~Happy Birthday!~ Captain Lawless

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Louis' birthday; June 19th, 1747
(This is a bit late)


A sigh escaped from Louis' lips when he dropped his quill onto his paper. The music sheet could wait for now. His fingers ached and so did his mind. His dark blue eyelights - if it was even possible - turned darker when he heard the sound of the piano being played in the music room. He grabbed his music sheet and left his room with haste. When the Captain opened the double white doors, he spotted Hugo playing his piano. Louis stood there for a moment. The grip on his music sheet tightened with every note that Hugo played. When the General noticed Louis standing there, he gave a small smile. Louis' eyes wandered over to his desk in the corner - where all his sheets of music were kept. He opened his mouth to speak, but Orrick slipped into the room.

Louis watched the Half Watcher make his way to Hugo, whispering something in his ear, before disappearing again. Louis always thought of Orrick as 'the special one' since he wasn't fully a statue like the rest of everyone else that lived here. And Orrick didn't have to wear a uniform either. He got to wear these comfortable garments instead. "Lucky bastard, he is." Louis turned back to Hugo who was now getting up from his seat. Louis watched the General walk over to him with a saddened expression. "Do you know what day it is today?" The room went silent after that, especially when the realization stuck onto Louis' face.

He looked back at the piano. He pursed his lips and tilted his head down, his tricorn hat creating a shadow over his eyes. Hugo got the message and left the music room - while also making sure to close the doors behind him since many forget. Louis made his way to the piano and slowly sat down. The chair creaked under his weight. He placed a finger on one of the keys and gently pressed down on it, hearing the low note emit from the large instrument. Louis sighed and turned his attention to the windows. "Edith..." His attention then went to the large portrait that hung on the wall, above his desk. Louis himself was also in the portrait, as well as his six children. "Margery, Helen, Malcolm, Eugene, Harold, and Brahms..." He was no one to pick favourites, but he would have to say that Eugene and Brahms were probably the most well-behaved out of all the others.

He knew that Helen, the first child, wanted to go to Philadelphia when she was older to study for... who knows what. Louis missed his whole family, yes, but he knew they would've been way happier without him being there. He was so blunt in that household... so strict with his children. Edith would always try and talk with him before they went to bed, but he'd instantly tell her off and he'd leave the house for a few hours. He wouldn't have been surprised if Harold was happy that he left. Louis was always on that boy's tail. The same was for Brahms too, the second child. But they always tried to make him happy, especially on special days like Christmas or on his birthday.

His birthday.

How old would he be turning again? He knew he'd be somewhere in the 200's. Were his children ever successful when he passed? Probably. Did he fail his children and wife? Oh, absolutely. He felt a tear slither down his cheek - which he quickly wiped away with the sleeve of his blue coat. He could only imagine the reaction his children would have if they saw him now... with that nasty wound on his cheek... how he's killed so many ever since he arrived here... he was disgusting. He's felt so disgusted with himself many times. Mostly on his birthday though. Those are the days when he remembers everything.

Every little thing.

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