Requested: ~Autumn~ Haytham Bishop & Samuel Ludwig Headcannons

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Scott Street Slowed Down
By: Phoebe Bridgers

Request (made by a close friend): I would love to see Haytham and Samuel fall headcannons if that's okay! And I've always imagined those two being in the 1930's, I don't know why, but I could just seem them together in that era

1930's Haytham Bishop and Samuel Ludwig? Okay then, I'll try my best with this one!


- Well, Haytham's favourite season is actually fall (and spring and winter)

- Samuel likes that Haytham always snuggles up to him when it's extremely cold in the house

- Samuel's hands are usually warm all the time, so when Haytham's hands are cold, he always asks if he can hold Samuel's hands

- Haytham loves Samuel's car, a morris minor. And during the fall, when Hedwig was never really home, Haytham and Sam would drive by and smash up his mailbox or shake his tree so that he'd have to rake up all the leaves

- Sometimes Samuel would catch Haytham picking up dead leaves and playing with them in his hands (or when he'd walk by a tree, he'd snatch a couple leaves off it, thinking no one would notice)

- Haytham and Samuel wearing a beige coloured trench coat? Yes
(Art of this down below)

"Did you rake up the leaves into a big pile again?"
"... Haytham no."

- Samuel loves seeing Haytham get excited when the trees colours start changing

- Stealing Hedwig's cane and hiding it in big piles of leaves is their favourite thing to do when getting the chance to pester Hedwig

- Out of the two, Haytham is more of the suspenders wearing type during this season

- Another reason why Haytham enjoys the fall is because he can wear his trench coat and 'baggy' clothes because he's very insecure about his skinny figure but Samuel really likes it, always telling Haytham that it suits him

- These two like going out to the parks and sitting at benches with tea (Samuel is more of a coffee person)

- Their neighbour, a WW1 veteran, Hugo Verlice, always waves and smiles at the two when he sees them together. Sometimes he'll rake up their yard when they're both busy as well (weren't expecting that, were you? XD)

- Driving through London together is a must as well!

- Going on the train and going past all the different coloured trees is so comforting to the two

- If it snows during the fall, Samuel usually has to give up his gloves to Haytham since he always forgets to wear his

- During Thanksgiving, Haytham makes sure no one's looking before sneaking drinks and other foods into his coat

- Haytham does end up having to make pumpkin pie for Samuel, even though he doesn't like it himself, he still takes the time to do it

- Listening to the radio is something they also do together quite often

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