Requested: ~The Solid Truth~ Haytham Bishop & Hedwig Bishop

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Some time in January or February, 1759

Winter... soon turning to spring. The air is still and sharp with grim expectation. The other folks in Lockwood sense it too, and go about their work without urgency. I would like to help them, but more "pressing matters" now demand my attention. Hedwig has targeted Samuel directly, and will not stop until he finds out what's going on between us. I had hoped to shield Hedwig from this knowledge, but Sam ended any hope I had of staying silent. It isn't his fault though. And so I have decided to share everything I know with Hedwig. About the dead burglars, about the frauds who keep appearing at the bakery, and of who I really am. Hedwig finds fault in this, and we argue everyday. But there is simply too much now to maintain restraint. 

"Don't do this, Haytham!" Hedwig shivered, limping down the snow covered steps. Haytham stopped and turned around. His hair already getting coated with snowflakes. "Then what do you suggest I do? Sit and watch while our town gets out of control? Samuel and I have sworn to try and end this, or have you forgotten?!" Hedwig held onto the mailbox when he got down the stairs. It was freezing and he already wanted to get back inside. "Okay, well, you're just a little boy who is basically going out to rooftops and announcing conspiracies to all who pass by." Haytham's pale hands balled up into fists. When he turned around again and allowed Hedwig to see the look on his face, he knew he was in for it. Haytham adjusted the white scarf he had wrapped around his neck and pointed an accusing finger in Hedwig's direction. 

"Who are you to lecture anyone?! You locked yourself away in this crumbling heap and gave up on your family entirely! Since the day you were jumped by those two men back at the tavern, you've done nothing but discourage and abuse me! And on the rare occasions you've chosen to help me when I was injured, you've done so little, you may as well have done nothing at all!"
"If I sought to dissuade you, it was because you knew nothing. If I was reluctant to contribute, it was because you were naive. I could have died if those burglars saw me and they could've taken me down with you! Let me tell you something, Haytham. Life is not a fairy tale and there are no happy endings."

Haytham paused when he was tacking up his horse. His green eyes drifted over to Hedwig's tall figure limping his way over to his little brother's side. He scoffed and shook his head. "No. Not when men like you are left in this world." Hedwig stopped and watched Haytham finish up with his task. He put both hands on his cane and made eye contact with Haytham. "In your haste to catch up with Samuel, take care you don't end up killing him and yourself." Hedwig watched Haytham give him a curt nod before he hoisted himself onto his horse with a slight struggle. When Hedwig turned around to head back inside, he noticed that he'd have to retrace his steps through the deep snow. He groaned to himself.

"Ugh... heave ho, Hedwig."

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