Chapter 4: Clumsy

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I swung my hips as I walked around the coffee table slow and sultry. I decided to go to the left and walk past the attractive brother instead of the young one. All too soon I stood in front of the middle brother.

"I want a lap dance," he commanded.

Now that I was this close I could tell he was hammered. Not only did he smell like a brewery floor, but his eyes had a faraway look to them. He moved his arms to rest on the back of the couch and spread his legs in a cocky manner. I started moving and dancing while standing, avoiding contact with him as long as possible.

Eventually I had to comply and began running my hands down his chest or using his knees as handlebars. I even went so far as to slide my hands up his thighs as I rolled my body. It was going well and thankfully the song ended quickly. I turned to go back to my pole when he grabbed my wrist.

"I want the next song, too, but lose the top."

I made sure to keep a sultry look plastered on my face instead of the murderous one I felt. I slowly slid my top off before beginning to move and grind against him. At one point my butt was to his chest when he suddenly grabbed my hips and yanked me down onto his lap.

"Uh uh, you can look but not touch, handsome," I whispered seductively into his ear.

He let out a scoff, but thankfully let me go. The song went painfully slow but ended all the same. I turned to move back to my pole and once again he snatched my wrist.

"I want the next song, but lose the thong," He said proudly.

Wow, he was a poet and he didn't know it.

"This is a topless only club, handsome. The rules say my bottoms stay on," I gave him a saucy little wink to mask the rejection for what it was.

"I own this fucking club so what I say are the rules. I say, I want those panties gone," his grip on my wrist tightened.

"Im sorry, but I can't do that," a little bit of my real voice was beginning to come out as the pain in my wrist increased.

"Jason," the handsome brother said in a warning tone.

I looked over to see he had moved onto the same couch as the younger brother and they held a tablet between them. Both of their eyes were focused on me now.

"What, I just want to have a little fun. She won't mind once she sees her tip," the middle brother, Jason, reasoned.

"I'm sorry, sir. I won't be removing my bottoms," almost all of my sultry tone was gone and I was beginning to try to tug my hand free.

Jason finally released my wrist. Unfortunately, it was so he could use two hands to grab my underwear and rip. I was frozen in place. The two brothers were frozen in place. When Jason reached out for me I snapped into action. I took several, small, quick steps back.

I then tripped, over my own feet, and the middle of my back made contact with the edge of the coffee table. Of course I would trip over nothing when there was something reasonable to trip over right behind me. My back burned in pain while my left ankle screamed as it twisted.

Jason sprung from his seat and it took one look into his eyes before I reacted. I curled into a tight ball on my side on the floor. I touched my elbows to my knees and put my head in my hands with my chin tucked. This way my face, stomach, and ribs would be protected by my shins and forearms.

I could hear yelling but I tuned it out. I was preparing for the pain. Only, the pain didn't come. A gentle touch nudged my arm and that's when I realized someone was speaking to me.

"Starlight, starlight, are you okay? Starlight, please answer me. Starlight," the youngest brother had a panic in his voice as he tried to coax me from my position.

Slowly I untucked my chin and saw Jason pinned to the floor with the attractive brother on top of him. I looked into the eyes of the youngest brother who was on his knees besides me.

"I'm okay, it's okay, I'm okay," I'm not sure if I was reassuring myself or the kid beside me.

"Okay, do you want to stand up?" He questioned.

I gave a nod and let my body unfurl. He got to his feet before bending down and offering me his hands. I took them and pulled my feet beneath me. I went to stand but immediately crumpled back down as searing pain raged through my left ankle and up my leg.

A "fuck" escaped from my mouth before I gritted my teeth and used the kids offered hands to pull myself up.

"Are you hurt," a deep voice asked from behind me.

"No, no I'm fine. I just twisted my ankle when I fell," I replied to the attractive brother behind me.

"Jax, go get Dave," he commanded of the kid.

Jax immediately followed the instructions and left the room. I glanced over to see Jason unconscious on the floor with a bruised and bloodied face. I grit my teeth and turned to face the attractive man who's eyes were trailing down my body. There was no fire in his gaze. He looked at me like a doctor checking a patient for injuries.

I was practically balancing on my right leg to keep the weight off my left ankle. He seemed to take note of that. When his eyes started to trail back up I instinctively put one hand in front of my crotch and the other arm over my breast. Yes, I know I'm a stripper and they already saw my breasts. Right now, I was too tired and shaken up to muster Starlight. It was Little ole self conscious me.

He turned and grabbed a suit jacket from the couch he had been sitting on earlier. He placed it over my shoulders and I instantly pulled it close against me and closed the gap. Thank god he was a giant. Not only was he muscular, but I only came up to the top of his shoulders. This meant the suit jacket covered everything up for me.

"Thanks," came out of my mouth small and weak.

I'm so getting fired.

StarlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora