Requested: ~Information Acquired~ General Verlice & Captain Lawless

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September 21st, 1775

"Damn him! I sent for Robert hours ago..."

Louis stopped pacing back and forth when he saw a figure dressed in a red coat approaching him. He squinted his eyes and leaned forward slightly to try and see if it was either Robert or Henry. It was none of those two. It seemed to be a Captain. Louis didn't recognize who this was, but he could guess that they weren't on his side due to the irritated-looking expression on their face. When they pulled out a flintlock pistol, that's when he panicked. The Captain ran towards his horse and tried to find his own flintlock pistol - the one Henry had given to him. He paused when the feeling of someone grabbing his shoulder gave him a chill up the spine.

He was turned around to face the British officer - the Captain. He didn't recognize this one. In instinct, Louis put his hands up, signalling he wasn't going to grab any weapons. "Robert warned me about you people. You're one of them, aren't you? One of Robert's spies?" The Captain pushed his flintlock against Louis' chest, causing him to take a tiny step back. "No. Where's the rest of the Verlice Regiment?" Both men's attention was turned to the sound of footsteps approaching from the right. The British Captain's face almost lit up.

"We don't have much time. Where is my Regiment?"
"I will never talk-"

The General wasted no time in pointing his own flintlock pistol towards Louis' face. Hugo directed it toward Louis' cheek and squeezed the trigger. As soon as the familiar 'bang' rang out, Louis fell onto one knee. He screamed in agony and held a shaky hand near his injured jaw. He couldn't even clench his teeth together. He knew there was a hole in his cheek, he could feel it, even without the use of his hand. He whined and felt Hugo push him onto his side. He spotted a piece of paper being put beside him and a quill. "Then write it down." Louis continued to cry out in terror. The hot feeling around his injured cheek wasn't going to disappear anytime soon. He could've sworn that he tasted gunpowder as well.

Louis reached out for the quill with a trembling hand. Pain filled gasps and choked out sobs were heard but the General and Captain had no care for it. They watched Louis write on the paper before laying back down onto his side. Hugo bent down and picked up the bloody paper and quill. "Robert's camp. I should've known." Hugo looked down at Louis. His mismatched eyes filled with nothing but hatred towards Louis. He caused him so much trouble for these past few months. No way in Hell was he going to let it slide. "I hope you enjoy dying alone, Captain Lawless." Hugo threw the paper to the ground. He watched Louis' eyelids flicker from time to time. He was feeling tired.

Hugo smiled at that and turned to his Captain. "Fetch my horse, would you?" Hugo watched the Captain run off to find Casper. Perhaps it would've been easier if he told his Captain where Casper was? When Hugo turned back to Louis, the American seemed to be passed out. The General slowly wandered over to his side. Well, he was still breathing. But it was incredibly light. Wow. Hugo didn't know that this could've caused this man to die. Hugo got onto his knees and hesitated to go through the dying man's coat. He could have important documents on him though... and it could be beneficial. Immediately, Hugo patted the Captain down. Almost instantly he felt something in a hidden pocket inside the coat.

Hugo's eyebrows knitted together in confusion but also interest. He reached into the coat and pulled out what he was touching before. It looked like a small notebook - more like a notepad. Hugo looked at the back and front before flipping the notebook open. There he spotted a small drawn sketch of a family inside. A small smile formed on his face. But it disappeared when he saw writing at the top. His eyes widened and his hands, unknowingly, started to shake.

The Lawless Family

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