Requested: ~Can't Help It~ Hedwig Bishop & The Stuyvesant Siblings

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Modern AU

Mastermindxoxo OC's are here!


"Hey! Do you have any weed with ya?"
"Nope. Just these two small kids. You want one of them? Ha-ha! I'm just kidding! Seriously, don't tell your parents I said that."

Hedwig opened the picket white fence door that led to the front yard of the Bishop Brothers home. He gave the stranger in the red car a deadpan look from the question they asked as he followed Marie and Alexander to the front door. Even though Marie was a little slow, Hedwig managed to keep his patience - which was quite a rare thing. He tossed Alexander the keys and pointed at the door. "Pop quiz; what do you do when I pass out drunk at the front door?" The redhead blinked. "I don't know. Get help?" Hedwig nodded with an uneasy look on his face. "That could work, but it would be better to unlock the door and get Haytham." The blonde haired man motioned for Alexander to unlock the door with the keys. When Alexander started having some difficulties, Hedwig just snatched the keys back and opened the door himself.


"Okay, Alex, I forget. Did you want water or-?"

Hedwig stopped talking when he saw Marie's head twitch. He glanced over at her for a moment, his eyes narrowed in confusion. The irritated realization then came upon his face when she did it again, except this time yelping out some type of noise. Hedwig's light blue eyes made eye contact with Alexander's dark brown ones. He watched Marie climb up on the couch, keeping her attention focused on the TV. Hedwig shook his head and gave Alexander his cup of water. "Alright, go sit down." The boy held the water in both hands as he made his way to the black couch, setting it on the wooden coffee table before sitting down beside Marie. Hedwig turned his back on the two to quickly do the dishes that were left in the sink from yesterday. When he was done, he limped over to the couch and sat down beside Marie.

"Why are you guys watching this?"
"I don't know how to work the remote."

Hedwig grabbed the remote, immediately switching to something else instead of whatever true crime documentary they were watching. His eyebrows furrowed when Marie made the loud yelp sound again. He was growing frustrated. He was starting to think that she was doing it on purpose just to annoy him. He glared at her when she did it again. "Marie." The three year old looked up at him. "Stop it." He seethed through gritted teeth. She didn't react, only looking back at the TV. Alexander only glanced between the two before reaching for his water and taking a sip from it. Hedwig poked his shoulder with his finger. "You can have the cup with you, buddy. You don't need to set it on the coffee table." Hedwig turned his head to look at Marie. "Do you want water or anything?" Marie stared at him for a moment before muttering her answer. "Can I have juice?" Hedwig nodded and carefully got up. "Sure!" The tall man limped to the kitchen, secretly grabbing Haytham's juice from the fridge and pouring some into a cup for Marie. He turned on the sink and filled the plastic juice jug with water so that it wouldn't seem like any juice was taken.

The Englishman handed the cup to Marie. As soon as she got a hold of it, she twitched, which caused the cup to slip out of her grasp and land all over the couch and floor. Hedwig groaned and ran his hands through his long blonde hair. "I'M DONE WITH THIS! STOP HAVING YOUR LITTLE.. SEIZURES! DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW ANNOYING IT IS?!" He bent down and snatched the cup from the floor - as well as cleaning up the mess with a paper towel. Once he sat back down, he crossed one leg over the other and kept one hand on his chin and the other over his midsection. When Marie's head twitched to the side again, he silently shook his head and bit his lip. 

After a few minutes, he felt a small hand gently place itself on his hand that was across his stomach. His eyes glanced down to see Marie rubbing her thumb over his hand whilst her attention was still kept on the TV. His eyes softened slightly and he looked back at the TV. His eyes were starting to unknowingly well up with tears. He yelled at a child..? He knew he wasn't... like everybody else. But screaming at a child for dropping something? It wasn't her fault, he knew that, but keeping his cool was hard.

He never even noticed the pair of green eyes looking up at him as he wiped the guilty tears from his eyes.


"Your parents are going to be here soon, so I suggest we start getting your coats and shoes on."

Hedwig helped Alexander tie his shoes. He gave the redhead a high five when he finished and moved on to help Marie with her shoes. As he was helping her, her head twitched again and she yelped out another loud noise. He pursed his lips and continued to help her with her shoes. Once finished, he gave her a playful pat on the cheek. "I'll see you guys again sometime, okay?" Alexander smiled and reached up to unlock the door. Hedwig adjusted Marie's jacket and flashed her a smile. "I'm sorry." It was so sudden, but it did make Hedwig frown. "What? What are you sorry for?" Marie pointed at the couch. "For spilling. I-I didn't mean to. It was an acci-" Hedwig put a finger against her lips, shushing her. "Don't worry about it." He reached into his pocket and gave her a mini Aero bar - also giving one to Alexander. "I feel bad for.. screaming at you earlier. So that's my apology to you." When she started to tic again, he gently put his hands on the sides of her head. "Stop it." He uttered. His eyes glancing to the window when he saw two familiar figures walking toward the house. "There they are." He slowly stood back up.

"And also, don't tell your parents I gave you candy. Oh my God... I do not want Haytham to tear me a new one, Jesus Christ."

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