~Mourning Words~ General Verlice & Alexander Stuyvesant Part 2

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Alexander and David are not my characters! They belong to Mastermindxoxo!


July 24th, 1775

"We should be sharing what we know with Robert, not Gabriel, or Alexander, or M-"
"You seem to think I favour them, which is actually quite right, but my Regiment is a Regiment. Not a group of men that I call 'useless men that are only here to get me back home'. I favour them because they all each have a purpose here. And I hope in time that other leaders will see this too for their men are also important."
"You oppose tyranny and reality, General. These are just symptoms. Their true cause is to fight and die. Why do you think I keep on trying to show you the error of your ways?"
"You have SAID much, yes. But you have SHOWN me and my men nothing."
"Then we'll have to remedy that then, won't we?"

Hugo scoffed at Henry's words as he continued to march back to Robert's office tent. All three of those men haven't been getting along lately. Whether it be the irritation from how hot it was in the summer season, or just plain disagreement with one another. Once Henry and Hugo arrived at Robert's open office tent, the Major General looked up at them and stood up from his seat. He saluted and they saluted back before going back to 'ease'. Hugo spoke up first. "Captain Louis Lawless has left Philadelphia and is now marching to either New York or Boston. I do believe my men are now ready." Robert smiled at the news. This was good, very good! "Very well. I'll move General Marston's forces up to Philadelphia to make sure Lawless doesn't return back there. And if you manage to find Louis Lawless, we can finally end this 'battle' with him." Hugo nodded in agreement.

It was at this moment, however, when Hugo noticed that Henry had snuck over to Robert's desk and looked over one of his letters - the one he was writing when Hugo and Henry arrived. Henry picked it up with a cocky smirk. "And what's this?" Hugo raised a brow. Henry wasn't allowed to look over anyone's letters. Hell, no one was! Robert instantly turned around to reach out to grab it. "Private correspondence!" However, Henry was faster. He ducked under Robert's outstretched arm and made sure the letter was out of the Major General's reach. "Of course it is. And it looks like it's being sent to another Major General. Would you like to know what it says, Verlice?" Hugo was about to say 'no' but he was genuinely curious. Especially if it was a private correspondence that was being sent to another Major General.

"It seems our good friend here.." Henry motioned to Robert. "Has just ordered an attack on your camp. Although attack might be putting it mildly. Oh! Tell him, Major." Hugo slowly turned his head with a devastated look on his face. Robert didn't dare to make eye contact as he explained. "I've been receiving reports of spies working with the Patriots in your camp. I've asked some of my good friends to put a stop to it." Hugo took a step back, his mouth hung open. He then grew angry. He knew there were no spies in his camp. And he knew that Robert hated his guts. He tried to pull every excuse in the book just to try and get rid of Hugo! It honestly drove him mad! Henry looked back down at the letter. "By burning their tents and slaughtering some of the men. By calling for their extermination, according to this letter. Not the first time you've done this either." Henry chucked the letter to the ground. "Why don't you tell him what you did back when you fought in the Seven Years War?" Robert quickly cut off Henry. "That was another time. I was very young. I was only a teenager."

Henry looked at Robert in fake disgust. "And so now you see what happens to this "great man" when under duress. He makes excuses, displaces blame." Hugo gripped his head, his teeth grit together and his eyes tightly shut. He couldn't take this anymore. But Henry still ran his mouth. Adding more aches to Hugo's already aching brain. "Does a great many things, in fact - except take responsibility!!" Robert and Henry got into each other's faces but Hugo had enough. He whipped around and had his hands in the air. "ENOUGH! Who did what and why must I have to wait?! My men come first." Hugo took out his flintlock pistol, loading it. He knew Robert's "friends" couldn't be too far gone. After all, Hugo's camp was about 20 minutes away. Henry got out of Robert's face and adjusted his coat. "Then let's be off." Hugo stuck out his hand toward Henry, telling him to stop.

"No. You and I are finished."
"Do you think me so soft that by calling me what my daughter calls me might change my mind? How long did you sit on this information or am I to believe you discovered it now? All my dead men, like David, were loyal to me. And to have a monster like you, Robert, and the Patriots take men like that away from me truly breaks me! All what you fools do day-in and day-out is follow the orders of your King!"

Hugo made sure his sword was in it's holster and also made sure Casper was near by.

"But I am not THAT loyal and stupid."

As soon as Robert and Henry tried to follow Hugo, he turned around and pointed at the two. "A warning to you both - choose to follow me or oppose me and I will kill you." Robert glared at Hugo when he said that. But did he care? No, not one bit. The General ran off with his flintlock pistol in hand and jumped right onto Casper - only sparing Henry one last glance before he rode off and out of the Major's camp.


Alexander sat in front of the fire pit with a somber expression on his face. Everyone else had turned in for the night and Alexander was the only one still awake. Not like it was a new thing. It's been like this since the beginning of July. When Alexander looked up from the fire, his eyes squinted and he used a hand to shield his face from the sun that was still going down. When his eyes slightly adjusted to the bright light, he put his dirt stained hand back down and continued to stare at the fire that was barely ablaze. He's noticed that he's starting to.. daydream more often. Even some of the others have noticed too, like Gabriel Stone.

The young man's brown eyes then drifted up to the tree that was beside him. And on one of the branches sat a hummingbird. All its feathers were a dark green - besides under the wings, which were black - and under its beak, it was a snow white colour. Alexander perked up at the sight of the bird who flew from branch to branch. The hummingbird let out a few chirps here and there. Alexander so badly wanted to take hold of the healthy bird and run his hands across its feathers. For so long the only soft thing he's really been able to feel is his wool uniform. Other than that, he's either holding his musket or... or anything else that he had to carry. Without even knowing it, a smile formed on Alexander's lips. How long has it been since he genuinely smiled? He had no clue. But the sight of the happy hummingbird made him feel a tiny bit of joy and.. perhaps hope?

"The General's back!" 

The hummingbird then flew away from the concerned shouts of all the men. Alexander was left disappointed. After a few seconds, he glanced over his shoulder to see General Verlice, before getting up and following after everyone else.

Hugo dug through all of his belongings, making sure everything was still there. And hoping that the bloodstains on his coat weren't visible. "General? What's going on?" One of the men asked, pushing past some of the other soldiers. Hugo didn't answer until Captain Daniels came into view. "Sir, what is going on?!" Hugo sighed when he was able to find a piece of paper. This will do. He then turned to Captain Daniels. "I cannot tell yet. But..." Hugo looked throughout the crowd of soldiers. He needed to tell someone he could dearly trust. When his eyes met with Alexander's he knew instantly. Hugo picked up a quill and stuffed the piece of paper into his pocket. He also snuck his small metal tin case full with needle and thread.

"Come with me, Stuyvesant. I need your help."

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