~Breaking Point~ Haytham Bishop

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Narrator's P.O.V

"Get out."
"Get out! Hugo is gone!"

A porcelain vase was thrown at the wall, breaking into small pieces.


Haytham fell to the floor with his brother up against the wall with his hands in front of his eyes. Haytham's eyes were no longer their emerald green colour. They were now red and filled with heartbreak. "Get out..." He muttered one last time. Hedwig immediately did as told. He limped out of Haytham's destroyed room and closed the door behind him.

Haytham sat himself up against the wall with his knees up to his chest. How could Judas and Hedwig do such a thing? Hedwig did mention that Hugo will be returning soon but Haytham didn't believe it. Haytham slowly stood up with shaky movements and sat down at his desk that was stacked with old letters from Hugo. But there was one that looked newer. Haytham carefully picked it up and recognized the neat handwriting. He immediately unfolded the letter and read it.

Dear Haytham,

I'm going to be very short and clear with you on this since I don't know what else to tell you. But the world has taken too much from you for you to still be considered a child... I'm sorry dear boy, but I'm at my breaking point. The world had taken too much from me for me to still be considered a sane man.


Haytham immediately understood what Hugo meant by that. He let the letter fall to the floor, staining it with his black inky tears. Haytham was also at his breaking point. He couldn't keep up with anything anymore. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve and turned to look at the fireplace in his room. Above the fireplace sat the sword he used to kill a few people back when he was alive. The sword's blade was made from steel and had a gold and silver handle. He went over to the fireplace and took the 200 and some year old sword off the wall. He looked over the blade. Letting his fingers go down the steel blade. He then looked to his bed where above it sat a painting of him and his brother when they were younger. He looked at his door before looking back down at the sword.

He knew what he had to do...

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