~Happy Birthday!~ Judas Wolfgang

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Judas' birthday: October 17th, 1717

Instead I'll play a memory here


"Can anyone tell me who burnt the gallows down last night?"


Judas took slow steps down in front of a line up of people he suspected. Their eyes all looking down at the ground. Judas stopped in front of one man with his young daughter standing beside him, holding his hand. The judge's eyes went from the girl then to the man. "I didn't see anything-" Judas back-handed the man across the face. He shook his head and made eye contact with Judas. "We were all asleep, Your Honor!" Judas opened his mouth to speak but stopped. The little girl was looking up at him with glossy eyes. He took off his tricorn hat and placed a hand on her shoulder, taking a few steps back and made her take a few steps forward. Everyone was watching the two. "What's your name?" She looked back at her father, almost as if asking for help, but otherwise politely replied back to Judas. "Anna Clark." Judas uttered the name under his breath and nodded.

"Were you also asleep, Anna?"
"Yes, sir."

The kind smile facade dropped from Judas' face. "I don't believe you." Judas looked up at the father, his hand decked up with a few silver rings was still on the girl's shoulder. "Did your parents never teach you that you can never lie?" Anna didn't answer. "Small little girls like you have bad things happen to them if they lie, you know..." Judas gave her a look. "Even such a beloved girl like you." Judas smiled and looked back up at the father - who was death glaring the judge. "And her parents will have consequences to, no doubt." His purple eyes looked back down at the poor girl. "So?" Anna shrugged. "Sir?" Judas reached into his red coat. "I'm sure you like your father-" He stopped. She was just a young girl and they were sometimes.. stupid. He bent down to her level, gently taking her by the chin with one hand. "Well let me ask again." Anna felt a tear slide down her cheek. Her lip quivered. "Did you see who burnt down the g-... the wooden structure here last night? The one with the ropes." He kept his tone sweet as he spoke. Something Madeline and Aisling dearly wanted to hear, but never got too.

"Tell the truth and I'll give you all the jewelry and money you could ever ask for." It was tempting, but Anna knew he wasn't telling the truth. She was warned of Judas before and to never go near him. "I was asleep, Your Honor. I'm telling the truth." Judas was about to reach into his coat again, but a tap on his shoulder stopped him. Turning his head to see who it was, Judas sighed in annoyance. Aisling. The Black Swan is what he called her... well, it's what he called most women. To him they were unpredictable beings that caused destruction.

"Leave the poor girl be."

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