Chapter 29: Start a Morning

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"I want to apologize, but I also want to understand. What did I do to scare you?" Jai inquired.


"You stopped looking at me, you curled into a ball, your hands were shaking. I - is it because I mentioned my brother? Is it because I followed his suggestions? Or were you scared to be alone in the restaurant with me?" Jai rapid fire questioned.

"No, I - you got angry," I tried to explain.

"You were scared because I was angry?"

"I wasn't scared," I quickly defended.

Only, I had been.

"Did you think I would hurt you?" Jai's face looked heartbroken.

"No, well yes, but...... it's my turn to use excuses. Growing up I was taught anger was to be feared. I was taught to be as small and as quiet as possible around anyone who was angry. I guess I haven't shaken off my past as well as I thought," I tried to explain.

"You were abused," Jai said more as a statement than a question.

"I'm sorry for getting stuck in that head space and assuming you would hurt me."

"I'm sorry for assuming I knew what you wanted and what was best for you. I should've asked what you wanted to do or what was wrong."

A silence fell between us. It's wasn't necessarily uncomfortable, but it wasn't comfortable either.

"Is it a bad time to ask for a second date?" Jai spoke up.

A chuckle left my lips. "It's not the ideal time, no."

"Right, yeah. I'll just have to try my luck tomorrow." Jai added.

"You still think you're strong enough to carry this baggage?" I asked.

"At the moment? Maybe not," he answered while looking into my eyes like he could see to my soul. "But I'd like to work at it and get there."

Oh god, my heart. Why was it beating so damn loud.

"Want to stay the night," blurted out of my mouth before I could stop it.

I was about to take it back until Jai's face lit up and he said, "Yeah, I'd really like that."

*     *     *     *     *

Someone was knocking at my door. I grabbed my phone to see that someone was knocking on my door at eight a.m.

"Why does someone show up every time I'm here," a half asleep Jai grumbled from beside me in bed.

I would like to know the answer to that as well. I also want to know why so many people are knocking on my door lately, period. I'm enjoying having friends and a social life but, christ. I'd appreciate it if we could not do the early morning wake up calls anymore.

I rolled out of bed and headed for the door. If it's Kairi and Elle I'm going to yell at them so hard. If it's Sam I'm going to sic Jai on him. I opened the door to come face to face with Eric.

"Oh, good morning," I mumbled before a yawn took over.

"I'm sorry I woke you up. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so worried about you. I just had to come check," he explained while his eyes trailed over me as if assessing for injuries.

"That's sweet, Eric. I'm fine, I promise. Jai's a gentle giant."

"I don't know if I'd describe him as gentle. Do you mind if I come in? I think we should have a talk over coffee," Eric said as he brushed past me and walked into my apartment.

Eric made it all of three steps before he froze. His eyes were locked on Jai who was sprawled out on my bed. The blankets were down around his waist so that you could tell he was shirtless. I took a moment to enjoy his deliciously sculpted back.

"I didn't realize you had company," Eric spoke quietly.

"You didn't really give me a chance to tell you," I said with a bit of passive aggression slipping in.

It was too early in the morning for a man to invite himself into my apartment.

Jai's head suddenly whipped off the bed as he turned to look at Eric and I. Eric's body went rigid for a moment before he tried to cross his arms over his puffed out chest.

"Why is he here?" Jai's deep morning voice questioned me.

"He wants to talk over coffee. I cooked breakfast last time so it's your turn."

"Oh, it's a turn thing? I suppose that's fair," Jai grumbled as he crawled out of bed in nothing but his boxers.

I sat at my rickety little table while Jai started on the coffee and Eric stood awkwardly in the middle of the apartment.

"Evelyn, why is there no food in your fridge?" Jai suddenly asked.

"Oh, right. I haven't had a chance to restock since my power came back on," I explained.

"We'll go out to eat after your talk and then I'll drive you to the grocery store." Jai informed me before he added. "If that sounds good to you."

"It sounds good," I told him as a small smile took over my lips.

Jai's face looked like a kid who just got a gold star tacked onto his homework. Why was he so fucking cute?

"Maybe I should come back another time," Eric spoke reminding me he was here.

"It's okay, come on over and have a seat. What's up?" I asked.

"There was just something I wanted to talk to you about," Eric said nervously as he sat down.

"Yeah?" I waited for him to tell me what that something was.

"It's just um........well, I think it would be best to talk another time," Eric said as he gave a pointed stare at Jai's back.

"He's trying to tell you he's worried for you and that you should kick me to the curb," Jai said neutrally as he sat a mug of coffee down in front of me.

"Wha- no I'd ne- it's nothing li- It's about the noise. You've been very loud lately."

"Oh, yeah I have. I'm sorry about that, Eric. I'll make more of an effort," I promised.

"Good, great. Thank you," Eric chittered while hightailing it out of my apartment.

"Well, that's one way to start a morning," I muttered.

Jai's chuckle filled up my apartment.

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