~Christmas Special~ Gold Watchers Part 1 (MODERN & HUMAN AU)

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Christmas Special since I'll be in Cologne (going on December 20th) visiting family for the holidays. There will be more types of Christmas specials coming!

Modern AU

Mastermindxoxo OC's will be here too!


Hedwig ran his hands over his face when he heard Laura enter the room. "You doing alright in here?" He nodded. "I guess so. How is everyone else?" Laura shrugged, moving to the side of the bed where Hedwig was sitting so that she could sit down beside him. "They're all doing well." His blue eyes widened when he saw her blonde hair was nicely styled into two braids. "Who did your hair?" She smiled and allowed him to feel it. "Maude and Diana. Nice of them, wasn't it?" Hedwig raised a brow. "Why'd they do it?" Laura shrugged again and placed her hands on her lap. "My hair was a little messed up, so Maude offered to help with it. And then so did Diana. I like those two." The blonde haired man snorted with a cheeky smile. "You like everybody." Laura motioned with her head toward the guest bedroom door - that was closed. "I get that from uncle Haytham." Hedwig sighed at the mention of his little brother. They fought before they got here over the phone about not starting an argument with Benjamin since it's Christmas dinner and it needed to be peaceful. Hedwig understood that, but could he really handle not saying anything to the black haired man? Not really. Besides, he thought his insults were funny. When in most cases they weren't.

"Do you want to come upstairs now?"
"If I say no, your mother will come down here and cause a huge scene."
"Yes. I'm coming upstairs."

As Laura helped the crippled man up, he made his voice high-pitched when he made an example of what Juliet would say. "Hedwig that is very disrespectful! I cannot believe you didn't come and eat with everybody! When we get home, I'm gonna sleep on the couch because I can't even look at you-!" Laura, with a smile but trying not to laugh, put a finger to her lips when she saw Juliet coming down the stairs. Hedwig smirked and placed his hands on Laura's shoulders. Louis also came down the stairs - probably to grab another beer... which was his 6th. The man noticed the family of three and gave a pathetic excuse for a wave. Juliet waved back and trailed after Laura and Hedwig. This Christmas dinner Hedwig would be cutting the turkey this year... and nobody was excited for it.


"You! You! And You! Fuck out of here!"

James pointed at Judas, Shay, and Pierre who were in the kitchen doing God knows what. The heat from the oven and running around had gotten both to James and Haytham all day and their moods weren't the greatest because of it. "Fuck you to, then!" Judas called out when he left the hot area. Haytham slung a kitchen towel over his shoulder. Sweat was clearly visible on the two cooks' faces. "Seriously, I can't wait till this is all done." Haytham made some sort of noise in agreement. He gave Hugo a wave when he walked by to get to the backdoor. It seemed like he was going out to have another cigarette again. When the timer for the oven went off, James slipped on his oven mitts.


"Aw, Jesus Christ! Did you carve the turkey or try to fuck it?! Goddamn, your dumbass needs to stick to the hot pockets and Eggos, holy Hell!"

Benjamin had rested his head on his forearm, hiding the fact that he was laughing at Hedwig's horrible cutting skills. Once Judas was done with insulting the older Bishop, he sat back down in his seat, trying to at least see how Hedwig had cut the poor turkey. "Your a fucking idiot, Goddamn..." Hedwig scoffed. "Yeah, well, the guy on the YouTube video didn't seem to know what he was doing either. He had a 9 minute intro about having to like and subscribe to him and his video!" Alexander had his hands on his face, hiding the fact that he was smiling. Hedwig's cooking skills still weren't that great after all these years. Now it made sense as to why the Bishop's brothers mother never allowed Hedwig in the kitchen. "It can't be that hard to cut a turkey." Benjamin slid in his input. Hedwig side-eyed him and raised a fist.

"I was fisting a turkey to cut it!"
"Not in front of the kids, please."
"How were you fisting a turkey to cut it?"
"The damn thing wouldn't split apart, Ben! What else was I supposed to do?!"
"Maybe that's why the turkey looks so horrible. Hedwig did fuck it after all. Who wants to bet that Hedwig made a porno in the kitchen-?"

Haytham jumped when Hugo silenced the table. Juliet stared at Judas, unimpressed. Laura stopped picking at the table cloth with her fork when Hedwig sat down beside her. Thomas shook his head at Judas when they made eye contact. Peter put his fist up to his mouth when he let out a few light coughs. "It's every single year when you two have to bicker and fight." Hugo commented, pointing at Hedwig and Judas.

"He started it-"

When Hedwig puffed up his cheeks to hide his laughter, he made eye contact with Pierre, who was trying his absolute hardest not to laugh. When Pierre saw the look on Hedwig's face, he broke out into a small fit of giggles. Hugo looked across the table. Which silenced the two men.


It soon become awkward when Juliet got into the drivers seat.

"That was very rude, Hedwig." The man pointed at his daughter in the backseat. "I told you!" He laughed. It put a smile on Laura's face, but Juliet wasn't laughing. She tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and kept her eyes on the road. "Is it that difficult to keep your mouth shut during dinner? Even Benjamin was very polite tonight about not starting an issue and instead treated you with some respect. What did you give him? Nothing. Maybe some snotty looks, I don't even know. And guess what? He's the one that invited us as well! When we get home, you're going straight to the phone to call him and wish him and his family a Merry Christmas!" Laura gently tapped Juliet's shoulder once she stopped yelling at the silent Hedwig. "I, uh, I thanked and said 'Merry Christmas' to the Hutchinson's." Juliet pointed a flat hand at Laura. "See! At least our daughter has some respect for others. Why do you and Benjamin fight anyway?" Hedwig put his chin on the palm of his hand and shrugged, saying he didn't know why even though he knew the exact reason why. Laura smirked and continued to look out the window, seeing all the lights and Christmas decorations on the houses.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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