Chapter 39: Special Someone

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I didn't have enough time to wipe the expression from Jax's face before Jai came back from the kitchen.

"I know you don't have any allergies but I hope you like stuffed shells, potatoes, and asparagus," Jai said to me.

"Yeah, that all sounds delicious. Thank you for letting me crash dinner."

It was silent as we all scooped food onto our plates and began the meal.

After I tried everything I broke the silence to say, "This is really delicious, Jai."

He answered with a widening smile, "Oh? You think so? Thank you."

Shit on a shingle, how did the glasses make him look so adorable?

"So, Starlight, how was your date with your neighbor?" Jax suddenly asked.

"Eric?" Jai instantly cut in.

"Yeah, that was his name. He was going to take starlight out yesterday," Jax lied.

Jai stabbed an asparagus a little aggressively before saying, "Oh, sounds like a good time."

"I didn-" I tried to say.

"Starlight was telling me all about Eric the other day. Sounds like a real snore if you ask me," Jax spoke over me.

"He did have the personality of a wet noodle," Jai grumbled.

I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"We didn't go on a date. He asked but I said no," I finally managed to explain.

It might have been my imagination, but it almost looked like Jai relaxed when I said that.

"Oh, that's right. He got all huffy about getting told no didn't he?" Jax asked as if the little shit didn't remember.

I thought it was odd when he was grilling me about my love life Thursday. I was too focused on looking over his homework to actually think about it. I'd just answered him honestly. The little shit is trying to stir the pot.

"Huffy?" Jai questioned.

"Yeah, didn't he threaten you?" Jax asked.

Jai's eyes snapped to mine, "He what?!" 

"Jax, cut it out. Eric did not threaten me. He was just a little put out. It's all sorted now," I explained.

"Sorted how? Do you need me to talk to him," Jai offered.

"No, I just told him I was a stripper."

"And that sorted it?" Jai asked.

"It does for most men. Eric was instantly disgusted," I explained.

"Weak ass prick," Jai muttered to himself.

A smile took over my face.

"What about you, Jax?" I tried to turn the conversation.

"What about me?"

"You got a special someone in your life?" I asked him.

Jax looked a little uncomfortable as he said, "Kind of."

"Oh? Do tell."

"Well, we're not dating. We're just kind of....getting to know each other," Jax tried to explain.

"And?" I tried to get more out of him.

"And they're really amazing. I mean they're smart, funny, insanely attractive, kind, and just the whole package really."

"What's the hold up then?" Jai asked.

"Well, I don't want to scare them off with the whole "what are we" talk, you know?" Jax said.

"Do you want to be dating them?" I questioned.

Jax answered, "Absolutely," without any hesitation.

"It's simple then," Jai told him, "if it does scare them off they weren't worth it in the first place. Just go for it."

"Yeah, maybe," Jax said, sounding unsure.

"What's their name?" I said to get him away from overthinking.

"Cameron," Jax said the name with a smile.

"Well, if you ever seal the deal with Cameron, I'd love to meet them," Jai told his brother.

Jax gave a little nod before a shit eating grin took over his face.

"So if I want to be with someone I should just tell them?" He asked.

"That is what I said, yeah," Jai reiterated.

Jax sent a pointed glance to his brother, "Right, good advice."

"Hop off," Jai mumbled.

Did Jai find a new person? That definitely doesn't make me want to curl in a ball and eat ice cream.

"Starlight," Jax turned to me, "ready to get to work?"

"Shit yeah, little buddy," I agreed.

Jai laughed loudly at my words. God, he had such a good laugh. So deep and jolly. It's the kind of laugh that makes everyone around smile.

Jax and I headed to the living room while Jai did the dishes. All of Jax's school supplies are spread across a coffee table in the middle of the room. Looks like we're using it as a table. I follow behind Jax and sit across from him on the floor.

"Alright, what are you trying to do?" I asked quietly.

"Me? I'm just doing my homework," he answered cheekily.

"Jax," I groaned.

"Alright, alright. I'm sick of watching Jai pine after you. Can't you just make up?"

My mouth opened in shock.

"What are you talking about?"

"He's been mopey all month and he somehow brings you up in every conversation we have. Can't you cut the guy a break? I figured you dumped him because you didn't like him but you clearly do," Jax pointed out.

I swallowed hard, "It's complicated, Jax. Please just leave it be."

I can't exactly tell him the reason I can't be with his brother is because his other brother is threatening me.

"Come on, Star. You guys obviously really like each other. Plus, while you were doing your thing he was in such a good mood all the time."

"Jax, please leave it alone," I pleaded.

"No, not unless you give me a good reason to."

Aw shit. I know a good reason. Jax is going to hate me.

"Did Jai tell you why we stopped seeing each other?" I asked.

"No, he just said you didn't want anything to do with him anymore."

"Right, because I didn't have a use for him anymore. I was just with him because I owe your family money and didn't want to pay it," I lied.

Jax stared at me like he'd never truly seen me.

"No way, that can't be true," he argued.

"It is. Didn't you wonder what Jason meant the other night about protecting you from people like me?"

Jax's expression turned from disbelief to anger.

"Get out," He demanded.

StarlightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang