Chapter 12

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Vivs POV
As I'm walking back to the gym I hear soft cries. I follow them to see a girl around 12-14 years old. Ahh I remember the girl as Tiana. I look at her to see blood stains on her knuckles and on the wall. Fuck is she ok? Instinctively my big sister instincts took over and I walk over to the girl.
"Shh you ok honey?" I whisper letting her know I'm there. She hugs me tight. I can tell she needs this so I hug her back. She shoves her crying face into my neck as I stroke the back of her head. She stops crying so I look at her hand.
"Does this hurt?" I say as I gently touch her knuckle. She shakes her head to say no. But as I move further across her hand she shudders at the pain. I tell her that we should go see her mother which she refuses so I suggest Arsenal medics she refuses again. Finally I decide the best thing I could do would be to call Kim as she is captain and would know what to do.
V-"Hey Kim"
K-"viv? Everything ok?"
V- "not really no. You know Tiana Cassandra's daughter well I think she punched a wall landing in a bleeding knuckle I also thing she might have broken some fingers. The thing is she is refusing to see the medics or her mum."
K- ok. Where are you lot? I will come over and try and get her to see atleast the medics.
V-thanks Kim. We're behind the stairwell at the left gym wall.
Hang up

Back to Tiana's POV
I have refused to go to see my mother as if I go she will definitely shout at me again which I cannot deal with. I have also refused to see the Arsenal medics as I am nearly a 100 percent sure they would have to ask my mothers permission to treat me and that too would earn a shouting at from my mother.
"Hey darling." I look up and see Kim.
"Please tell me you didn't say anything to my mother!" I say apparently too quick.
"No darling I didn't but we need to get you some help. Your knuckle is obviously not okay. Please just come to the medics with us." Kim says calmly.
I nod my head in agreement. I don't really have a choice do I. We walk to the medics Kim's hand on my right shoulder Viv's hand on my left.

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