Chapter 25: Clean Slate

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The rest of the night was actually pretty fun. Jai and I goofed around and told corny jokes. He actually knew a pretty good one.

Why can't ghosts have babies? They have hallowweenies.

The bastards managed to crawl back under my skin after one night. I mean here I am in his car once again while he drives me home from work. I can't think straight. Logically I know entertaining anything between us is beyond dumb. For some damn reason anytime he smiles at me or uses that soft voice of his I feel logic slipping away.

I've seen what happens to people involved in the gladiolus gang. I know there's no way you can lead it without having done.....unsavory things. Jai just seems so light and at ease and incapable of hurting people. Maybe he's so at ease because he's a psychopath? God, what am I thinking. I really shouldn't even consider this. I cleared the slate, I started us over. Now I'm moving backwards.

Why'd he have to show up with such a well said apology? I mean, fuck! I don't think anyones ever apologized to me like that before. Of course, he could be just saying it to get in my pants. There's the whole, 'fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me,' saying. What do I do?

"Everything okay over there?" Jai's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah."

"Really? Because your poor lip might disagree if you continue to chew it off."

Shit, I had been chewing my lip.

"I just....I don't know what to do," I tried to explain.

"About what?"

"About you." I answered simply.

"Oh," was his reply.

I didn't miss the way his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

"Can I make a suggestion?" He asked.

"Why not."

"Why don't we go along with the clean slate idea but scratch your third demand. We can reintroduce ourselves, I can ask you out on a date, and then I can woo your socks off. If at any point you decide you want your socks to stay on you just tell me that."

Damn, why does his plan have to sound so reasonable.

"I like you, Jai, I really do. Even if you've been a dick a couple times and are related to the king of dicks. And, I really appreciate you apologizing. It's just....I've worked really hard the past five years to be rid of the Gladiolus gang. I don't know if getting in bed with the leader is ideal."

An uncomfortable silence lingered in the car for a while before Jai spoke, "Can I ask about that?"

"That's the kind of story and trauma you don't dump until at least the third date," I tried to joke.

Jai seemed to realize I was feeling vulnerable. He reached his hand out and snagged mine. He interlaced our fingers, brought my hand to his lips to kiss, then set our hands back on my lap.

"I'd like to have the chance to hear it, but I'll respect whatever decision you make," he informed me.

"Christ on a cracker, Jai. If you keep this shit up I'm going to fall in love with you."

"I don't think I'd mind that too much," he replied with that easy smile finding its way back onto his face.

"Fine, my names Evelyn. Who are you and why the hell is a stranger holding my hand?"

"You little shit," he chuckled before he somehow pinched my thigh while still holding my hand.

"Ow! You rat bastard. I don't know if I want to know the name of such a douchedick," I protested.

"Fine, fine. Starting over now. Hi, I'm Jai."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Say, are you from Tennessee?"

"Hey! I'm supposed to wooing you," he complained.

"Then start wooing, pony boy."

"Pony boy? Where do you hear all this shit," Jai asked with a full grin on his face.

"Your mom." That earned me another pinch.

Before I knew it we were pulling up to my apartment. Jai didn't even ask if I wanted a lift before he squatted down in front of me. When we made it to my apartment door Jai helped me gently slide off his back.

"Can I ask you a question and ask that you keep an open mind?" Jai said as I fumbled with my keys.

I froze with my hand in midair to answer, "I'm nervous now but go on."

"Can I pay you to not dance? Not forever, just for the next couple weeks. I'm assuming moneys the reason you're still working with a limp. It would be no strings attached. You wouldn't have to pay me back or anything."

"I can't accept free money. It's never free."

"Then what about a job?" He offered

"....a job?"

"Yeah, I've been needing an assistant. You would work at a desk and it would be temporary until you're healed." Jai said seeming excited by the idea.

"It's a kind offer but I don't want anything to do with the business or work side of you," I reminded him.

"Right, sorry. I just - I don't usually worry. I was telling the truth when I said all I could think about was you snapping your ankle earlier. I just want you to have time to heal."

"I appreciate it, Jai, I really do, but I can't accept money from you," I told him sincerely.

"What if I push back your payment a month?" He offered.

".....what would you want in return?" I asked cautiously.

"I promise I don't want anything from you, Evelyn. I just want you to heal."

"So, if you want something from me in the future this isn't going to come up? I won't owe you anything?"

"Not a thing, I swear it. Please just accept my help," Jai said while bringing out the puppy dog eyes.

"God, that face is so dangerous it should be registered as a weapon," I complained.

Jai's face lit up like a Christmas tree as he realized I was caving to his request.

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