Requested: ~Brotherly Love~ Hedwig Bishop & Alexander Stuyvesant

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Bury My Heart
By: Peter Gundry

Alexander does not belong to me! He belongs to Mastermindxoxo!


Estelle Manor

Hedwig stood impatiently in front of Heinrich's door. He scoffed and looked to the left and right, hoping to see him come out of one of his hidden passageways. But he never did. Maybe he wasn't present and doing something else? Hedwig hesitantly opened Heinrich's door and peaked inside. "So he isn't here." Hedwig whispered to himself. He creeped into the room and made sure to close the door behind him. Hedwig glanced around the lavish room with interest. He's never been in Heinrich's room before, so this was a great little experience for him - even if he wasn't allowed in here. He walked past Heinrich's bed and saw the huge portrait that hung above it depicting Heinrich himself and his three sisters. When Heinrich told the others that he used to be the King of Germany almost everyone thought he was lying.. until he proved it by allowing everyone to read his Project book.

"Wow..." Hedwig gasped when he saw all of the projects Heinrich has made recently. They all sat on his work bench. Hedwig always wondered how Heinrich - a man who used to rule over a whole country - was able to have the talent to make such things and have such hobbies. It amazed him, really. Hedwig gently picked up one of the trinkets that laid across the work bench. He then sighed and put the small trinket down. He came here to ask Heinrich a favour of helping him to try and get gift ideas for Alexander who was soon leaving. "Well... I tried." Hedwig's shoulders drooped and he readjusted his walking staff so that he could leave the room. But something caught his eye.

A little flash of gold and red glistened from the corner of Hedwig's eye. His brows furrowed and he stared at the trinket that was covered by cloth for a moment. He shakily reached out and removed the cloth and he gasped in shock. He was heavily impressed with Heinrich's skills now. Hedwig awed at the beautiful handmade red and gold ornate box that looked brand new. He slowly opened it which revealed the inside. You could store anything in here! Such as jewelry, money, little trinkets, etc! It was amazing! Hedwig jumped when music started to chime from the box.

There were two little figures slowly spinning around in a circle along to the music until it stopped. Hedwig dreamily smiled at the box. He wanted it so badly himself, but knew instantly that it would be the perfect gift for Alexander. Not only was it brand new - from the looks of it - but maybe Heinrich forgot about it and Hedwig can just take it!


Heinrich closed his door and walked up to the stunned boy. Hedwig felt Heinrich's hand land on his shoulder. He sighed and took the box with both hands, hoping Heinrich would understand why he wanted to take this box. When Heinrich saw the ornate box in Hedwig's hands, he raised a brow. "I... I really think this would be a wonderful gift for Alexander. Will you allow me to give it to him?" Heinrich pondered for a moment. It was a project he finished that he didn't really like after all. He looked back at Hedwig and nodded with a warm and reassuring smile. Hedwig gasped and gave Heinrich a side hug. "Thank you! Now.. you make clothes, right?"


"Is Alexander here?!"
"He just left to go grab something, actually. About two minutes ago. Why?"

Hedwig sat down while panting. His breathing irregular. "Did you run here or something?" Haytham asked as he flipped a page in his book. Hedwig frowned. "I thought you didn't know how to read-" Haytham looked up with an irritated look which caused Hedwig to look down at the ground. "Hugo taught me." He simply stated, going back to reading his book. He glanced up at Hedwig again. "And why are you wearing that?" Hedwig made sure the ornate box was hidden in his hands. "Because I felt like it." Haytham suspiciously eyed Hedwig. He then flipped out his pocket watch and looked at it. "I have to go. Hugo has been in that Secret Garden of his for too long." Haytham put his book down and walked out of the room. Leaving Hedwig by himself with the ornate box. 

He looked down at it in his hands and traced a thumb over the top. Inside it, there was a note as well. After a while of waiting, Hedwig grew impatient and stood up. Either he would walk down the halls and stumble across Alexander or he'd go to his room. Hedwig carefully tucked the ornate box under his arm and started limping to Alexander's room.

"Alexander? Are you here?"

It was silent on the other end of the door.

"Bloody hell... is nobody ever in their rooms anymore?" Hedwig asked himself, opening Alexander's door to see if he was actually in the room. He was not. Hedwig gave a sigh of relief and walked with the ornate box still under his arm. He made his way over to Alexander's desk and gently placed the ornate box onto it. He opened it to make sure the note was still there before closing the ornate box. He sadly looked at the ornate box before scoffing to himself. "I am so pathetic." He muttered to himself. He readjusted his walking staff and made his way out of Alexander's room.

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