Chapter 20: Not Your Whore

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I spoke to soon. Of course I spoke to soon. Jai is standing outside my door at nine p.m. on my Sunday.

"What are you doing here?" My voice was harsher than I intended.

"I'm asking myself the same question," was Jai's only response before he grabbed me.

His hands gripped my waist and he easily hoisted me up. A surprised squeal left my mouth but my instincts had my legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his shoulders. He stepped in, shut the door behind him, then he kissed me.

I mean really, really kissed. It was nothing like last time. There was nothing sweet about his one hand gripping my ass. There was nothing sweet about his other hand buried in my hair and tugging on it to move my head just the way he wanted. There was definitely nothing sweet about the way his lips crashed with mine.

But god damn was it hot. My body was on fire and I wanted more. My back was suddenly pressed against the wall and Jai began grinding his hips against me. I gasped and tilted my head back. He didn't waste the opportunity. He began trailing hot, open mouth kisses down my neck.

My core clenched and I could feel wetness begin to pool in my underwear. God, damn. Jai carried me over and laid me on the bed. His lips didn't leave my skin once. Suddenly, my sweatshirt was being tugged over my head and I had no bra underneath. That snapped me back to reality a little bit.

"Wait, wait. What are you doing? Why - ahhh" my sentence was interrupted by his mouth latching onto my nipple.

My hands had somehow tangled in his hair and were pulling him closer.

"I just have to fuck you once to get you out of my system. I'll waive four months worth of your debt for it."

It felt like I'd been doused in cold water. I shoved at Jai's shoulders as hard as I could. When he moved back I quickly crossed my arms to cover myself.

"Six months then," he said with a smirk like we were haggling at the farmers market.

"Get out."

His face fell. "What? Evelyn, come on I ju-"

"Get out of my apartment right fucking now," My voice was calm, quiet, and lethal.

If I wasn't so incredibly pissed at the moment I would be proud of myself.

"Why?" Was all he had to say.

"Why? Why?! Because I'm not your fucking whore, Jai! Leave!" My voice cracked on the last word.

I will not cry over this. I know better than that. I know better than this. I don't know when I let myself put him on a pedestal. Why the hell did I think he cared just because he was nice to me a couple of times. I should've listened to my head.

"I'm sorry, Evelyn. I didn't mea-"

"Please," I said softly with no fight left.

Jai's eyes widened but he nodded. He quickly climbed off the bed and left my apartment. I felt cold. Not from the lack of clothing but a different kind of cold. My least favorite kind of cold.....empty.

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Monday passed me by in a blur. I spent most of the day moping and then Monday night working. I did do a lot of thinking. Jai never said we meant anything to each other. When I asked why he was so kind to me when I was at his house he even admitted it was out of a feeling of responsibility.

I was the one who asked him to sleep over and I was the one who caught feelings. That's why I decided when I saw him again I'd apologize for the emotional outburst. I'll explain that I don't want any kind of relationship with him past boss and employee. We can just be.....nothing.

Tuesday was a lot better of a day. Mostly because Elle invited Kairi and I over. She had a beautiful two bedroom apartment in a high rise building with every video gaming system imaginable. The second room was all video games and even a streamer set up. I also noticed a little makeshift recording studio she'd set up in the corner. I couldn't help but smile at that. After she told Kairi and I she wanted to be a voice actress we encouraged her to give it a try.

I spent hours getting my ass absolutely beat in Mario Kart, Mario Party, COD, and overwatch. Kairi was nowhere near as good as Elle but she was still ten times better than me. I did deserve the ass whooping after laughing and bragging when I beat them in cribbage. They made sure to return the favor.

Kairi seemed back to her usual self but Elle was acting a little weird. I noticed her always glancing at Keiri and finding excuses to be near her. I'd never asked Elle what her sexual orientation was but I'm starting to suspect it's not straight.

Work Tuesday night went by in a blur and before I knew it I was half hopping, half dragging myself up the stairs of my apartment building at three in the morning.

"Evie! What's up? Coming back from partying?" Eric asked as he started climbing beside me.

"Hey, man. Yeah, ready to tuck into bed. How about you?"

"Same, went bar hopping with some friends." He informed me.

"That sounds nice," I really don't have the energy to be pleasant at the moment.

"You want a lift up?" Eric motioned to his back.


"On what?"

"On how confident you are on your ability to drunk piggy back. I would not love a tumble down the stairs at the moment."

"Oh, I've got you. Don't worry about that."

I got myself up to the next landing and then Eric bent over for me to hop on. It did not go as smoothly as when I did it with Jai. Eric wasn't able to just easily yank me up. Regardless, I got situated and he started moving.

"Thank you, Eric. I really appreciate this. It's sweet of you."

"Oh, anytime. You know you're really beautiful and I wou -"

Eric stopped talking when we made it to level four. Sitting on the floor and leaning against my door was Jai.

The fucker was passed out cold.

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