Chapter 57

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No, no , no , no. You can't. You cannot. No stop , no. Wait. No . Wait.

I jerk open my eyes from the dream I had. I can't breathe.
I try to grasp for air. I am profusely sweating and shaking. I can't get hold of myself.

What did I just see? What was that? Why did i even see that?

I get down of my bed and take a step towards the door...... and i loose the balance. I immediately loose the balance and everything starts fading into black.

What the fuck is this.

I sit down on the edge of the bed and take in deep breaths to calm down. Fuck this. I need someone. I need anyone to hold on to right now.
I can feel my heart beating out of the cage. Simultaneously the sweat drops are making my spectacles foggy.

A few minutes pass like this. Finally I get hold of myself. I get up and walk out of the room, downstairs.

"You are awake" mom half chirps.
"Yeah" I say taking a sit at the table. My head is killing me again and nothing feels good. I put my head down in order to avoid any kind of  conversations.

"Annaa....." she an uneven tone.

I look up and find her staring at me..... something is not right.....she is hiding something or is about to throw something out of her mouth which won't be pleasant much.

"What's wrong?" I ask her with a straight face.

" Nothing...I was just wondering....if you have covered up your backlogs...." she stutters and says.... nervousness prominent in her expression.

"Yeah....I did.....but....." I pause and then continue " this isn't what you wanted to say or ask. So spill out the words".

"Nothing specific... it's just that....I was wondering if we could go out on a small trip"

What? Trip? Mom? Me? Just the two? And she's saying it herself? Like.... seriously?

I can't process it. I cannot. What's wrong with her? Ever since the day, my vacation started, she has been too good with me? I had a gut feeling of something was wroybut gradually I was getting over the confusion. And then she comes up with this? For me to agree???

"Anna?" mom asks me interrupting my state of shock.

"Yes. Yes. Of course. Yes. We can." I say and start walking away towards my room.

What is wrong with me? Ever since the day my vacation started, everything has been much different. Mom has been the ideal mom. I have been pretty much centralised with my studies. No one has tried to contact me. Let alone Alex. I have been able to workout on myself. And now the trip?

It just seems like the calm before deadly storm. I don't know what's waiting on the road ahead..... I don't know what surprise will I face and whether will I be able to handle it. Why is everything so perfect? Why?

I don't know. Honestly. I don't know.

I stop by the staircase and turn back.
"When are we going? And where?" I ask her with almost no expression on my face.

"Actually....we are leaving tomorrow. I booked the tickets in an attempt to surprise you. I won't reveal the destination though" she says and giggles.

I feel nervous, so instead of going into any further discussion, i turn towards the staircase.

"Whateverr" i say and wave my hands at her.

She doesn't reply back anything.

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