~Happy Birthday!~ Hedwig Bishop

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Hedwig's birthday: December 4th, 1738

More so on the venting side of Hedwig (since I didn't know where else to put this). I kinda feel like his side of this is, somewhat, important to get the details of what he thinks about himself. Honestly got brought to a little bit of tears writing this, so be warned

Mastermindxoxo's OC's are mentioned here as well!



Hedwig tiredly yawned, his eyes half-lidded, and his body felt weak. He stayed up way past then he should have, overthinking. He stared at the fireplace in front of him - as he sat in the main parlor room. The fire was just about to go out, meaning he would have no more warmth. The statue murmured complaints under his breath about the cold weather as he grabbed his cane and limped out of the main parlor room, heading in the direction of his bedroom.

Usually, when strolling down the halls at "night", Hedwig would take it more slow than usual. He liked the way everything looked when nobody was around. It was odd to him. What was the difference? Why was there a difference? He had no clue. Pierre had a theory that it was because Hedwig liked the silence, but that didn't seem right. Hedwig seemed more awake now, but his body was telling him 'no'.

"O-oh.." He stumbled back when he almost ran into one of the tall lit gold candle holders. When he made sure he had his balance back, he continued with his walk. That, sometimes, happened. It was the worst in public though. What he meant was; during parties or visiting places/other manors. Hedwig almost seemed attacked in a way whenever someone would point out something he did wrong. Yeah, he knows he did it wrong, yeah, he knows it was a mistake, and yeah, he knows what everyone says about him behind closed doors. He knows... he knows it all.

The name calling.

The teasing.

The gossip.

The whispering when they think he isn't looking or listening.

But Hedwig had good sight and good hearing - something he inherited from his mother. What one of the things that hurt him the most was when others harmed him physically and emotionally. People knew they could get under his skin, and the older Bishop brother didn't understand why. He had been called 'different' before, but that never bothered him. What was wrong with that? Nothing. At least, he thought so. It eventually got so under Hedwig's skin that he begged Jesse to do some sort of evaluation on him. Only to see if something really was wrong with him. But there was nothing. But that was what Jesse had said. Hedwig knew otherwise. He wasn't stupid. He had been called.. certain and specific names growing up by others, but back then, he didn't really care. But now? It irritated him. One time it got to the point of Hedwig ending up in a physical fight with some drunk at a party once after the name calling got too irritating. And when Hedwig tried to ignore the man by walking away - and even trying to cover his ears - the teasing somehow felt like it had gotten louder and his brain was starting to hurt. 

So, Hedwig threw the punch first. The first person to try and defuse the situation was Haytham, but what could a 17 year old do to stop a 20 year old? Hugo was present at that party, but nowhere to be seen. After about the 7th punch, Alexander had eventually come in. Hedwig didn't know where he came from, but he definitely came at the right time since Hedwig's fists were starting to ache. Alexander and Hugo weren't too happy about what Hedwig pulled, but they were more angry and frustrated with Judas since he didn't take any of it seriously. However, the judge did file some sort of punishment for the drunk, so that was a win-win... Hedwig guessed.

Judas used to be another problem of Hedwig's. When Hedwig first arrived, and Judas got a good interpretation of what Hedwig was like, the judge immediately targeted him with vile comments and teasing remarks. Behind closed doors, Hedwig cried from one of the insults, but denied that he did when Haytham said that he could've sworn he heard sobbing coming from Hedwig's room. Hedwig was too embarrassed to admit it. He felt weak and vulnerable whenever he got emotional around others - even by himself too. This was also around the time when Hedwig begged the doctor for the evaluation. And when Jesse caught Judas teasing the poor script writer during dinner, the doctor had a private chat with Judas. After that, Judas never said any type of insult like he did again. But Hedwig had a feeling he knew what Jesse had told Judas. If Jesse knew why Hedwig was the way that he was, and he didn't tell him himself, but told Judas, then something was wrong here.

Then, becoming extremely desperate, Hedwig had gone to Hugo for advice. More so for some kind of guidance and knowledge. Thank God Hugo had been honest with Hedwig, otherwise he would've lost his mind. But the only thing that Hugo had told Hedwig was that he may have had different aspects of him, but that could never matter. Hedwig felt like that was a lie. But Hugo did mention that he met a young man when he was teaching university students literature that Hedwig reminded Hugo of that certain student. When Hugo continued to talk about it, Hedwig lost interest and thanked Hugo for the help. But Hedwig was still desperate for something. An answer! That's all he wanted! The insults, like, 'retarded' and 'feeble-minded' (and many others) genuinely hurt. It felt like... a spike had gone through Hedwig's heart whenever someone would spit an insult like that towards him. Of course, he would act like it didn't hurt, and spit an insult back.

But his voice always cracked whenever he would fight back.

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