even a little bit creepy or weird?" I said in a scolding tone while placing my hands on my hips.

"I didn't mean t- I mean maybe a little bu- I panicked! You said you were working and all I could think of was you snapping your ankle. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and talk some sense into you." He tried to defend.

"Do you not understand what a clean slate means?"

"I don't want a clean slate!" That's the first time Jai's raised his voice towards me.

I didn't know what to say. I awkwardly stood there while Jai took deep breaths and ran a hand through his hair.

He abruptly stood and spoke as quietly as possible while still being heard over the music, "Look, I like you. When I'm around you I feel at ease for some weird reason. You make me laugh more than I've laughed in years. I think about you all the time. I worry about you all the time. I.....I don't want to make excuses but I'm going to. Growing up I learned that every interaction is a business interaction. I learned that affection is earned not freely given. I learned that if I want something I should take it. I've never had someone stuck in my head the way you're stuck in mine. I mean, our kiss was less than heated and barely there but I couldn't stop imagining it over, and over again. It was driving me insane so I figured it was just because I hadn't had you. I figured if we fucked I would be able to stop imagining what it would be like so obsessively. Since you owed my family money I assumed you were only entertaining me for moneys sake. I never meant to insinuate that you specifically were a whore. Half of my job is finding out peoples prices and exploiting it, but to treat you like you were part of my job.....It was insensitive and it was cruel. I'm sorry, Evelyn."

I stared open mouthed at the big, bad, dangerous gangster in front of me.

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