Requested: ~There's Kids Here~ Gold Watchers & Maude Lorenzo (HUMAN AU) Part 1

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Mastermindxoxo's OC's are here as well!

Some stupid ass idea I had at 1AM


October 9th, current year

"Where's Alexander?"
"Oh, he already left. He's visiting London for a little while. Guess you forgot to say goodbye."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm cleaning because you are useless."

Hedwig finished buttoning up his shirt, watching Haytham replace a candlestick with a new candle. "And then what? Go back to your job at the senior home and play cards with all the grandpa's?" Haytham glared at Hedwig. "At least I'm able to work." The older Bishop snorted at the new candle. "Why do we need these? It's not the 18th century, is it? We have electricity!" Haytham looked back at the candle then at Hedwig. "It looks nice." He took his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. "I have to be at work in 4 hours. You'll be okay here alone?" Hedwig nodded and limped to the couch, switching on the TV. Haytham shook his head with a roll of his eyes.

Both of the two perked up when the doorbell rang throughout the entire house. Hedwig got up with a hiss of pain and limped toward the door. "I'm cleaning because you're useless!" He mocked, unlocking the door and opening it to see a teenage boy with two kids - girls - standing in front of him. "What?" The boy handed Hedwig a letter and dropped a black duffle bag. "Some bus driver gave me $5 to bring them over here. Later." Hedwig leaned against the doorframe and opened up the letter. The sound of the TV playing in the background got both of the kids attention.

"Uh oh.."


"Can you just hold on for a second?"
"Of course! Take your time."

Judas left his bank accountant's room and stepped out into the hallway. Angrily muttering to himself as he answered his phone. "What-what do you want?" He adjusted his red tie, making sure he didn't look like a mess when a couple walked down the hall. "I have something to tell you." Judas rolled his eyes. "No shit. What is it?" Hedwig ushered the kids inside and closed the door. He didn't want them to stand out there in the chilly weather. They looked cold enough as it is! Well, one of the kids did anyway. "There's two kids here. Both girls. And if this note is true then it's saying that we now have the responsibility of one and, The Four Musketeers, get the other one." Hedwig limped over to the ottoman bench that was beside the coat hanger and sat down. "What are you talking about?" Judas leaned against the wall. His purple eyes stayed focused on the dark blue carpet floor.

"Um.. I'm having a tough time reading this, but it says 'Dear Whoever You Are.. this is Maude and Diana... I hope you understand why I'm doing this, even though you won't ever know me. But they need your help...'"
"This is mad!"
"Wait, hang on, there's more."

Haytham stopped zipping up his grey sweater and gave the two girls a look when he walked by. He wandered over and pointed at them. "Who are they?" Hedwig looked up at him, hiding the letter close to his chest. "These are my... friends." The black haired girl stopped playing with the light switch that led to the patio. Haytham bent down and looked between them both. "Hello! What's your guys' names?" The two stayed silent and only stared back at him. "Are they okay?" Hedwig leaned back, his back hitting the creme coloured wall. "Yeah, they just don't like you. Leave us alone." Haytham stood back up and gave Hedwig a sneer. "You're such a dick." The sound of his sneakers running up the stairs let Hedwig know that he could continue his conversation with Judas. "Yeah, Haytham was acting pretty Haytharific again." Judas shook his head. All he wanted to do today was just get his financial shit worked out, get a haircut since his hair was getting too long, and get to work.

"W-who sent that note?" The sound of paper being fiddled with was heard on the other end of the phone. Hedwig 'ah'd. "It doesn't say. And it has a wax seal on it! Who uses letters and wax seals?!" Judas ran a hand through his snow white hair. This was frustrating. "Where are they from?" Hedwig snapped his fingers, catching the kids attention. "Where are you guys from?" The redhead spoke first. "New York." He nodded and pointed at the other girl. "Chicago." When Hedwig repeated what they told him to Judas, the judge's eyes went wide. "New York and Chicago?! How did they get to Boston?!" Hedwig shrugged even though he knew that Judas couldn't see it. "Maybe it's a mistake." Judas clicked his tongue. "Come on, is there seriously two kids there or is this like the time you told me Alexander got hit by a semi-truck when he actually got hit by a bicycle?" Hedwig scoffed and his one free hand went up in the air. Now he was getting frustrated.

"I swear to God, they are both watching the telly!" Judas sighed, taking a look through the office door's window to see the woman sitting there patiently. "Alright, I'm coming home. I don't know how long this is going to take, but-" Hedwig cut Judas off, continuing to read off the letter. "Hold on, hold on! It says 'If you won't take responsibility for them, the foster care system could take them in-" Hedwig put the letter down when Haytham stomped by. "YES THOMAS, I KNOW THE CATFISH ARE HUGE! THAT'S TERRIFIC!" Judas looked at his phone with a 'what the hell' look on his face before putting the Samsung back up to his ear. "And it seems like they put the number down too. I'll call them, I guess." Hedwig made sure the kids were still watching the TV. His light blue eyes getting transfixed on the show as well.

"I better come home-"
"Oh no, no, no! I can take care of this!"
"Ya sure?"
"Yes. I'll be fine."

As Haytham walked by, he purposely smacked him across the head with one of Jesse's sandals. Hedwig glanced over his shoulder to see the short blonde walking away. "Bird killer. Bird killer. Bird killer!" He chanted until his little brother disappeared when he turned the corner. "Listen Hedwig, once I'm done with work today, we'll talk about this." Hedwig agreed and hung up with a heavy sigh. The older Bishop got up and limped over to the dining table - which was right behind the couch. "Now I'm going to make another phone call." Both Maude and Diana looked over at him. "Do you both want anything to eat or drink?" When they didn't reply, Hedwig pursed his lips. "Or just stand there.. do whatever ya want." He started dialing the number that was on the letter. After a few rings, it went straight to voicemail.

"Social Services Office is closed today; Columbus Day. We'll be open tomorrow morning at 10AM."

Hedwig dropped the phone on the table and looked over at the two kids - who were staring right back at him. "I don't know what to tell you both. But don't worry, everything is going to be fine." Hedwig looked over his shoulder when he heard someone running down the stairs. Once they reached the bottom, they adjusted the hood on their head. "I'm going to the skatepark and-" Pierre looked between Hedwig and the girls. "Who the hell are they?" Haytham emerged from the kitchen, holding a small bowl full of grapes. "Apparently they're Hedwig's friends. Can't wait to bail you out of jail for that one."

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