~Early In The Morning~ Hedwig Bishop & Alexander Stuyvesant (Comedy)

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Mastermindxoxo's OC's are here!

This is a teenage Hedwig and little Alexander moment (I was thinking about this on the plane so I decided to do it)

Part 1??



Hedwig stirred in his bed. The feeling of being watched went over him like stormy clouds. When he turned his head to where his nightstand was, he spotted Alexander standing there twiddling with his thumbs and a worried expression on his face. His dark brown eyes looked glossy too as he stared at Hedwig. "Hey..." Hedwig uttered, his eyes squinted to protect his own eyes from the sun that came in from the window. "Hi.." Alexander replied back in the same tone. Hedwig looked him up and down. "Go back to sleep." He put his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes.

"I wet my bed..."

The older Bishop's icy blue eyes snapped open and his mouth unknowingly fell agape an inch. He looked over to see Alexander playing with his hands near his chest. He was definitely worried about getting in trouble. Hedwig heavily sighed and grabbed his cane. "It's going to be one of those days today, isn't it?" He asked himself out loud, swinging his legs over the bed.

When the two made it to Alexander's room - that was right beside Hedwig's room - Hedwig opened the door and immediately spotted the huge yellow stain on the white sheets. "Oh God... that's a lot of piss." Hedwig leaned on one side and placed a hand on his hip. Well, he didn't really know how to clean a piss stain off a bedsheet. Haytham maybe did, but who knows. Hedwig adjusted himself on his cane and left the room, leaving Alexander behind for a moment. When Hedwig reached Haytham's room, he opened the door and stood there for a few seconds. He was still asleep. Hedwig snuck over to Haytham's bedside and carefully slipped the blanket off of him. He held it under his arm and "tip-toed" out of the room, making sure to close the door behind him.

"Alright." Hedwig whispered, laying the blanket over the stain and patting it down. "There we go." Alexander looked up at Hedwig, watching him put his cane to the side before picking up Alexander. He held him in his arms for a little while before placing him back onto the bed. "Sleep, okay? Just go to sleep. Stay asleep." Hedwig grabbed his cane, gave Alexander a pat on the chest, and limped out of the room. The familiar tired feeling immediately came back to him when he reached his bed. As soon as the older Bishop brother laid down and closed his eyes, he could hear Alexander moving around, trying to get comfortable. He cracked open an eye and scratched his forehead. "Sit still! Lay!" It went quiet. Hedwig chuckled and laid his head back again. Five more minutes wouldn't hurt-

"Alright, I'm up!"


"It smells like urine upstairs, good job Alex." Hedwig slipped on his black coat. It was a little chilly this morning so he might as well wear it now before he regrets it later and would have to trudge back upstairs to grab it. Well, at least Haytham had a good morning since he was sitting on the couch in the parlor room with his journal in his hands. Once Hedwig stepped into the kitchen, he spotted Alexander grabbing the milk from the backdoor and bringing it over to the counter. "What are you doing there, Alexander?" Hedwig raised a brow, making his way to a cabinet and opening it, hoping to find Haytham's gingersnaps - that he probably forgot about. "I'm drinking milk." The redhead responded, sounding a little tired. "Really? Well, why don't you pour me a glass?" Hedwig picked up some type of food in the cabinet before throwing it back in. Damn. Haytham either hid them somewhere or ate them already.

Hedwig's eyes widened in surprise and his jaw locked up for a second when the sound of glass shattering on the ground was heard. Haytham's shout of surprise was heard and he dashed into the kitchen, almost stepping on the broken glass and milk that was splattered everywhere. Hedwig 'aww'd and limped over to where Alexander was standing - looking down at the accident. "Or don't get me a glass either way." Haytham scoffed and shook his head. "I-it's okay, I've got it! I've got it!" Haytham slipped off his light green coat and placed it on where the spilt milk was. He looked around to make sure no glass was anywhere else on the floor. "It was just an accident, Alex. No need to be upset." Hedwig rubbed the young boy's hair when he could hear a quiet sniffle. "Hey, hey, hey! We can fix this, buddy! Stop that crying.." Haytham warmly smiled at the upset five year old and reached out, stroking Alexander's cheek.

"It's not a big deal. You're not in trouble." Hedwig placed both hands on the little one's shoulders. "Look, see? See how quick it goes away?" Haytham whispered, lifting up the coat to reveal all the glass, but no more of the milk that previously coated the dark wooden floor. "Crybaby, come on..." Hedwig rubbed the boy's shoulders, hoping to at least calm him down some and not have him to get the sobbing stage. Haytham looked down at the glass and picked up a dull shard. He held it carefully in his hands and flicked it at Hedwig's bad leg, hitting him in the kneecap and watching the shard hit the ground again. "Hey! Haytham Bishop, damn you!" Hedwig looked down and checked his kneecap before rubbing it with his hand. A smile came upon Haytham's face when the tears were no longer streaming down Alexander's face. "I know. Seeing Hedwig get hurt also makes me feel better." Hedwig looked up and sneered at Haytham. "Oh, haha. What a knee-slapper." Alexander watched Hedwig kick the small shard back to Haytham who caught it with his coat.

Hedwig looked up at the clock that hung up against the wall beside the dining table. "Hm. On the bright-side we woke up quite early today, so why don't you and I take Haytham to work today? Maybe he'll let you take something from the bakery." The green eyed Bishop brother nodded with a smile. "Why not?" He shrugged and placed his coat onto the table. "Alright, Alex. Put on your shoes and we'll go." Hedwig watched Alexander sprint past Haytham and into the parlor room, grabbing his shoes and climbing up onto the couch. Hedwig didn't like how Alexander kept his shoes in the parlor room but Haytham liked it since he was usually in there and could tell if Alexander was outside or not. "You need help?" Hedwig asked Alexander when he noticed the slight struggle he was having with trying to clip on his shoe buckles. 

"No thanks, I can do it." The brown eyed boy said confidently. Haytham giggled and used his foot to scrape up the glass together before he carefully put the pieces in his hand so that he could toss them out the backdoor later. Hedwig rolled his eyes and quickly limped over to where Alexander was sitting. "Let me do it." He put his cane to the side and took the silver shoe buckle from Alex's hand. "Okay..." He exhaled, quickly putting on both shoe buckles - with a slight struggle - before picking Alexander up and placing him back onto the ground. "Good? Good, let's go. I want to have a chance to embarrass Haytham today.

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