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TW: Barty. That's the TW. (Or it's mainly just a warning) also mention of drinking. Sorry , but— I do love his character when he's written good, but he just isn't in this one... :[

Today had actually been going pretty well, and that sometimes felt like a rare thing to say.

I mean, school is school, classes are classes, and they're always going to be what they're going to be. Some are genuinely enjoyable, while the others make your life miserable. It's basic knowledge.
So, yes, school had been tolerable in the way it always is.

Evan and Barty seemed to be bothering me less than usual. I couldn't complain. Barty is still an annoying ass, but less so in the way he usually is. There has been moments, obviously, where he's made some stupid decisions, ending up with me punching him or cursing him in the end. Those moments were, and still are, inexcusable. But if the prick keeps to himself, then there isn't a problem. Again though, probably not the best choice to hang out around dodgy people, but I couldn't help it mainly, we share a dorm, don't we? And I'm not exactly the best person out there to befriend either, I suppose. What can I say? Barty and Evan can still be nice blokes to hang around.. sometimes.

Anyways, after I had completed all my classes, turning in my essays, etc, I had left the two and instead went to hang around with Pandora. This, is always a nice thing to do, I find.

My relationships with everyone is different and unique in its own way, based off of who I'm with, obviously. So, in the simplest way possible, I'd say that Pandora is like one of those friends you can't get rid of, because they'd come right back, but that you genuinely don't want to get rid of. Because in all honestly they aren't that annoying at all, and you actually prefer their company.
I can only say that about a few people.

So, seeking to be in her company right now if not just alone, I wandered aimlessly around the castle. Heaven knows where she can usually be found these days, or any day, but I knew of a few places she visits often. I headed to those places first.

The library being my first guess, I started in that direction, strolling up and down corridors, taking a flight of stairs, passing other students along the way, but I wasn't at all expecting to meet her half way there.

Or, more like I met her, as she was sitting perfectly still.

She sat on the floor, in the middle of a large corridor, leaning with her back against a wall and her knees propped up to her chest, though not too far so that she couldn't read the book in her lap. Her blonde curls fell all around her face in elegant trails, completely tenting her face from view, but I knew either way that she was lost in some other world. One made entirely from ink and paper.

In fact, I started to realize that she hadn't even noticed me at all. She was absorbed completely in her book.

Y'know, the proper thing to do would be to announce my presence, let her know I'm here, say something as simple as hello as to not startle her. She does have a book after all, and is fully capable of smacking me with it if I scare her.

But, why do the sensible thing, when I don't have to?

Mm... I realize.
That sounds like something Sirius would live by...
We really are related, aren't we?

I walk up to Pandora, not bothering to make any noise, before coming to stand beside her. I lean down a bit, as if to look at the book she was reading, then speak without warning.

"Good book?"

She glances up, only looking mildly surprised to find me standing here, before glancing back down at the pages.

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