Chapter 32: Love Languages

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After I reassured Jai three times that I was okay, he called one of his guys to come give Jason a ride out to the mansion. I guess Dr. Anne was going to be dealing with him tonight. I hope they keep someone close by for her.

Jai then went to talk to Dave, who had apparently run straight to Jai in the hopes he'd help me. I think I resent Dave a little less now. After that Jai informed Dave that Elle and Kairi were allowed to go home early if they'd like to rest and recover. Elle said she'd like that so Kairi agreed to go with her, just in case she needed anything.

That's how Kairi, Elle, and I all ended up in Jai's car while I drove us home. When we'd walked to the car Jai had handed over his keys. When I looked at him confused he told me that he had a couple drinks with his client.

"Are you really not going to go faster?" Kairi complained from the back seat.

"You do understand what traffic is don't you?" I answered.

"Yeah, but it's not bumper to bumper. You could be swerving no problem." She pointed out.

"I had to pinky promise she wouldn't pay for damages to even get her to drive the speed limit last time," Jai teased from the passenger seat.

"Hush your face. She doesn't need more fuel for her fire," I said, giving Jai's arm a little flick.

He let out a chuckle. I glanced in the rear view mirror only to notice that Kairi and Elle had their hands entwined. A small smile tugged at my lips but I didn't say anything.

"So, Jai, you don't mind having a stripper as a girlfriend?" Kairi asked bluntly, changing the subject.

"No, not at all. Especially one who looks so good on stage," Jai answered easily.

"Oh, is she your girlfriend?" Elle piped up.

From the corner of my eye I thought I saw Jai's cheeks redden. It was hard to tell with the lights from the street lamps.

"I'm uh, working on it," he admitted.

My heart sank to my stomach. Why did he have to be so sweet, understanding, and kind?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Jai said softly to me.

"Hmm? You didn't."

Jai used his thumb to gently take my bottom lip away from its place between my teeth. Shit, I've got to work on that. It seems like it's a tell.

"Here we are, Elle," I announced as I pulled up in front of her building.

"Oh, okay," she sounded disappointed.

"If you want company I can come up for a couple of hours," Kairi offered.

"O-oh, yeah. I would like that," Elle answered.

They both moved to make their way out of the car. When they walked by my window Kairi hesitated.

I rolled the window down so she could say, "I see it now. careful. Get home safe."

I gave her a sad smile. She sees why I like Jai just in time for me to kick him to the curb. I just love life's little ironies.

"Should I drive you to the mansion or the apartment from this morning?" I asked Jai.

"You don't want meatloaf?"

"I think it's a little late for it now."

"I'd like to make sure you get some food in you. Can I make you something easier or buy you something on the way?"

"Are you secretly trying to fatten me up? What's with you and making sure I'm fed?"

"I honestly don't know. I think it's a secret love language. It's what my mom always did to us," He answered shyly.

"You know what a love language is?" I asked as I pulled back into traffic.

"You don't have to sound so surprised," He said a little grumpily.

"Sorry, you just keep blowing my mind. What's your actual love language?" I asked before quickly adding, "Actually, wait. Let me guess."

"Okay, but I want to guess yours, too."

"Deal, I think yours is acts of service," I said feeling pretty confident.

"Wait, how'd you know!?"

"You're always trying to carry me, you make me food, and you just always seem to be trying to do something thoughtful," I explained.

"Damn, you're good. Okay, I think yours is......quality time," Jai guessed.

"Oof, strike one buddy."

"What?! Okay, it's definitely not gift giving or acts of service with how uncomfortable you look about them. You're not very touchy, so I'll say words of affirmation."

"Ehh," I made a sports buzzer sound. "Strike two."

"No way! Physical touch?"

"Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner," I announced.

"But you never touch me," Jai pointed out.

"Yeah, I don't know if you like being touched. That's something you don't do without checking with the other person."

"Well, please, touch away," Jai said suggestively.

I laughed, "Another reason I don't touch until I get to know someone."

"Ooh, fair point. I walked into that one."

"Oh, we're at my place," I noticed.

"Yeah, yes we are. Why do you, the driver, sound surprised?"

"I just went on autopilot, I'm sorry. You never told me where you wanted to get dropped off," I pointed out.

"I wasn't going to let you anyway. I wanted to make sure you got home safe."

"What about you? You're the one who's been drinking," I reminded him.

"No worries. I can call a friend or a cab," he volunteered.

"Well, you're already here. You might as well stay. Only if you want to of course."

"I would love to," Jai said with an affectionate smile.

I'm only inviting him because I'm worried he won't make it home safe. That's definitely the reason why. Its not because I want one more night wrapped together or one more morning of his gruff voice.

Jai squatted down at the bottom of the building stairs. I smiled as I climbed on.

"You're a handsome horse you know," I informed him.

"You're pretty good at riding," Jai said slyly.

I let out an exaggerated gasp, "You pervert!"

I squeezed him with my thighs and we both laughed the rest of the way to my door.

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