Chapter 44

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Why did he lock the door?

I try to maintain the "normal" appearence..... pretending not to be affected by the sudden change of behaviour of Ross.

He walks up to the windows and pulls the curtain. After drawing the strings of the curtain of first window, he walks over to the other one and does the same. This time he eyes me while walking. I watch him in an expression of "surprised".

The room is now dark...... almost sound proof. I start feeling a little anxious with his steps now approaching

'Will he about to....'that's the first thing that crosses my mind.
No he won't. He wouldn't dare doing that. Why would he? He knows that I am back with Alex....or.....we aren't whatever. But if that isn't the intention, why would he change the ambience without initiating a single conversation with me? I won't let him touch me. I won't.

Anxiety starts creeping into my veins. The finger play starts simultaneously with heavy breathing. Shit.

Ross has noticed this already. I know. But he hasn't yet come up with anything or said to me yet. I look back to find him standing by the table on the corner with his back to me.

"You okay?" I finally break the silence.

"Yeah yeah I am fine" he startles.

"Okay" i cut him short.

Another minute passes with that pin drop silence in between us. I know the situation isn't about to turn up good for real.....and if he dares to come near me, i promise he'll see the worst thing.

I hear his footsteps approach towards me. I shift slightly in an attempt to take the phone from the other side of the bed. 

He puts his hand on mine before i could take the phone. I look at him in a way...angry and startled at the same time.

"No" he says staring deep into my eyes.

"Why?" I ask, moving my hands away from beneath his.

"You are gonna sleep now. I'll sit here for the rest of the night messaging your head and legs gently, so that the tiredness drawing along with the pain, both physical and mental'" he says emphasizing extra on the last part.

What? Hold on. WHAT?
He did all this so that I could sleep? Like.... seriously? What the actual fuck?

I stare at him trying to process the whole thing.
Unable to accept his words, i blurted out.
"You did all this so that I can sleep?"

He is taken aback by my tone and shifts a little and nods in 'yes'.

"You show up at my home, you get shirtless inside my bedroom, you go down and bandage the open wound and then plant a small kiss smirking at me with your intentions prominent on the face, then you make up some bullshit story for a night stay to mom, you come up to my room and lock the door without saying a word, you pull the curtain strings to draw them and cover all the windows....all these just to make me SLEEP and COMFORT ME?" i sound like a complete lunatic.

"Yeah..i mean...yes...and ....i mean." He stutters.

"You mean what?" I fire back.

He stares at me for a minute straight into my eyes, his pupils dilated and dark, his jawline clenching into tension.

" Yes, I want you to sleep. Isn't that what exactly you wanted to hear?" He steps right in front of me.
" I can't let you know what I wanted, because that's not definitely what you want..." He says lowering his voice and ending the word 'want' at the end in a whisper. His face is in front of mine, his warm breath falling over my lips.
"You... better not try to know about my plans and instead just sleep like my 'good girl' " he says in a whisper in my ears, the warm air hitting the lobes straight, sending goosebumps down my spine.

I am freezed. My voice is freezed. I cannot talk anymore.

I move away from him instead of replying to him and take the pillow and shift towards the headboard and lie down.

"Good" he says and walks to the switch board and turns off the light and switches on the low lights of the false ceiling.

I turn to the other side and lay breath being still heavy from the turn on he just did.


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