Requested: ~Quite The Case~ Gold Watchers & Maude Lorenzo (AU)

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AU: What would basically happen if Maude was a child and was sent to the Estelle Manor
(One of Hedwig's "best friends" is mentioned here too, even though she really isn't in Estelle Manor. She's only in his lore book)

Mastermindxoxo's OC's are here too!


The Courthouse

Judas rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. Maude wasn't willing to say anything while on the stand since she was too uncomfortable. He couldn't blame her though, she was only five years old and she couldn't understand what was even going on. Hugo decided to pose as the prosecutor since he was able to defend Maude while Haytham and Benjamin posed as "defence lawyers" even though they were only defending Maude... in a way. The reason why those two decided to play those roles was because Hedwig was also with Hugo - except he was taking notes for some reason. And they did not want to let Hedwig make any decision.

Hugo walked up to the stand and gave Maude a smile. He would start off with easy and with no intimidating questions. "Can you tell me how old you are?" Maude put up one of her hands, showing all five fingers. "Five!" Hugo whispered a 'really?' before continuing. "And where are you from?" Maude put her hand back down and looked away for a second. "Chicago." Hugo raised a brow. "Chicago? Where's that?" Louis, who was sitting in the back, smiled. Another American, huh? "It's in Illinois." Maude watched Hugo nod before he leaned against the stand. "So, for the past few weeks, you have been getting taken care of by Hedwig, Pierre, me, Judas, and Heinrich. Did you have fun with all of them?" Maude grinned and straightened up in her seat. "Yep!" Judas smiled and gave Hugo a glance. "What kind of things did you do with them?" Maude looked at Judas first.

"Judas taught me how to make sure that plants have been watered properly because Hedwig and Pierre were supposed to do it, and he said that 'they're too fucking miserable for their own good'."
"That's nice."

Hugo would make sure to have a conversation with Judas later. He was old enough to know that Maude could easily repeat things she's heard. But he did see Benjamin and Haytham nod in agreement. "Anything else?" Maude put her chin in the palm of her hand. "Heinrich taught me how to fix a small hole in any type of fabric, you taught me how to ride a horse, Pierre taught me how to pick-pocket, and Hedwig taught me how to make Gordon pee on other people's houses!" Hugo's smile almost dropped, Benjamin and Haytham looked over to see Hedwig giggling to himself, and Judas raised a brow at Hedwig. Maude then made eye contact with Louis. "And Louis taught me all the music notes. He even told me a bedtime story about how you and him got into a big fight which resulted in his face looking like that." Hugo's eyes widened. He looked over to see Louis pulling down his scarf - that went up to his nose which helped cover his wound whenever he went out - so that Maude could see him smiling at her.

"Well, I'd think we all agree that Louis is a smart and good man." Hugo watched the Captain's eyelights go over to him. His smile dropped however and he gave Hugo a glare. He wasn't going to say what he wanted to say. "Now before you came here, do you remember the last thing your mother or father said to you?" Maude sadly smiled and sheepishly nodded. "My mum said that she loved me and that I was going to be just fine." Judas and Hugo looked between each other, a knowing look on their face. So there were a lot of different scenarios that could've played out here. "And if your mother could pick anybody in this room to be your new parent.. who would it be?" Maude didn't seem to hesitate with this answer. "Louis because he has the best bedtime stories!" Louis pointed at his chest, almost as if he was wondering why she picked him out of everybody here. "Thank you, Mau. You can step down now." The General took Maude by the hand and helped her down from the stand. Judas looked over the crowd.

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