~Happy Birthday!~ General Verlice

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General Verlice's birthday: July 7th, 1745

Pretty short


He wanted to quit, he really did. But it was hard. He took another puff of his pipe and blew the smoke out his window. His sleep paralysis has been getting worse and this was the only way to really relieve his nerves. Alcohol had already failed him.. and it brought back another bad memory from the battlefields. When he heard footsteps stop in front of his door, he scrambled to find a place to hide his tobacco pipe. So he resulted in putting it on the windowsill, closing the window, and shutting the curtains. "You can come in!" He made sure that the smoke emitting from his pipe wasn't too obvious before turning around to be face-to-face with Judas. He took a step back and adjusted the collar of his shirt. Judas looked Hugo up and down. He wasn't wearing his coat or hat.

"I'm well aware of the date, Judas." The judge didn't reply. He didn't seem too happy either. "Are you also well aware that you didn't do a night patrol yesterday?" Hugo gritted his teeth. He was hoping Judas wouldn't mention that. "Well, uh.." The General scratched at his nose, readjusting his position. "I fell asleep early last night. I was exhausted after that dinner meeting." Judas knew it was the truth or a lie. However, he didn't push on it. Instead, he decided to focus Hugo's attention elsewhere.

He pointed at the portrait that hung on the wall behind the couch. "That's you and your.. daughter, I presume?" Hugo glanced up at the portrait, unknowingly smiling. He nodded. "Yes, uh... that was painted back in '74 - the year before I left. Everything was so great before Lydia ruined everything. I really trusted and loved her." Judas huffed. "I know the feeling." Judas kept his eyes on Lucille who was smiling up at her father whilst it looked like he was looking back down at her, a leg crossed over the other and his hands in his lap. When he knew that Hugo wasn't paying attention, he scuffled over to the window and peeled back the curtain slightly. Pausing for a brief second, he took the pipe and hid it behind his back.

"Well, pardon me, Hugo.. but I have to leave now. I fear that Orrick might be sleeping in again." Judas never turned his back on Hugo as he walked backwards to the door. Hugo gave him a weird look but smiled in an understanding manner. "I'll see you at dinner?" Judas shouted back an answer but it was unheard since he shut the door. When he had reached the other end of the hall, he slipped past a corner, made sure no one was looking, and took a puff from the pipe. 

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