Requested: ~He Who Is Made of Gold Is Always Selfish~ Judas Wolfgang

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Judas' P.O.V/Narrator's P.O.V

"You got emerald shoe buckles?! That's amazing!"
"I know! And you got nicely decorated silver ones!"
"I-I just cannot believe this!"
"Remember to be thankful for what we have, yes?"
"I for once agree with you, Lobsterback."

Judas stopped in his tracks to hear the commotion coming from the, what used to be, Forbidden Parlor Room. He glared down the dimly lit hall and pondered for a little while before walking in with his arms by his side. When the leader entered the room, he spotted General Verlice, Captain Lawless, Pierre Lefevre, the Bishop brothers, and all the others who just walked in. "What is all the commotion about?" Judas gestured for Shay to explain first who looked a little startled by Judas' presence. But Haytham beat him to it. "We got new shoe buckles! Aren't they amazing?!" Judas' brows were raised in confusion. "Haytham.. where did you get such items?" Hugo sighed. "He- we all got them because it was a gift from Malak. We were keeping our promise by guarding the Ring Piece while you sat in your fancy room with your fancy desk and did nothing to help us. So we were rewarded." Hugo stated with a sarcastic tone. Going back to putting his new gold shoe buckles inside his coat.

The leader of Estelle Manor was furious. Not only did the 2nd in charge, Hugo Verlice, just talk back to him. But if Judas was aware of being rewarded for doing your job, he would've taken part! But he wasn't made aware of it. Judas nodded his head and quickly left the room. He needed to let Malak know that whatever this was, was not okay.

"Are you angry? Or more disappointed?"
"I'd say both. But not towards my men."

Judas turned around to see Malak standing at the other end of the hall. He couldn't tell if he was smiling or not from where he was standing. And Malak knew exactly what Judas wanted. "Just because you've been a leader for 300 years, it doesn't mean you're going to get everything you desire." Judas glared at Malak from across the hall. "You're the one that started this greedy mess. You are probably the greediest man I know. And yet here you are... demanding and demanding again. When will you learn, Wolfgang?" Judas' fists were clenched together now. It got to the point where his hands actually started to hurt. "I just..." Judas found himself stuck in his words. He didn't want to admit that Malak was right. "I just wanted something good again. My shoe buckles have lost their shine, the colour in my clothes are wearing out, my axes have gone dull! I have nothing great about this "life" anymore!" Malak's shoulders shook in laughter.

"I wonder why." Judas' shoulders drooped in an exhausted manner. "Judas. You are failing at your duties. Do I need Hugo to execute you before you go mad?" Malak took a step forward. Judas scoffing. "I'm already mad. Just not as mad as you think." Now Malak scoffed with a shake of his head.

"Don't you remember when Hugo begged for you to kill him? And you did..."
"He begged me to because he couldn't live with himself anymore! The episodes were too much for him to handle. And you brought him back!"
"I did it because I knew you were going to act up like this someday. And I know Hugo would be able to smarten you up. Somewhat.. don't you remember why your here, Judas?"

Judas muttered curses under his breath, marching away. He didn't want to deal with anyone at that moment. But Judas knew the reason why he was here. Hugo even mentioned it himself once when he got into an argument with Judas. The leader looked down at his gold hands that had tiny scars on them. His eyes softened at the look of his hands. He remembered why he was here, of course.

Judas was evil and greedy.

He was born that way.

And nobody could change that.

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