Chapter 31: Bitten Tongues

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"Now, here's what's going to happen. If you tell Jai the truth and break it off by the end of the weekend, I'll erase a couple months from you debt. If, by the end of the weekend you're still hanging around him, I'll pay a little visit to your apartment. Do I make myself clear?" Jason questioned in a dark tone.

I swallowed hard, "Crystal."

"Perfect," He proclaimed as he began to stand. Suddenly, he stopped, "If ever you run into monetary troubles again I'd be happy to make a deal with you. The pussy must be phenomenal to have my brother panting after you like a dog."

Something inside me snapped. For years I was quiet. For years I was still. For years I did nothing to fight back. Today is the day my pride said no more.

"Go fuck yourself," came out of my mouth through clenched teeth.

"You little whore," Jason growled, hand reaching for me.

I jumped from the couch and started backing away from him. Every step I took away he took forward. Before I could strategize I was backed against a wall. Jason took one final step so our bodies were pressed together. I'm going to be sick. Jason gripped my chin harshly and forced me to look up at him.

"I can see the appeal," he muttered to himself.

Jason leaned forward. I tried to move my head but that only made him tighten his grip. Suddenly his lips were on mine. I shoved at his chest trying to get him away. I would knee him in the balls if his body wasn't pressed so tight my legs were trapped.

Jason's tongue started to probe at my lips. I kept them shut firmly until the hand not holding my face gripped my side so tight I gasped in pain. His slimy tongue forced its way in my mouth and I shuddered at the taste of whiskey. My instincts took over. I bit down.

"Mothafuck," Jason hollered as he stepped back and brought a hand to his bleeding mouth.

The door suddenly slammed open. A frantic looking Jai barged into the room. His eyes locked with mine before moving to his brother.

"What the fuck did you do?"

"Gah, ah dinnit do anyfing," Jason tried to defend without moving his damaged tongue.

Jai's eyes moved back to mine before they dropped to my mouth. His eyes turned deadly. I reached up to feel a smear of blood just under my lip. I hadn't noticed the metallic flavor in my mouth until now.

"Evelyn, I would very much like to get physically violent right now. Do you want to wait outside?" Jai spoke in a strained voice.

I didn't need to be asked twice. I went to the door that led to the back alley and slipped out. I leaned my back against the door as soon as it shut. Fuck. Oh, fuck.

This is going to piss Jason off even worse. Maybe I should have stayed and told Jai not to do anything. What am I going to do? I like Jai. I really, really like Jai. The thought of never hearing that soft voice, never seeing that cute little smile, never waking up wrapped in his arms again makes me want to cry.

Then again, I knew this was a bad idea. I knew it before it started. It's better to stop before I go even farther, right? If I fall in love with him it would be so much worse. Wouldn't it be better to jump ship now?

Jason knows where I live and today is proof that his actions weren't a one time drunk mistake. Jason is dangerous. I don't think that's my past making me look too far into things. I think Jason would truly do something horrible.

A large crash and a female scream sounded from inside the building. I yanked the door only to realize it was locked. I banged my hand against it. A click sounded as the door swung open to reveal Jai, chest heaving. He started to open his mouth but I pushed past him and ran inside.

Elle stood in the corner of the room with a hand over her mouth. Kairi had a protective stance in front of her. Jason was sitting sitting on the floor next to a knocked over couch holding his hand to a bleeding nose.

"Are you okay?" I asked, rushing over to my friends.

"We're fine. Elle was just surprised," Kairi said in a tone more gentle than I'd ever heard come out of her.

Elle gave a small little nod and lowered her hand.

"I'm sorry. I should've thought that people might come back here. After Jason kissed me I was so surprised my brain shut off," I told them.

"Jason kissed you?" Elle asked, eyes widening.

"I nearly bit his tongue in half."

"Attagirl," Kairi praised.

For some reason that made my chest swell with pride.

"I'm sorry. I should've thought more before I started swinging," Jai added as he walked over to us.

"It's okay, it was only slightly terrifying," Elle said with a shaky voice.

I forget sometimes that some people aren't used to violence. Elle may have had a shitty childhood, but it was in a different way than Kairi and I. I remember how terrifying my first few experiences were.

"Elle, do you need anything right now? Water? Food? A hug?" I offered.

"A hug would actually be appreciated," She answered, trying not to cry.

I went to step forward but Kiari turned around and beat me to it. She threw her arms around Elle's shoulders so she could tuck her head into Kairi's neck. My heart broke a little when I heard a sniffle.

I definitely have to call this off. Elle and Kiari never would have been involved in this if it wasn't for me. If I'm going to have friends I've got to stop being so selfish.

"Are you okay?" Jai asked softly as his hand brushed against mine.

His very bruised hand. A lump formed in my throat. This is going to suck.

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