Requested: ~Roommates~ Gold Watchers (Comedy Short)

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I saw this funny ass video and got this idea

Mastermindxoxo's OC's are here too!


Estelle Manor

Heinrich's interview: So you're probably wondering how we made it this far... the manor, the people, and not that much chaos anymore. But it's taken a lot of work to trap a mortal inside the hedge maze, but we did it!

Pierre's interview: Ever since we trapped that mortal in the hedge maze, we've been living peacefully for these last few months. I managed to finish a book and I found what I thought was a Ring Piece but Haytham decided that only the Alter was important..

Pierre stood in front of the Ring Alter with his arms crossed, Haytham beside him. "Haytham..." He started. He turned to the young man with a fake smile on his face before motioning to the broken Ring Piece that lay on the ground. "What is this?" Haytham pointed at the shattered Ring Piece with a smile on his face. "Oh, that's the Ring Piece." Pierre nodded, the fake smile still on his face. "Oh really? I didn't notice, I thought it was supposed to be UP THERE!" Haytham watched Pierre point up at the Ring Alter, which was holding up absolutely nothing in the air. "Oh..." He sighed. Pierre felt his arm fall back down to his side with a disappointed look on his face.

Judas' interview: So what do I think about the place? I mean, what's to complain about? It's a pretty big manor and I'm living the American dream, but then... here come the roommates, Glowstick Entertainment just fuck's us up all right in the ass!

Alexander's interview: I honestly don't know what to think of this place. I mean, yeah, there's some good people here. But... I don't know. Having Louis here kinda just ruins it all. I just... it's terrible. I, actually, haven't really talked to Louis because I don't want him to think I'm like.. his friend.

Haytham's interview: Um... it's pretty cool here for the most part. Uh.. I've lived here for awhile, but these guys- I honestly have no idea how I'm still nice to some of them. But.... they-they just keep calling me 'Hugo' sometimes before re-correcting themselves. Yeah, like, me and him are pretty close and almost have the same type of figure, but i-it still gets annoying. But we all do get our own outfits and colours which is pretty cool! Uhhhh.. I think I'm just gonna roll with this. I don't really hang out with a lot of people, besides Hugo of course.

Louis' interview: Haytham? Uh-he's okay, he's alright. He's gone hunting for food for us with Hugo, he never talks to me, thank God, and his job? I don't know what he does.

Hedwig's interview: I don't exactly know why I'm here. It sucks, half of everyone here is either really stupid or really traumatized. I always get tripped down the stairs everyday. And these guys? No, they are even worse than that Samuel Ludwig bastard. Basically this is slavery because I'm not getting paid! Like, why the Hell am I even here?!

Alexander's interview: There was one point where I was going to start talking to these guys about getting a job and acting like real adults since I'm the only one that does that. And I work hard all the time and I always have to deal with some of their bullshit. And I'm probably the only one that actually had a job when we were alive. I don't even think they know what that is.

Hugo's interview: I have no idea why I'm here. Yes, I killed people in the war, but I don't understand how that could make me end up here. I'm a good and trustworthy man, a man of my word actually. Wait... nope, now I know why I'm here... shit.

Alexander's interview: Yeah, I'm really hoping everyone gets their shit together and none of them actually watch this video because that would be super obvious that I don't like half of the people he-

Louis steps into the shot, sliding beside Alexander. "What are you doing?" Louis looks Alexander up and down, seeing him turn his head slightly to look at Louis. "Are you doing your interview?" The two men made eye contact, but Alexander was the one that had the death stare. "Why aren't you talking? Are you even talking?" Louis took notice of Alexander's hands balling up into fists...

Pierre's interview: So, Heinrich got a mortal stuck in the hedge maze, right?! *Leans up into the camera* I got this thing in our pantry!

Haytham's interview: Hmm... oh! Have you guys played Dark Deception, Deadly Decadence? It's just like this!

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