Chapter 2

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Like Riri was my best friend, Alex too had one and only close friend, Ross, though he didn't quite name their friendship as best friends or something, instead he just shared or spoke with only Ross, about anything or maybe everything.

By now, Alex is familiar with everyone in the class, except me. Maybe that was the main reason.
It has been 18days , and we both have been regularly meeting in the class, however, he was the only one, the only single person, who would have so damn interest in each of my movements. What i ate, whom i spoke to, who were my friends, what i read, each and everything. Usually when someone is interested in you, we can expect that they would be soft towards you. Guess what?
Alex is always polar opposite to what we could generally expect from anyone!!....

Since the last 16 days , he has done nothing except mock me, taunt me , mimick me, and make fun of me in every possible way. A natural disgust....or maybe an interest to know 'why' has taken over me towards this bastard.
I don't bother him, i don't talk to him, i am nowhere in his circle of friends, i don't have his number, as if he doesn't exist to me, that's the attitude i keep when in his radius. Yet leaving everyone else, I was the only one who he was after. I could even describe it as when a lion is after one single deer, he'll run for it no matter how many other deers come in his grasp, he'll chase the one he's interested in.
I wasn't very upfront with speaking my mind out, however everything has a red line in the limit of tolerance. Days passed, nothing changed, at times he used to get on my nerve to the extent that i would start sobbing after class to Riri. Why would he do this? What have I even done to him? Addressing me with the most absurd names possible!! I couldn't help but feel timid to his presence in those class hours. I was bullied, so bad by him.
Eventually 34 days have passed, but..... nothing has changed. He's the same bastard he was on day 1. I have now started to feel so timid in his presence that my dresscode changed. I shifted from wearing a line one pieces to oversized trousers and tshirts. I kept my hair loose as if i tried to cover myself up as much as possible. I stopped coming to class regularly, stopped talking to Riri, wouldn't step out of my room very frequent. My routine changed, i changed. And everything was because of that one single boy.
Why?I don't know.

That night, Ross called me .
"You alright?"
"You aren't coming to the class, why?"
"Doesn't matter..besides why's that any of your concern?"
"You are missing out important lectures"
"I'll manage"

A voice from the back echoed in my ears, which said
"Ask her to come to the class tomorrow, the second last seat of the 5th row would be kept empty where the word 'why' in perfect italic design is curved on the wall next to the seat"

I immediately remembered the symbol i had curved while sobbing to Riri. How'd he know that it was me?
I knew something worse was waiting for me tomorrow again. However i can never let my opponent know about my fear. Hence i decided to revise the notes Riri forwarded over WhatsApp, and prepare for tommorow.

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