Requested: ~Oh Boy...~ Gold Watchers (Comedy)

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Modern and Human AU

Mastermindxoxo's OC's are here too!

The imagine: Basically what it would be like taking care of Haytham if he were six years old


"Wow, I didn't know this about George Washington."
"Yes, his teeth were made from wool."
"... wood."
"Oh sorry. I thought it was wool."
"Well, get it right."

Louis looked up from the book, The American Revolution, to see Haytham watching TV. The only way to really tell if it was Haytham was due to how he was laying on the couch and the vintage Nike blue and white tennis shoes he was wearing. "Why don't we turn the TV off, pal?" Louis suggested, leaving the book open flat on the kitchen table. "But there's only a few minutes left!" Haytham spoke in a hurried tone, pointing at the TV. Louis stood up from his seat and grabbed the TV remote. Once he spotted the red button he pressed it and watched the screen turn black. "Come on, let's study a little bit." Haytham jumped up from his spot on the couch. "Hey!" The American put the remote on a high shelf and smiled. "Relax, Ghostbusters will be on later." Haytham followed after Louis who had walked back to the kitchen table.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Louis snorted and glanced over his shoulder. "Really? How about we take a vote? Who thinks Haytham should start studying?" Louis and Diana raised their hand. "Who doesn't?" Louis and Diana put their raised hand down, but Haytham had raised a hand. "Well, you just lost. Two to one." Haytham shook his head and pointed at Diana. "No, it's a tie! That girl doesn't count, she can't even read!" The smile on Diana's face dropped and she looked between Louis and Haytham. "I know, I know, I know. Hey, he's just joking around." The redhead looked up at Louis for a moment before scoffing. Her eyebrows knitted together. "Listen, can you.. hang out here for a little while? I have to go do something." Diana shook her head and waved a hand at Louis. "No problem..." She muttered, watching him quickly take his leave as Haytham picked up his ipad and started playing one of his games on it.

As one of the game's songs came on, Haytham kicked under the table, causing the cup of water that Diana had then dropped onto the ground and shattered. She groaned and rubbed her temples. The sound of the doorbell going off wasn't that helpful either. "Somebody get the door!" She yelled over the children's music. Haytham didn't hesitate. He turned off his ipad and jumped off the kitchen table's bench. Diana watched the six year old run to the door, his tennis shoes creating a few squeaks on the ground as he went.

When Haytham managed to unlock and open the door, his eyes went wide and his mouth fell agape slightly. Louis hoped that the familiar roommate, Hugo, wasn't too obvious. Especially being in the red uniform that he was forced to put on. "Hi Haytham, how are you doing?" He smiled, quickly slipping into the house before any of the neighbours saw him and ended up calling the police - thinking that he was causing a disturbance in the neighbourhood. "I'm uh..." Hugo looked up above to see Louis on the staircases banister motioning on what he had to say next. "I'm Major General Robert Taylor! A friend of Louis'!" Diana leaned back in her chair and a confused expression made its way onto her face, but same with a smile. "You see, Louis has been having a hard time lately. Especially since he's been forgetting to pay his taxes." Hugo mentally chuckled at his own joke as he continued. "So if you start studying, it will help him dearly! And you have to start obeying him when he asks you to do things, okay? Like bathing for example." Haytham shyly nodded and saw "Robert Taylor" look up.

"And if you want to be a part of... the Royal British Army, then that means you have to study hard, be good at obeying orders, and... that's about it. And you can't tell a soul because then everybody is going to want to join!" Hugo stood up straight and pointed at Diana who was still staring at the two from the kitchen. "And one more thing; be nice to the redhead will you?" Haytham looked back to see Diana before looking back at "Robert". "It's not her fault that she can't read." Once again, the smile on Diana's face disappeared and was replaced with a frown. She didn't know how she was able to hold herself back from sticking up the middle finger. "Take care!" Hugo waved, opening the door and walking back outside. As soon as he shut the door, he rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "These are so uncomfortable."


"Yeah, yeah, he told me to watch his horse for him while he said that he wanted to talk to you about some private matters or something?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Hmm, okay..."

Louis dug through the bathroom's cabinet and took out a red towel and placed it on the counter. Haytham stood up from the tub with his rubber duck in hand. All the bubbles were already disappearing in the water. "Why do I have to wear a bathing suit?" He asked, looking between Louis and Alexander - who grabbed a bottle of shampoo. "We don't know. We don't know the rules with little kids and grown-ups and being naked and just-sit down, please." Louis chuckled at Alexander's response and watched him rub the shampoo that he poured into his hands onto Haytham's short dirty blonde hair. "The good news is that you're not starting to smell like Gordon anymore!" Louis said, grabbing his toothbrush and opening the toothpaste bottle.

"Hey, I read something interesting today. Did you know that Benjamin-no, not Hutchinson." When Louis saw Alexander stop what he was doing and froze up, he knew what he was thinking. "Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals. That's pretty cool, huh?" Alexander hummed in agreement as he finished with Haytham's hair. He cleaned off his hands with a nearby rag and rolled up his sleeves again before grabbing a nearby cup and pouring water into it. "What are bifocals?" Louis turned on the tap and answered Haytham's question before he stuck the toothbrush in his mouth. "I'll show ya in that book I'm reading. There's a lot of cool stuff in there. It might help you out with your school play." Alexander raised a brow at this. School play? They do those?

"We'll make this a regular thing, y'know? Bathing and studying and eating right."
"Put your head back. You don't want soap getting into your eyes."

Haytham closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He felt the warm water rush down his face and down his hair. The sound of Louis brushing his teeth was also heard but Haytham tuned it out.


"Open the door! Open! Come on, I'm standing out here looking like an idiot!"

Pierre giggled and opened the school doors for Hedwig. "About damn time. Why did you do that anyway?" Pierre shrugged and grabbed Hedwig by his arm. "We're gonna miss the play, so hurry it up!"

"My name is Alexander Hamilton. I was the first Secretary of the Treasury. I owned a bank and Aaron Burr shot me."
"Hi. My name is Benjamin Franklin. I was a writer, a diplomat, an inventor, and a statesman. Although I only went to school for 2 years. I wrote many books and invented many things in which we still use today."

Alexander turned to Hugo who gave Haytham a small wave when he noticed him in the crowd. "You taught him to remember all that?" Hugo shook his head. "It wasn't just me. Louis helped out to-" The British man stopped talking when he noticed someone a few seats down. "Oh my God... don't look now but Robert is right there." Alexander's brown eyes widened and his head darted to the right of him, instantly spotting Robert staring right back at them. When Alexander turned back around, he nudged Hugo's shoulder.

"What are we going to do?"
"Beat his ass in the parking lot and then we drive away."

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