Chapter 5: Brave Friends

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The door was flung open. I whirled around on my one good leg and almost went toppling to the ground. Thankfully the attractive brother had put his hands on my biceps to steady me. I watched as Dave took in the sight of me, then his eyes moved to the unconscious Jason before they widened.

"What the fuck did you do!?" Dave yelled as he stormed to me. "Take that off right now."

"But I -" I tried to explain.

"Take. It. Off," Dave was pissed, pissed.

I moved to slide the jacket over my shoulders and realized that the attractive brother was still gently holding my arms. He helped me take the jacket the rest of the way off. I tried to ignore my shame as I pulled my shoulders back and lifted my chin.

"I'm so sorry about this, sir," Dave told the man standing behind me.

Dave then grabbed onto my left hand and began to drag me. I made it one step before I stumbled as pain shot through my leg.

"Suck it up, we'll deal with it later," Dave snapped as he noticed I was hurt.

I clenched my jaw and did my best. The limp was still obvious but at least I was walking on my own. We were halfway out the door before we were interrupted.

"Wait, she needs a doctor," Jax said.

I glanced over my shoulder to see the kid looking at me full of concern.

"She'll get one once we sort this mess. Please don't worry about her, sir. I'm very sorry for interrupting your night," Dave spoke with a sickly sweet voice. Asswipe.

"She'll see one now. We can sort this all out tomorrow," the attractive brother suddenly said.

Dave immediately froze. His mouth opened and closed multiple times like a fish out of water. I could tell he was terrified for himself and his job. One wrong move with these kinds of people and you don't come back from it. He finally decided on a simple "yes, sir" before tugging me forward once again.

The attractive brother was suddenly beside me. The jacket was placed back over me before he picked me up like I weighed nothing. He held me bridal style. If I wasn't shaking in pain and panic right now I'd probably swoon.

"It's my brothers mess, I'll take her," he said to Dave before hollering over his shoulder, "Jax, give Frank a call to come deal with Jason."

Then we were moving out of the room. I tried to curl myself up so I was as covered as much as possible as we walked through the crowd. I could see multiple people staring our way but I kept my chin up to attempt to hold onto my pride.

"Excuse me, sir. Where are you taking her," Kairi voice spoke as she stood in front of our path.

I felt my eyes widen at her defiant and protective stance. What the hell was she thinking getting in this man's way. Suddenly Elle was beside her, both looking ready to go to war over me.

"It's okay guys. My clumsy ass tripped and he's just taking me to the hospital," I quickly tried to explain.

"You don't have to go anywhere with him if you don't want to," Elle spoke up.

I could see her hands shaking. They knew who they were standing against. They were doing it anyway. For some reason that made the back of my throat burn with emotion. These girls I'd only known for a week were putting their safety on the line for me.

"It's okay, I promise," I gave them the most reassuring smile I could muster.

It seemed to do the trick because both girls slowly stepped out of the way.

"Looks like you have some good friends," the man carrying me said as we waited at the entrance for his car to be brought around by the valet.

"Please don't be upset with them. They didn't mean any disrespect towards you," I tried to quickly explain.

"I'm not. If anything, I respect them for their bravery and loyalty."

"That's....good," I managed to say.

What the hell else could I say? Once the car came around the man began to walk me over to the passenger side.

"Wait, how much have you drank?" I suddenly asked.

"What?" He paused his motions to look down at me.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"Three glasses of whiskey," he said almost like a question.

"Then I'll drive," I said before thinking.

"You're injured."

"Just my left foot. It's not like you use that as much as a clear mind to drive anyway."

He let out an exasperated sigh before shaking his head.

"Just get in," he commanded before clicking a button on his keys.

The passenger door of the car opened....upwards. Oh, this car cost more than my life.

"Why don't I just order us an Uber," I volunteered.

"Why don't you just get in my car? If I say I'm okay to drive then I'm okay," his tone was surprising calm and gentle.

Maybe that's why I had the balls to continue back talking him.

"Im not getting in a car that you're driving. You can just leave me here."

He blew out an exasperated breath, "Fine."

Suddenly I was being carried to the drivers side. He gently set me back on my feet next to the opened door so I could slide in. I looked down at the expensive ass leather seat and moved without thinking. I slid the suit jacket off and set it down to cover the leather. If I sat while wearing it half of my ass would be on the seat.

I slid into the car and kept my back ramrod straight so I wasn't touching my sweaty back against anything. I began to fiddle with the fancy buttons on the side of the seat that adjusted every part. There was even a button that changed the lower back support. The fuck is this.

By the time I finally had everything adjusted and set I glanced over to see the attractive man staring at me with an amused expression.

"Can I ask for your name so I don't have to keep calling you the man in my head?"

Why oh why, do I have no filter when I'm nervous.

"Jai, and yours?" He was smiling at me like I was cute.

"E- Starlight," I answered.

"Pleasure to meet you, Starlight."

Oh, that look he's giving me gives my sexy face a run for its god damn money.

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