Chapter 38: Set Ups

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"Sooo, I can't help but notice you're here.....alone," I said to Kairi.

Since today was Sunday it was the start of our weekend. Kairi had shown up banging on my door at ten in the morning. Which, I know seems late, but when you don't get home from work until three a.m., it's too early.

"I can't do it, Star. I just can't. I mean our friendship could implode," She pointed out.

"It could, yeah. Your friendship could also turn a little.....spicy."

"Shut up, and wipe off that smirk," She scolded.

"Look, I'm not a mind reader so I don't know anything for sure. All I'm going to say is Elle blushes all the time around you. Whenever we watched scary movies she was sitting between the both of us and only ever grabbed onto you. Plus, after you had a panic attack she asked me non stop questions on how she could help you." I explained.

"But Star, she's just so......good. I mean watching someone throw a punch had her shaking for an hour."

"That's true. Are you planning on walking around punching people?" I asked.

"Obviously not," Kairi snapped in reply.

"Right, so what's the problem there?"

"I'm too dark. I've been through too much and she deserves better than that," Kairi spoke passionately.

"Do you know what Jai told me when I said just about the same thing?"

"What?" She asked, eyes softening.

"That he might not be strong enough to carry the baggage at this moment, but he'd like a chance to get there. It's not fair to Elle to decide what she can and can't handle without her. She saw you at a vulnerable point when you attacked Jai. She was shocked, yes, but she didn't back away in the slightest. We may have issues because of our past, but it doesn't mean we don't deserve the best now. If it's ever too much for Elle that's her decision to make, not yours. I also don't think you've noticed she has her own baggage. It may be different, but it's still there. She could be thinking the same way. You'll never know unless you talk to her." I monologued.

Kairi's response was a weak, "Oh....okay."

"Now, get out of my house. I'm going back to bed and you're going to Elle's."

"Fucking rude," Kairi muttered, standing up to leave anyway.

"And Kairi, if you ever do anything to hurt Elle I'll rip out your fucking throat," I informed her.

Kairi gave me an affectionate smile, "Thanks, Star."

* * * * *

The rest of my Sunday was blessedly quiet. I did check my phone every ten minutes to see if there was any updates. There were none. It was around eight at night that I dove for my phone when I heard it vibrate.

*Ay, this is Jax. I know Monday is one of your days off but could you maybe swing by to help me with an assignment tomorrow? I'll feed you dinner.*

That's how I found myself outside of a very nice looking apartment Monday night. I mean very, very nice. There was even a doorman who made me show him my drivers license so he could give me a visitors pass. Of course Jax was on the top floor in the penthouse.

I feel like a rat sneaking into a nice restaurant. It feels so....wrong, to be somewhere so nice. Hopefully, no one can tell. I assume they can since I'm wearing beat up old sneakers, black baggy sweatpants, and a gray sweatshirt that's one or two sizes too big. The sweatshirt may or may not have a hole or two in it. It's my favorite sweatshirt that I've had for years. The bitch is worn in to perfection.

The elevator opened up into the apartment, because of course it did. Jax was standing there waiting for me.

"Hey! I'm so glad you made it. Come in, come in," he said a little too excitedly.

"Jax, is someone here?" A voice called from somewhere in the apartment.

Fuck a duck.

"Yeah, Starlights here for dinner," Jax hollered back.

There was a beat of silence before Jai rounded the corner. I've never seen him dress casual before. We were mirrors of each other with his gray sweatpants and black sweatshirt. His usually styled hair was ruffled and he had on a pair of thick square rimmed glasses. Oh my heart, how does he look so good?

"Hey, starlight. I didn't know you were joining us," Jai said.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Jax said he needed help with an assignment so I -I don't want to intrude. Should I come back later?" I struggled to get out.

"Nonsense," Jax said, grabbing my hand and tugging me into his apartment.

Before I processed what was going on I was shoved into a chair at a beautiful oak dining table.

"Jax, why don't you grab an extra set up," Jai said while placing food on the table.

"I didn't realize you wore glasses," fell out of my mouth.

Jai's cheeks turned red as he reached up to touch them. It was like he forgot they were there.

"Yeah, I usually wear contacts," he explained.

"The glasses suit you," I complimented.

Jai's cheeks turned even more red before he mumbled out a thank you. God fucking damn it. Maybe running into Jai isn't a pro. I just want to jump his bones and/or kiss all over his cute little face.

What is Jax trying to pull? I realized he was trying to pull something when I spotted him hovering in the doorway with a smirk plastered on his stupid face. I narrowed my eyes at him and aimed a glare his way while Jai was focused on setting everything out. Jax responded with a widened smirk as he set down a plate, silverware, and cup in front of me.

"The fuck are you doing?" I hissed to Jax as soon as Jai disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Me? I'm not doing anything," Jax answered looking far too pleased with himself.

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