Requested: ~There's Kids Here~ Gold Watchers & Maude Lorenzo (HUMAN AU) Part 3

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Mastermindxoxo's OC's will be in this mini-series

Scenario: Everyone having to take care of Diana and Maude for the day


After what Hedwig pulled at the store, nobody trusted him to be near the two girls after that. Speaking of which, where were they? Hugo put his glass of white wine down on the counter. He made eye contact with Judas and motioned that he didn't know where Diana and Maude were. Judas pointed at the stairs and went back to talking with Louis and his wife. Oh, so they were upstairs.

"Samuel, what are you doing?" Haytham watched the brown haired boy pick up a chair and drag it to the middle of the room. He didn't answer Haytham, but instead, he stood up on the chair, placing a hand near one of the pockets on his black blazer. "I want to thank everybody for coming tonight since I had a very special message!" Maude and Diana heard the shouting from downstairs. Maude got up and went over to the banister to see what was going on - Diana doing the same. Hugo and Benjamin noticed that they were both still awake. "After this I'll put them to bed." Hugo thanked the tall man and refilled his white wine. "Tomorrow I'm leaving for Japan for a business trip. But, uh, I am really glad you're all here tonight. Mostly because I'm doing something that I never thought I'd be able to do." Hedwig stopped whispering with Pierre, looking between Haytham and Samuel.

"You're not proposing, are you?!" Pierre, embarrassed, looked away and took a sip of his beer. Benjamin glanced over his shoulder, glaring at Hedwig. Samuel took a big exhale, his stomach full of butterflies. "Um.. yeah, I am." Hedwig uneasily looked between the two. "Well, I mean, think about it, y'know." Haytham slammed his wine glass on the coffee table, his face beet red in embarrassment. "God Hedwig, shut up!" The script writer turned around - with his back facing Haytham and Samuel - and chugged down his wine. Samuel got off the chair and opened the black ring box. "Anyway... will you?" Haytham's eyes went from Samuel's face then back down to the simple gold ring. "Yes." Judas smiled and started clapping his hands, everyone soon followed. Not only has Haytham finally found somebody in life, but he can be with them too. Hugo felt the same proud feeling. He looked back up at the banister at the top of the stairs and tapped Benjamin's shoulder. "I think they're ready for bed now. Tomorrow we have them all day."


"Hey Diana, Maude! When we were kids, Pierre used to talk us into doing all kinds of stupid stuff. I remember one time Pierre shot a neighbour's window with a bow and arrow once and ended up killing their dog."
"Maybe don't mention that."

Hugo walked ahead of everybody else, making sure that no branches from any bushes hit Maude's face whilst Benjamin held Diana as they walked through the forest that was behind the house. "Yeah... um, kids maybe don't do that. Pretend I never even mentioned it!" Hedwig held Pierre's arm to make sure he wouldn't fall when they were walking down the path. James gasped and ran ahead of everybody else, startling Hugo when he pushed past him. "I can't believe this is still here!" He yelled, pointing at the thick rope that was tied to the biggest branch on one of the trees that was right beside the lake. Pierre smiled and almost ran into Maude when he ran over to catch up with James. "Rope on a tree! You know what that means?" Judas picked up Maude, making sure there were no scraps on her arms. "We get to hang you and Hedwig?" Benjamin pursed his lips to stop himself from laughing.

"Are you kidding me? You see a rope and a lake and that doesn't wanna make you go nuts?!" James grabbed the rope and tugged on it, making sure it wouldn't just break. Pierre turned to him pointed at the rope. "Show them how it's done, James!" The teenager didn't hesitate. He glanced over his shoulder as he backed up to make sure he didn't hit anything. When he looked back at Pierre, the Frenchman gave him the nod of approval. Before Judas could intervene to tell him how much of a bad idea it was, since Alexander wasn't there to scold him, it was too late. James hung on as tight as he could, swinging forwards, but he didn't let go. Hugo furrowed his brows. "Let go! You have to let go! James-!" Judas brought up his hand to cover Maude's eyes, Benjamin doing the same with Diana when the teenager hit a tree since he didn't let go of the rope when he was above the water. "OH SHIT!"

Hedwig broke out into a fit of laughter when James hit the ground, groaning and holding his side. "Holy shit.. I think James just died." Pierre covered his mouth and turned around. "Don't do what he did!" Everyone looked back down when they saw James holding his leg and trying to climb back up the small hill. "Help! My bone is sticking out of my leg!" Hugo's pupils dialated and he kept one hand on a tree to stop himself from fainting. That was until James started laughing and raised up a small stick. "It's a stick! It's a bloody stick! You guys are seriously so sensitive!" Diana narrowed her eyes at the spot where James had fallen and, probably, got internal bleeding somewhere in his body - that wouldn't surprise Judas anyway. "Look! That bird is hurt!" Benjamin and Thomas looked at the same time to see a baby bird trying to get up and fly, but its left wing was completely damaged. Again, Hedwig started laughing along with Pierre.

"Oh my God. I'll go get a shoe box!" Judas gently placed Maude back on the ground and started running up where they came from to retrieve the box to put the small bird into. Benjamin shook his head and watched as Thomas helped James up the hill - and he was still holding his side. Jesse would have to check that once he gets home. "Did you really land on that bird, James?" Thomas dusted himself off. "Um... I'm not sure." James uneasily shrugged. "I did hear a chirp and then a.. crunch-like noise. But that could've been anything!" Hugo slipped past the two to grab the bird with his pair of gloves that he always carried on him. Benjamin turned to Diana - who he had set on the ground. "When Alexander comes back we'll just tell him James was attacked by somebody at the boat launch, okay?" Diana nodded in agreement.

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