Requested: ~Swapped Places~ Gold Watchers

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Louis is swapped with Hugo
Judas is swapped with Haytham


"Hugo, wake up. You slept in."
"Wrong room..."

Louis muttered under his breath. He swung his legs over the bed and stood up. And... why was he in Hugo's room? Louis' room was a little bigger than this and he definitely didn't have a portrait of Lucille and the General in his room at all. But why was he here? Did he sleepwalk here by accident? And where was Hugo? Louis thought that he would most likely wait for the General to wake up and tell him how he ended up in this room in the middle of the "night". He went to scratch his right cheek with a slow and careful hand but something was off. He didn't have that musket ball wound in his cheek anymore! Did Malak finally decide to give him a break and get rid of it?! Well, thank God for that! Now he can finally walk around without having to worry about being pointed at! He jumped out of the bed and went over to the handheld mirror that sat at the desk. When he picked it up to observe what he looked like now, he almost dropped the mirror.

"What the hell.. is this?!" His eyes went wide and he covered his mouth with one hand. He didn't sound like himself either! He slammed the handheld mirror back onto the desk and marched toward the door - while also muttering to himself. How could this happen?! Who let this happen?! He opened the door with a harsh tug and immediately stepped out into the hall.

"I'm right here..."

Louis turned around to... well, see himself, really. "What has happened?" Louis uttered, looking "Hugo" up and down. "I have the exact same question." Hugo smirked. "God, this is what you sound like? Quite annoying." Louis sneered at the "General". "As if you sound any better! This stupid posh accent has me cringing." The two military men both turned their attention down the hall to see Haytham staring down at his hands with his mouth left slightly agape. When he noticed the two, he gasped and ran over to them. "You will not believe what is happening!!" Haytham noticed the angry look on Hugo's face while Louis looked happy to see the young Watcher. "I'm Haytham, right? But I'm not really Haytham!" Hugo and Louis shared a look. It seemed like they caught on instantly to what was going on. "Who are you really then?" Hugo crossed his arms.

Haytham smiled wide. "Judas bloody Wolfgang!" Louis 'oh'd and looked the Watcher up and down before smirking to himself. "The downside is that I'm short. But the best part about this is that I don't have to deal with those chains anymore! It's so nice to get a break from those damn things! You both have no idea." Hugo perked up at this. "But.. where's Haytham if you aren't him?" Judas' smile dropped and he glanced over his shoulder. "He's me but... I thought he was right behind me when we found each other." Louis raised a brow at this and looked left and right. "Where do you think he could have gone?" Judas ignored the question and eyed the two in a questioning manner. He pointed at them both with both hands. "You two have also been swapped, haven't you?"


Judas stifled a giggle when he saw Haytham nervously sit down at his seat at the end of the table. This was going to be a bit challenging, especially because no one else knew what was going on. And he knew Haytham would feel horrible when he has to throw a daily insult in at somebody during breakfast. However, Louis and Hugo were both missing - saying how they had to get ready.

Eventually, everybody had made it to the table but the Captain and General were still gone. Judas was a little worried about this. Hopefully they haven't gotten into a fight. Haytham noticed the tension and cleared his throat. "Does anyone know where Hugo and Louis could be?" Hedwig shook his head. Judas gave Haytham a smile who gave one in return, but it was more subtle. Suddenly, the doors opened and in came Louis and Hugo. "Here we are!" Louis chimed, watching Hugo furrow his brows and have an irritated look come upon his face. When Hugo noticed the look Haytham and Judas he bit his lip to stop himself from breaking out of character. Louis took a few steps back and wrapped an arm around Hugo, a "sweet" smile forming on his face. "I love everybody! Even my good friend Louis here!"

Pierre and Hedwig slowly turned their heads to look at each other. It seemed like everybody saw the weird contact. But then again, you couldn't miss it. Hugo pushed Louis away and marched to his seat. "Hey! What's for breakfast? I probably won't eat it because I'm not in the mood right now." Louis had to admit, this was a little funny to him. Hugo was right on this idea - it would be hilarious. When Hugo sat down at his seat, Louis grabbed one of his loose strands of hair near his face and twirled it around in his finger. "I used to teach children how to read and I was tricked by an American who posed as a British Major General. And I'm kind of an idiot-" That was it. Louis broke out into a fit of laughter, banging his fist on the table, causing Heinrich's glass of wine to splatter all over his clothes. Heinrich sighed and grabbed a napkin, even though he knew it would be useless. 

"Zumindest kommen sie miteinander klar (At least they are getting along)."

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