~To Make Him Suffer~ Judas Wolfgang

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Judas' brutal jail experience since I keep getting asked on where the chain on his arm came from and where the one on his neck came from



This was no ordinary jail. This was a place where the mentally unstable, murderers, and other criminals went to face their consequences... or simply just placed in to wait for their death sentence. But Judas didn't know that the prison wardens were incredibly harsh. And same with the doctors that came by to check all the inmates for illness. Judas always complied at the time, afraid of what would happen to him if he didn't. He's seen what both the doctors and wardens do when inmates don't obey direct orders. He made at least one friend here, but he rarely got to see him; Joseph. The first time they met was when Judas got jumped for the first time in the middle of the night. He was there to help Judas find his way back to his bed after being dragged away from it and even stayed with him for the whole night. But Judas hasn't seen Joseph in a while. This was starting to worry him day by day.

Judas raised his head from his small desk in the corner of the small cell to see one of the wardens standing there. "Dr. Dankworth needs to see you." As soon as Judas stood up, the warden checked if the chains around his wrists were tight enough before allowing him to walk ahead. Everyone stared at the judge as he walked down the stairs with the tall warden right behind him. They always judged him due to his looks ever since his true identity was revealed. They always called him names, specifically 'Snowflake', due to his snow white hair - which was by now caked in filth. He felt so dirty. He's been wearing the same thing for the last few weeks; loose white ruffled shirt with his own blood and sweat covered all over it, white breeches with socks, and very uncomfortable and worn out black buckle shoes. Judas felt a small tug on his hair from one of the inmates as he walked by, but he didn't acknowledge it. Joseph taught him that; never acknowledge them, it just makes things worse.

"Turn that way." Judas saw the warden pointing toward one of the dark corridors that he's never been in before. He's never even seen any of the other inmates go this way either. He was sure it was forbidden for them to anyway. Judas could hear the sounds of his chains echoing through the long corridor. He felt so confused. Why was he going this way? Why would the doctor be over here? When he felt the warden's hand settle on his shoulder, he stopped.

"You made the right choice coming down here, Your Honor."

The feeling of something hard and cold hit the side of his head. Judas wasn't even able to fall to the ground because the warden had such a strong grip on his arm. His exhausted purple eyes looked up to see the doctor standing there with a hammer in hand. When he noticed the white hair and purple eyes, he smiled. "Hey, you're that... Caspian Wolfgang's son, aren't you? You look exhausted. Let's take a break, huh?" The doctor motioned for the warden to help Judas up and help guide him through the halls. Dankworth stayed ahead of the two, looking left and right from time to time as they went through the long corridor that turned corners at the most... odd times. The hallways felt so long. Eventually they had gotten out of the dark corridor and ended up going to the 2nd floor. "You know, I love the air up here at night. Are you uncomfortable? You want these chains off you at all?" Judas nodded and stuck out his hands, but the doctor only stared at him with a sympathetic look. "No? Okay." The warden chuckled at Judas' shocked and angry expression. 

Judas brought his hands back down when they had made it to the 2nd floor. This part of the jail (more like prison) seemed more like it was made for the... mentally ill. Some were strapped to their beds in their cells, some were banging their heads against the wall, some were just screaming or whispering to themselves. The list could go on. "Kill me... kill me..." Judas only merely glanced at the inmate that was trying to reach out towards him. The doctor was shushing one of the screaming inmates up ahead. "You weren't putting that tongue to any use anyway!" Dankworth pointed out that the inmate no longer had his tongue. Rather, it looked like it had been cut clean off. "Truth be told, I was just tired of licking my own envelopes." Judas cringed at the doctor's sickening smile. 

Before they knew it, they had made it to a room with one chair in the middle. "Here we are then." The warden pushed Judas down onto the chair and strapped down both of his legs to the chair. He also strapped down Judas' wrists to the chair with his chains before he stepped away and stayed near the door. When the judge attempted to wriggle free, the doctor clasped his hands together and stood in front of the young man. "You know I'm a bit worried how much time you've been spending with Joseph. I-I know... I hope you haven't been letting him confuse you with all this.. 'hopefully we'll get out' talk." Judas' breathing quickened when Dankworth was looking through medical tools. Specifically the sharp ones. He felt sick to his stomach and the fear was present in his eyes. "No offense to the man, but I sometimes worry he might be a little bit... crazy." Again, the doctor flashed Judas a smile when he had brought some type of scalpel up to his throat before putting it down. 

"It's understandable, people get scared, they're as likely to turn to God as if anything else. God isn't a thing around here anymore. We have our own faith around here." Judas watched the doctor walk away when he spotted something that was behind the scared man. "You have to believe in this faith now, there's no other way. Murder is a simple form, but what happens when no one is believing? Well, murder becomes a matter of faith. And that's what I'm here for. To make you believe." When the doctor came back around, he adjusted the small chains in his hands. The judge's breathing became heavy and quick when he noticed the little hook on both ends of the two small chains. Judas felt the warden's hands force his head to tilt to the side before he felt something sharp getting pierced into his neck. He screamed, cried, cursed, tried to move his head away, and tried to move his arms and legs but it all worked to no avail. He felt tears prick at his eyes when it was done. "Are you paying attention? Don't pass out on us! There's still a lot for you to absorb!" Dankworth tugged on the chain on Judas' neck a few times, which he got a few hisses and insults from, but it did earn him a smile. 

"Not so much fun being treated how your father was, is it, Judas?!"
"... no."

Dankworth rolled up Judas' right sleeve and made sure that it would stay up. Judas pleadingly shook his head at Dankworth, but he didn't acknowledge it. The warden came back with a fire poker holding the 2nd chain - the one that was smaller in length than the one that was now stabbed into Judas' neck. Judas was starting to panic when he saw that the chain's metal was so hot that it was orange.

That was going to hurt... badly.

The doctor held Judas' right arm still just so that he wouldn't move. "Y-your all fucked in the head! I will see you bastards in Hell!" The warden first, with a gloved hand, stabbed the blazing hot hook into Judas' arm before wrapping the hot chain around his arm as quickly as possible so that Judas wouldn't have time to catch a break. Judas could feel the hot metal burning his flesh and settling on his arm. He never allowed the tears to fall down his cheeks, however. He clenched his teeth and tilted his head back, clenching his fists. "There. Better now, right? Do you understand what we achieved here?" The doctor gently took a strand of Judas' hair and ripped a few strands out. "Next we'll take your eyes." He commented, shoving the few - barely even visible - pieces of hair into his pocket. The warden escorted himself and the doctor out before they closed the door. Judas let out one more pained cry before he took a look at his arm.

The sound of a woman's giggling could be heard from behind him before two white gloved hands rested on his shoulders. Judas didn't have to look up to see who it was.

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