~Pressing Blame & Guilt~ General Verlice

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The date of the massacre in the village was on September 9th, 1775. Keep in mind these dates can change in the Project VERLICE book since these are just small teasers of what you'll be seeing


September 13th, 1775

Robert placed his last letter inside the envelope and stamped down the wax seal. His eyes drifted upwards when he heard Hugo's footsteps approaching his desk. "What has happened here?" Robert placed his chin in the palm of his hand. "I don't know what you mean." Hugo raised the piece of paper that was in his hand. An envelope. "My money, half my troops, gone! Ever since that village massacre a few days ago." Robert sighed and put away his quill. "Money gets stolen all the time, Hugo. It eventually strikes all of us, even those with an Army." Hugo watched the Major General get out of his seat and dig through his bookshelf, looking for something. "You intend to give me money and more men?" Robert glanced over his shoulder for a moment. "No. I do not." Hugo sighed in frustration, slamming the empty envelope on the desk.

"Then I'll figure it out on my own then. Your help is not necessary." Robert picked out the book he wanted and held it in his hands, close to his chest. He looked Hugo up and down. "That has been made very clear to me." Ever since he and Henry threatened to kill Hugo for an Act of Treason when he wasn't taking part in the village massacre, Hugo has been a bit distant with the two. But Robert decided to push Hugo a little over his edge a bit. "Are you aware that your missing troops are dead?" Robert watched the shocked look take over on Hugo's face. "They should be at least." Robert placed his hands behind his back. "No.. did you-" Robert instantly cut Hugo off. "What reason could I possibly have for doing that? Was it because all of them were traitors against you and their country?" Hugo shook his head. He felt sick to his stomach. Oh, if he had known before he would have... well, he doesn't really know what he would have done, really. "I do not have to stand for this." Robert rubbed his forehead. He knew exactly why Hugo was more angry about this than ever.

"Another Major General killed Alexander and-"
"But why did you not stop them?!"
"As if I could! It was not my decision to attack that village, it was yours!"

Robert pushed a finger against Hugo's chest. But Hugo looked horrified. "Is it high time you start taking responsibility for your actions." Hugo pushed Robert back a bit, getting him out of his face. He, too, stepped back. "My men... all dead. Every single time you interfere! Failures like you cause these problems!" Hugo turned on his heel and was about to take his leave, but Robert grabbed him by the arm. "You are not going anywhere. I know where your men are." Hugo death glared at Robert. "Stay out of my way, old man." Robert sadly sighed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I gave you everything, and yet it's never enough." Out of nowhere, and perhaps right on time, Gabriel ran into the office tent. His big eyes were wider than ever.

"General! He intends to send you towards another ambush!"
"Seize him!"
"He wants you to go looking for those lost men! That's what he wants! He wants you to do that so Captain Lawless can kill you and the rest of your remaining troops!"

Hugo lifted his head to where Robert stood - near the entrance of his tent, ready to run if necessary. "This is all your fault, Verlice. You started this whole ordeal." Gabriel stood by his General's side, reaching for the dagger Hugo had given him in case of emergencies. He even gave one to some of his other men that he favoured. "You'll die soon, General. Mark my Goddamn words!" Both men silently stood there and watched the Major General leave with a huff. Making sure Gabriel didn't notice, Hugo wiped a stray tear from his eyes.

"All your fault... this IS all your fault."

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