~Happy Birthday!~ Pierre Lefevre

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Pierre's birthday: February 14th, 1776


Paris, France
(Pierre is 18)

"France will be ours!"

Pierre watched as his mentor, Andre, continued to hype up all the peasants that angrily held their pikes and lanterns. He balanced himself from the rooftop and watched as a few peasant girls took notice of the Frenchman standing on the rooftop. They pointed at him and whispered amongst themselves. He slid his hood over his head and carefully climbed down from the roof. His favourite Assassin friend, Jean-Barnard, took notice of Pierre and smiled at him before pulling up his own hood. Jean-Barnard took him by the arm once Pierre got to the ground and pulled him close, his arm around his shoulders. "Qu'est-ce qui t'a pris autant de temps (What took you so long)?" Pierre laughed and got himself out of Jean-Barnard's grasp. "Est-ce que ça importe (Does it matter)?" Jean-Barnard attempted to grab Pierre again, but one of the peasant girls from earlier beat him to it. The Assassin dressed in yellow laughed at Pierre's panicked expression as one of the young girls tried to get closer to his face. "Puis-je t-embrasser (Can I kiss you)?" She asked. Pierre didn't know if she was drunk or what, but he was startled by the question. "Haha.. non (no)." Pierre was so thankful when he saw Valentino push the girl aside, helping him out of the situation by guiding him away. 

Valentino looked at Andre as he continued to yell out at the crowd of peasants. He crossed his arms and shifted his weight onto knee. "Val?" The Assassin dressed in the cream colour raised his eyebrows when he glanced at Pierre. "I had that under control." It seemed to take Valentino a minute to translate in his head what Pierre said before giving him a hard push on the shoulder. "No you didn't." He laughed. The young Frenchman looked away and ran a hand across his forehead.

Valentino was right.

Pierre never had anything under control.

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