~Happy Birthday!~ Heinrich Von Durchdenwald The III

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Heinrich's birthday: December 28th, 1718

Fuck it, we'll let Heinrich have a sad moment for his birthday memory

(The court trial deciding if Heinrich should be executed btw, that's the memory here. And everything will be quoted in English instead of German)


Munich, Germany

The trial was chaotic and full of angry shouts from the German people, cursing Heinrich out for ruining their reputation of a country. Meanwhile the King sat in a chair nearest to the judge - who was fiddling with a strand of his curly wig. Heinrich was sweaty from anxiety and a few times he could feel his teeth chattering from fear when the people got too loud and wild.

"A witness just told us of your confidences with the Royal family?" The judge asked the next witness that came forward. Heinrich was confused. He didn't know the woman that came forward, he's never seen her before either. "Yes, Your Honor. I was serving at the von Durchdenwald Castle." The woman glanced at Heinrich. "The Queen bent my ear about him... he talked her into selling herself to other men so that he could gain her money! "He's ruining Germany" she'd say!" The crowd 'oooh'd loudly whilst giving Heinrich dirty looks. He was stunned. If his wife were here, she'd revolt. All of that was untrue.

"What sum of money was involved or what did he get from that?"
"He got 20 million. But later, she told me it wasn't 20 million, he got 200!"

The woman dressed in the German flag colours turned to Heinrich, her eyes narrowed and the look of pure hatred was in her green eyes. "You deserve to die like a rat!" The judge ordered for silence, but with the loud crowd cheering the "witness" on, it was hard to hear. "Dirty bitch! Y-" Heinrich tuned the insults out once one of his guards was forced to take the woman out of the room. The tall German man glanced up at the woman before looking back down again. All day he had been hearing absurd testimonies with a lack of evidence for each one. And an out of control audience every minute.

His eyes turned toward the crowd of angry Germans, and in that crowd, he spotted his sisters sitting there. The look Hildegard gave him was one of sorrow and pity... she knew what was going to happen. They all knew.

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