Requested: ~We're All Going To Die..~ General Verlice

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His death will be revealed here since so many are so curious. In the Project Verlice book however, the POV will be put differently for his death

September 24th, 1775

"Say it, Verlice! Say you want me to stop!"

Major General, Robert Taylor, slashed Hugo's back once more with Lieutenant Muller by his side. His arms crossed and a disgusted look on his face as he stared coldly at the General's bleeding back. Meanwhile, some of Hugo's men stood there with sympathetic looks on their faces. They tried to focus on anything other than their Leader being beaten. But it was hard to do so when you could hear his pleas for Robert to stop and his cries of pain. Even Henry, Lieutenant Muller, looked like he was having a hard time watching Hugo being flogged. "You failed us all, Verlice!" Robert slashed Hugo's back once more. The General looked like he was about to pass out. Every time he tried to get back up or crawl away, he would be slashed again. But Hugo wasn't moving anymore. He was breathing heavily and he had no more tears left to cry. His back felt like the skin was about to peel off on it's own.

One of Hugo's men quickly wiped his nose with his sleeve. He really depended on the General to get him back home one day. He deeply cared for his Leader as well. "Are you finished yet?" Robert mocked Hugo as he bent down and poked his bruised and bleeding back. He tossed the flogging instrument - the bloodied up whip - to the side before pulling out his flintlock pistol. "Sir, General Verlice had his punishment. There's no need for that." Lieutenant Muller argued, uncrossing his arms. Robert turned to Henry after he finished pushing the gunpowder down with his ramrod. "I don't think he has. Remember the village's ambush? He was given his second chance, and he blew it." Robert pointed to all the lined up dead children that lay in the grass. "Then he tried to save these orphans from our wrath. He no longer deserves a third chance." Henry took a step forward.

"Last time all we did was threaten to shoot him!"
"That means nothing! What would he learn from that?! He's a stubborn man! He was a tutor, but learned nothing from this experience!"

Hugo finally had the strength to open his red and puffy eyes. When he mustered up the strength to look up, he spotted one of his men wiping their eyes. He sadly smiled the best he could and mouthed toward the soldier that everything will be okay. Hugo knew that was a lie. And so did the soldier, Gabriel Stone. "Get up." Robert suddenly and harshly grabbed Hugo by the hair. Hugo yelped in pain. "Let go of me!" He cried as he was forced on his tired feet. Henry took Hugo by both of his arms and positioned him to stand. Robert walked a few steps back with his pistol pointed directly at Hugo. Gabriel and the others all felt disgusted when they got a good look at Hugo's back. One of the men ended up throwing up from the grotesque sight. Gabriel was just surprised that Hugo was still breathing. "King George sure is going to love the news that one of his traitor generals has now been shot and killed." Robert laughed, along with Henry.

Hugo's legs were shaking when he saw Robert put his finger on the trigger. He was just waiting. Patiently. Even the birds stopped chirping. It's almost like they knew death awaited Hugo. However, Hugo was caught off guard when Robert called over two of the soldiers that were standing nearby. They both glanced at each other, confused. "Come over here!" Robert waved, his teeth gritted together. The two men jogged over and each one of them stood by Robert's side. The muskets they held with a death grip seemed to be loaded as well. The two men waited for a command of some sort. It took a while before Robert finally decided. "Take aim." Robert muttered with a glare under his tricorn hat. Both men side eyed Robert, before one complied, the other didn't.

Robert turned his attention to the one that was frozen in place. They were staring directly at the badly beaten General who looked like he could barely stand on his own. When Hugo made eye contact with the soldier that stood frozen, he instantly recognized their face. "Richard?" Hugo's childhood best friend looked to the side in a shameful way. "Hugo Verlice and Richard Giles? Wow, I'm so touched." Robert joked in a tone of mockery. "Take aim, Richard." Henry demanded with a straight face. At this point, Hugo felt completely betrayed once he saw Richard point his musket straight at Hugo. He sucked in a breath - his muscles tightening. Robert gave Henry a nod, dismissing him from keeping Hugo in place. Henry quickly backed away to the side.

Gabriel jumped back as all three guns were fired. Hugo instantly stumbled onto his back with one hand holding his chest. He laid in the grass breathing heavily and tears staining his vision. He was practically gasping for breath. "Return back to Headquarters, all of you." Robert put his flintlock pistol back in its holster with Henry, Richard, and everyone else by his side. But Gabriel stayed there, horrified. In an instant, almost without thinking, he ran over to Hugo's dying body. The blonde haired boy fell onto his knees and stared at Hugo's wounds. Three musket ball wounds right in his chest. He wouldn't be surprised if one of them hit his lungs. "No.." Gabriel pleaded, placing one hand on Hugo's bare shoulder. Hugo made eye contact with him. Gabriel has never seen his General look this terrified. "W-what about your wife? And daughter?! Major General Taylor is going to kill them! He wrote a letter!" Hugo choked up a bit of blood when those words came out of Gabriel's mouth.

Hugo slowly and shakily brought up one of his blood covered hands and stroked Gabriel's tear and gunpowder stained cheek. "Go.. to the bridge... bring y-your gun.. burn that..... letter.." Gabriel shook his head in confusion. "What are you trying to say?! Come on, sir!" Hugo looked off to the side with his mouth agape slightly. "We're all going to die..." He simply stated as a single tear ran down his cheek. "No, sir! We-" Gabriel stopped talking when he noticed Hugo's chest was no longer heaving up and down and his eyelids weren't blinking. "Sir? Sir?!" Gabriel shook the General's shoulder roughly while his cheeks were completely stained with tears.

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