Requested: ~Babysitting At It's Finest~ Hedwig Bishop & Alexander Stuyvesant

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Thomas and Alexander belong to Mastermindxoxo!


Juliet perked up when she felt someone gently tugging at the bottom of her dress. When she had turned around, she saw a little boy with messy looking red hair, as if he'd been playing around outside all day, freckles that pass from one cheek and across the nose to the other, and he was nervously staring up at the young woman. She smiled and bent down to be eye to eye with him. "Aww, hello! What's your name?" She gave him a little pat on the hand. "Alexander." Her brows raised. "Alexander? Okay-" She looked past the boy's shoulder when she saw Hedwig approaching them at a fast pace. Juliet could sense Hedwig's worry as he came closer. "There you are! Are you okay?" Hedwig got down in front of Alexander and put both hands on his cheeks, inspecting his face for any injuries. "Don't you ever run off like that again on me, okay, don't do that!" Hedwig gave Alexander a quick smile and wink of his eye - and Alexander mimicked the actions.

Hedwig got back up with a hiss of pain but managed to give Juliet a smile. "Thank you so much for being sweet to my little boy here!" Juliet raised a brow and gave Hedwig a smirk. "You're welcome.. Hedwig." The older Bishop's smile dropped. "You know who I am?" Hedwig didn't even notice that Alexander left his side and ran off to a nearby tree. "I talked with you at the theatre. Your brother told me about you, actually." Juliet watched a light shade of pink spread across the script writer's cheeks and ears. "Haytham told you about me? Great..." Hedwig ran a hand over his mouth. Butterflies were starting to swirl around in his stomach. "Yes, I'm sure you remember me. You were in quite a hurry back at the theatre." He readjusted his posture. "I'm sorry about that." Juliet muttered a 'yeah' and crossed her arms. "So what? You have a son now?" Hedwig shook his head, his eyes wide. "I'm more of a babysitter for right now." Juliet nodded.

"And then you'll have to start finding new ways to talk to girls in gardens." Embarrassed, Hedwig nodded and stared at his shoes. "Yes, that's correct." The two both looked over to see Alexander standing in front of a tree, focused on something. From the way he was standing Hedwig instantly knew what he was doing. "Hey! HEY!" When he finally got Alexander's attention, Hedwig waved at him. "Keep it flowing! That's it! Piss! PISS!" The woman dressed in pink covered her mouth with one hand to hide her laughter. "He's been having problems with his bladder or something lately. He's just.. pissing all the time. So I'm encouraging him to go whenever he feels like it. Except for in bed." Hedwig watched Alexander run back to his side and stand there, looking up at Juliet. She gave him a small wave.

"Could you do me a big favour?"
"Could you just hang out with me tonight? I don't want the boy to think he's a... omission because he couldn't help me talk to a girl."
"I really can't."
"I have big plans tonight. My father is hosting a dinner party so I have to be there."
"I see... hang on for a moment."

Hedwig snapped his fingers in Alexander's face and gave him a look. Alexander got the message and took a small step forward. "Juliet, if you don't accompany Hedwig tonight, there is a good chance that we both will develop a stutter." The chestnut haired woman shook her head and looked away with a smile. "P-p-p-p-please don't do this to us." Juliet turned back to look at the two. "That is so cruel, Hedwig!" She laughed. Hedwig shrugged with a grin. "He's good at that, isn't he?"


Modern AU

Hedwig looked around the classroom that he was forced to sit in since Alexander was too scared to enter it alone. So he promised him that just for today but every other day Alex would have to come in all by himself. The redhead swore to keep the promise. Hedwig felt like he was in a very tight space when he had to sit in the small desks. He looked over to the kid sitting on his right. "So this is what 3rd grade feels like?" The kid only stared at the tall man that was sitting in a small desk. Hedwig rolled his eyes when he got no response. He turned back to Alexander, who was sitting on his left, and whispered in his ear. "Happy to be in 3rd grade?" The dark brown eyed boy shrugged, an unsure look on his face. "I'm sure I can handle it. I'm only worried about the teacher. I hope they're nice." Hedwig nodded in agreement. He didn't want Alexander to have any troubles at school, especially with other students or teachers.

The sound of the door creaking open was heard and everyone turned to see who the teacher would be. Hedwig almost choked when he recognized who it was. He leaned back in his chair and kept his cane in his lap. "Good morning, everyone." Some of the students recognized the teacher and smiled, happy they got a decent teacher this year. "Good morning, Mister Verlice!" Hugo smiled. Hedwig should've known it was going to be him of all people. I mean, his name - Mr. Verlice - was written on the whiteboard for goodness sake! How did he not see it?! "Today's going to be an easy day. We're going to start a novel study together. The story is called 'My Sister Fanny'." All the children laughed at the book name but Hedwig stayed silent. "Quiet, quiet." Hugo shushed the children, opening the book and flipping through the pages. He didn't seem bothered by Hedwig's presence. "Now open your books to page 69." Hedwig giggled and looked around. "69! Get it?!" Alexander gave his babysitter a weird look and Hugo glared at the man who was now realizing that a 3rd grader wouldn't get the joke.

Hugo stared Hedwig dead in the eye, making the adult uncomfortable. "Class, this is Hedwig Bishop. Hedwig is a nuisance and is known around town for his trouble-making. He will be gone by tomorrow, I assure you. I apologize for this inconvenience." Hugo hissed the last part directly in Hedwig's direction before looking back down at the book. It seemed like he had already lost his patience with the older Bishop. But nobody could blame him. "Thomas, you may begin." Hugo pointed at one of the boys who was sitting in the front row. Hedwig watched the wavy blonde haired boy pick up his book and open it to the specific page before he began to read. 

"Once t-t-there was a g-girl who.." Hedwig stared at Thomas in disbelief and shock. Hedwig wasn't a very patient person and hearing someone stutter as they read was very irritating. Alexander noticed the look his well-known babysitter was giving Thomas and swatted his hand. "Be patient with him." Hedwig mentally shook his head and sighed. Hugo caught the look Hedwig was giving Thomas and stared at the older Bishop with a stern gaze. He was not impressed. The adult should know that children struggle to read. "A-a-a-and-" Hedwig cut Thomas off, making him jump in his seat. "T-t-t-today, Thomas!" Hugo slammed his book down on his desk and marched over to Hedwig's seat. He grabbed the cane and Hedwig's ear, forced him to stand up, and power walked out of the classroom with the panicked Hedwig by his side. Everyone started laughing once they left the room.

"OOWWW! YOUR TEARING MY EAR OFF!" Hugo practically threw Hedwig and his cane against the wall. His eyebrows furrowed. "Making fun of a little kid for trying to read! Are you psycho?! Do you not have a soul?!" Hedwig laughed in the teacher's face. "You keep your mouth shut for the rest of the day or I'm going to throw you out this school myself. End of story." Hugo straightened his brown knitted turtleneck sweater and walked back into the classroom. Hedwig carefully stood back up and leaned against the wall. "Wow, what a dick."

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