Chapter 2: New Friends

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My first night in the club went off without a hitch. I almost made a run for it after watching the other girls go first. Every single one of them was fucking phenomenal. Each had their own vibe that the DJ found the perfect song for. It was absolutely breathtaking watching them move. I hated Dave a little for telling me I had to go last. Since I was new they wanted a big introduction song and everything.

How the club works is each night we start with every girl on stage alone one at a time. The first six girls go off into the crowd once their song ends. They do the crowd mingling and lap dances. The second six to perform continue to take turns doing songs on stage for the remainder of the night. There are three V.I.P rooms that are very, very, expensive and they get to choose which girl they want in their room and when. Room one belongs to the owner of the club and no one else is allowed to use it so it sits empty most nights. The other two have reservations for months ahead.

Dave told me that for my first week or two I would just be doing stage work, after that I'll go into the regular rotation of going into the crowd with the rest of the girls. The V.I.P rooms come with special training that I won't even begin to dabble in until I'm "tried and tested" after the first month. All in all, it seemed like a good set up.

The amount of cash I went home with also made me really, really like the set up of the place. It was clean, everyone was nice, I felt respected. I may actually be able to do this for the next five years until my debt is paid. I may be able to pay off the debt period. That thought sent euphoria spinning through me. Once it was gone I could do.....anything. That's both terrifying and thrilling.

Anyway, here I am sitting in my tiny studio apartment actually excited about the future. I can't believe it. Things are really going to work out for me. And even though I only worked the one shift so far, I'm hopeful.

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The rest of the week passed me in a blur. I tested out different makeup styles each night. I started to get to know some of the other girls. Elle, Kairi, and I got along really well. Elle was our pink girl. She had model looks. With a height of 5'8", gorgeous blonde hair, legs for days, and beautiful blue eyes.

I tried not to compare myself to the others. It's not that I'm not attractive, it's that they're all above and beyond. I've always considered myself average. I'm average height, brown curly hair, hazel eyes, a too long torso that gave me an hour glass look up top but stubby legs below.

Anyway, the club was open Tuesday-Saturday and I made it through the whole first week without falling on my ass or embarrassing myself. That's a win in my book with how clumsy I am. My mom always used to tease me growing up. She put me in ballet where I thrived. I had phenomenal balance and an heir of Grace that my teachers all praised me for. Then, I'd walk off stage and trip over air. It was a mystery, but a good joke between us.

My weekend passed pretty mundanely as I looked online for a new apartment. My lease was up in three months and if I kept this job I could afford to move somewhere a little nicer. The apartment treated me fine, sure it had a couple leaks and the walls were stained yellow from past smokers, but it did the trick. I was more worried because I lived in a part of the city where crime rates were higher. I always tried to look inconspicuous on my walks home, but it's hard to do when you have hundreds or thousands of dollars of cash on your person.

Before I knew it, I had wasted Sunday and Monday binge watching bobs burgers and stuffing my face with pizza. To celebrate my new job I had splurged on a Hulu subscription and actually got pizza delivered. Delivered. I didn't even leave my house the whole weekend. It was amazing.

I even had a little pep in my step when I donned my baggy black sweatshirt and loose grey sweatpants Tuesday night before heading to the subway. I was looking forward to the sore I would  feel tomorrow because of my two days with no workout.

Like usual, I was the first in the dressing room. I picked out some criss cross fancy lingerie that took me five minutes to put on the right way and a beautiful silver gown to go over the top. The gown was silky and flowed well. I threw my robe on top as I began to pin my wig and make up my face.

"Star, how was your weekend?" Elle's perky voice called me out of my concentration.

"Fucking heavenly! I did absolutely nothing, how about yours?" I questioned while I waved to Kairi who had just walked in.

"Good, like really good. Do you remember the tinder guy I was telling you about? Well, we went to the movies to see that new Marvel movie and then we totally geeked out together and went really in depth about our theories. One thing led to another and I invited him back to my place to check out my comic collection and Oh. My. God. Star, it was insane. I have never had a man make me cum before, let alone make me cum multiple times. I even woke up to him making me breakfast," Elle was practically screeching by the end of her story.

I couldn't help but smile and I looked over to see Kairi doing the same.

"Think he has a sister?" She asked Elle.

"We're seeing each other for coffee tomorrow so I'll have to ask," Elle threw in with a bragging tone.

"Damn dude, who knew the nerds were where it's at," I teased.

Elle instantly smacked my arm. I couldn't help but laugh at her little pout. The rest of our conversation was cut short by Dave poking his head in and giving us our twenty minute warning. Kairi and Elle both scrambled to their stations. This is why I decided to start coming early. We always got caught up in our conversations so if I was practically ready when they showed up I'd have my time to breathe and prepare before I went on.

Breathing and preparing was exactly what I needed seeing as how an hour later I was ankle deep in shit.

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