Requested: ~Courthouse~ Haytham Bishop & Judas Wolfgang

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The Courthouse

Haytham stood at the entrance of the courthouse. He wasn't supposed to be here at all, but he was curious. He heard of Judas' work and how he went here from time to time. It was a fair distance too - only thirty minutes away from the Estelle Manor. Haytham had snuck out when everyone had fallen asleep. He truly wanted to know what the inside of the place looked like. Especially the way Judas always talked about. Apparently he was both a judge and a hanging judge back when he was still flesh and blood. Haytham could understand why Judas was so feared back then. Even still to this day Judas is feared by many - Haytham included. That judge was just so unpredictable at times.

The young man walked up the few stairs and opened the white doors, hearing a loud creak emit from them. He cringed at that before walking inside. He made sure to close the doors behind him before venturing further. "Oh wow.." He awed looking around with wide eyes. The place was beautiful on the inside! Above him sat a gold chandelier that was lit, on the walls that led to the courtroom there were paintings of just Judas starting from the age of 19 then going all the way to 27, the age he died at. In all the paintings he was wearing his red judge uniform and his wig. Haytham was very captivated by Judas' purple eyes in the paintings, however. It seemed like they were just staring into his soul from each painting. Whoever the artist was, well, they did a wonderful job at making Judas look intimidating in each of these portraits.

Haytham walked up to the portrait that was definitely his favourite; the one where he was at the age of 25. You could tell puberty hit him hard between the ages of 19-21 since some of his looks were changing then. Haytham's fingers touched the gold frame of the portrait. In the middle at the bottom there was black lettering.

Judas Caspian Wolfgang
Judge & Hanging Judge of Boston

Haytham then looked at the dark wooden doors with the gold doorknobs. The courtroom. He did want to see what was inside there-

"Evening Mister Bishop."

Haytham almost jumped a meter in the air as he turned around to face the judge that practically towered over him. Haytham took a few steps back to see Judas standing there with an unhappy look on his face. He seemed to be all dressed up too, with his judge wig and uniform. It almost seemed as if Judas had those small little chains on all of his clothes since his judge uniform also had some chains hooked onto the red fabric. "Evening to you as well... Judas." The young boy replied, his voice shaky. He wasn't expecting Judas to just be standing there. "What are you doing here exactly?" Judas asked, crossing his arms and tapping a foot.

"Well.. I'm here to.. to.... to uh- I'm here to see the courtroom..."
"Excuse me?"
"Uh..! No! I'm here to-!"
"You said courtroom."
"You wanted to see the courtroom."

Haytham waved his hands in an 'x' motion with a devastated look on his face. Judas scoffed and walked past Haytham, almost brushing up against the scared boy. "I-it's just that-" Judas cut Haytham off. "I am a judge! I must come here and help others! Whether it be about theft, murder, or anything else! This is my job." Haytham nodded in understanding as he followed Judas into the courtroom. Judas sighed and shook his head as he walked down the narrow aisle between the wooden benches where the people or jury would sit. "I'm just so tired of having to deal with thieves and drunks..." Judas whispered to himself under his breath. Haytham stopped in front of the judge's bench and watched Judas sit down in his seat, his chin in the palm of his hand.

"I didn't mean to upset you, Judas." The judge sighed and heard the front doors open. Great. The case would be starting soon. "Oh Haytham.." Judas looked back down at the boy. "Can't you understand? When your heartless brother murdered you, anyone else here would have abandoned you. And I took care of you since then until that General came along. And this is my thanks?" Judas pointed at his chest, his expression contorted into a depressed state. "I'm sorry, Judas. I didn't mean to pry at your work." Haytham heard the other Gold Watchers entering the courtroom, whispering amongst each other. "Haytham... you don't know what it's like to punish people, torture people, or sentence them to their fate. But I do. I do...

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