Chapter 35

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What the fuck did he do right now!!!!!

Alex moves away from me and stands at a distance smirking. Everyone is surprised by the incident that happened right in front of their eyes. I am unable to say anything or find the right explanation for everything that happened.....or rather....i am too numb to speak.....

"I hope now everyone in the school knows who you actually belong to, right Anna?!" Alex says in a cocky tone, the devilish smirk more than prominent enough on his face.

He is talking to me. I need to answer him or do something. Why the fuck am i glued here? Why on earth are my lips zipped? Fuck it. I fucking need to say something!!!!

I try to calm myself down and stop the tears from rolling down, but all these efforts seem to have no effect when nothing comes out of my mouth and i feel the heat escaping off my cheeks.

"Look who's the insecure ass lurking around who doesn't even have a normal confidence to claim a girl and has to force himself into an intimacy show to prove his point" Ross suddenly says half laughing. He walks up and stands behind me, blood oozing out of his busted lips.

I gain back my strength and turn to wipe off the blood from his lips. Everyone starts laughing at the dark humour, Ross just cracked. Ross takes the napkin and gently pulls me towards him and rubs the drop of tear off my cheeks. I suddenly feel the warmth of his touch which in turn feels too soothing to describe.

I can feel Alex slipping off the edge.

"Anna i guess you can stop playing the Barbie girl role and confront the situation in a more realistic way. You aren't the saint you are pretending to be and these boys aren't aware of that. Stop being a bitch" says Riri.

Okay. Cool.

Something clicks inside me.

Ross glares at Riri. I know he is about to cuss her ass out but i stop him with a little squeeze in his palm.

"Whoa! Says who!" I burst out laughing with enough irony in my voice.

"Did the girl who suffices for the high hormonal nights of the boys just ask me to quit playing a drama i am not even a part of?" I emphasized the irony of my words and increased the pitch of the laugh which was enough to mock Riri's pseudo-dignity.

Uncomfortable with my words, Riri leaves the class. My eyes turn to Alex and he glares at me. Ross moves forward to say something when Alex's eyes turn expressionless. His face goes cold and blank as if all his emotions just left his body. I try to figure out his next move but.... nothing.

A few minutes passes and everyone starts to leave the classroom except a few who are waiting to see the final turn of the drama between a book nerd, a flirty nerd and the street famous play boy.

Alex suddenly turns to pick up the books and pack his bag. Unable to decide his motive or interpret his step, i decide to wait for his next word. Seeing Alex pack his bag, Ross too goes to bring his bag and mine. Alex turns to face me and Ross comes to stand beside me in the same minute. He takes my hand and gently squeezes my palm signalling me to start walking.

We walk past Alex and i am surprised that he doesn't create any more scene and instead goes absolutely quiet. Absofuckinglutely weird.

Just as we are about to step outside the class, i am pulled back. Alex.
"You don't seem to understand do you?" Ross turns to face him, anger crawling up in his veins.

"I need to get back my notes which Riri took from me last week. I need it today. Have to appear for a test tomorrow. Nothing more." Alex says platonically.

I don't remember taking any notes from Alex. Maybe i forgot. But....what if he is lying to get me to talk to him in private? Is he trying to separate me from Ross? I don't know. But what if the notes are really there in my bag which I can't remember about?

Ross looks at me with a questioning eye and i decide to give it a go. I nod at him. Ross though unsure of the decision eyes me with "whether I'll be okay" and I nod at him in reassurance. He lets go of my hands and hands me over the bag and leaves the class.

Alex walks past me and asks me to accompany him till the gates of his home since he can't put anything inside his bag anymore because it's too stuffed. I don't say anything and follow him to his house.

I know where you are taking this Alex. Let's see how far you will go.

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